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38. Starring Role: Hollywood’s Love Affair with Toyota Prius Continues // GM Inside News. – 2005. – October 13. – URL: http://www.gminsidenews.com/forums/f12/hollywoods-love-affair-toyotas-prius-continues-21170/.

39. Kenrick Douglas. Sex, Murder, and the Meaning of Life // Psychology Today. – 2010. – February 15. – URL: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sex-murder-and-the-meaning-life/201002/want-show-your-wealth-and-status-buy-hybrid.

40. Maynard Micheline. Say ‘Hybrid’ and Many People Will Hear ‘Prius’.

41. Cooper Arnie. The Highway to Enlightenment / Mother Jones. – 2002. – January 1.

42. Prothero Stephen. Buddha Chic // Salon. – 1997. – May 24. – URL: http://www.salon.com/may97/news/news970524.html.

43. См. URL: http://lasermonks.com.

44. Cistercian Monks Jesus Ink Business / Unusual Business Ideas That Work. – 2006. – April 10. – URL: http://uncommonbusiness.blogspot.com/2006/04/cistercian-monks-jesus-ink-business.html.

45. См. URL: http://www.intentionalchocolate.com/.

46. См. URL: http://www.ehalal.org/quranverses.html.

47. Power Carla. Halal: Buying Muslim // Time. – 2009. – May 25.

48. Ibid.

49. Miller Lisa. 4 Sale: Bones of the Saints // Newsweek. – 2008. – February 11.

50. Ibid.

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53. Ibid.

54. Bogan Jesse. America’s Biggest Megachurches // Forbes. – 2009. – June 26.

55. Ibid.

56. Ibid.

Глава 9. Они слышат каждый ваш вздох

1. Your Own Private Matrix // Economist. – 2004. – November 4. – URL: http://www.economist.com/node/17388382.

2. Data Mining Is Big Business for Kroger & Getting Bigger All the Time // KY Post. – 2010. – May 27. – URL: http://www.kypost.com/dpp/news/region_central_cincinnati/downtown/data-mining-is-big-business-for-kroger-%26-getting-bigger-all-the-time.

3. Clifford Stephanie. Web Coupons Know Lots About You, and They’ll Tell // New York Times. – 2010. – April 16. – URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/17/business/media/17coupon.html?ref-general&src=me&pagewanted=print.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Eunjung Cha Ariana. Digital Coupons Help Stores Get More Info About You // Houston Chronicle. – 2010. – July 4. – URL: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/business/7094186.html.

7. Ibid.

8. Robertson Jordan. Apps Secretly Sharing Personal Data with Third parties – Without Telling You // Huffington Post. – 2010. – July 28. – URL: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/29/apps-secretly-sharing-per_n_662886.html.

9. Ibid.

10. Ibid.

11. Ibid.

12. Duhigg Charles. What Does Your Credit Card Company Know About You? // New York Times. – 2009. – May 12. – URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/17/magazine/17credit-t.html.

13. Ibid.

14. Prater Connie. What You Buy, Where You Shop May Affect Credit // CreditCards.com. – URL: http://www.creditcards.com/credit-card-news/how-shopping-can-affect-credit-1282.php.

15. Ibid.

16. Stone Brad. The Debt Trap // New York Times. – 2008. – October 21.

17. Ibid.

18. См. URL: http://www.alcmilestones.com/new-movers-homeowners-lists.php.

19. Ibid.

20. Varnon Rob. Bank Pays Millions to Yale to Market Its Credit Cards // Connecticut Post. – 2010. – June 7. – URL: http://www.ctpost.com/local/article/Bank-pays-millions-to-Yale-to-market-its-credit-514988.php.

21. Ibid.

22. Ibid.

23. Inside the Deals: Contracts Allow Credit Card Marketing to Students / Huffington Post Investigative Fund. – 2010. – June 8. – URL: http://huffpostfund.org/stories/pages/inside-deals-contracts-allow-credit-card-marketing-students.

24. Collier Kenneth, Carey Bernard, Grusy Ellen, Marjaniemi Kurt, Sauter Donald. A Perspective on Data Mining / Center for Data Insight at Northern Arizona University. – 1998. – July. – URL: http://insight.nau.edu/downloads/DM%20Perspective%20v2.pdf.

25. Kinsey Jean D., Wolfson Paul, Katsaras Nikolaos, Senauer Ben. Data Mining: A Segmentation Analysis of U.S. Grocery Shoppers (working paper 01/01, Food Industry Center). – University of Minnesota, 2001. – URL: http://purl.umn.edu/14335.

26. См. URL: http://www.thomascookmands.com/.

27. Watching as You Shop // Economist. – 2007. – December 6. – URL: http://www.economist.com/node/10202778?story_id=10202778.

28. См. URL: http://www.tns-sorensen.com/documents/11.3b1MKT_Retail%20PTBroch.pdf.

29. Hagenbaugh Barbara. Musak Thinks Outside the Box // USA Today. – 2004. – August 5. – URL: http://www.usatoday.com/money/media/2004-08-05-muzak-cover_x.htm.

30. McRaney David. Musak / You Are Not So Smart. – 2009. – October 26. – URL: http://youarenotsosmart.com/2009/10/26/muzak/.

31. Ibid.

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33. См. URL: http://www.predicta.net/home_html.php.

34. Naone Erica. Software Helps Websites Predict Users’ Tastes / Technology Review. – 2010. – November 2. – http://www.technologyreview.com/web/26664/?nlid=3714.

35. Ibid.

36. Mims Christopher. Wired.com and Huffington Post Amongst List of Privacy-Invading Websites // Technology Review. – 2010. – December 3. – URL: http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/mimssbits/26098/?nlid=3846.

37. Ibid.

38. CDD, U.S. PIRG, Consumer Watchdog, and World Privacy Forum Call on FTC to Investigate Interactive Marketing of Pharmaceuticals and Health Products and Services to Consumers and Health Professionals / Center for Digital Democracy. – 2010. – November 23; http://www.democraticmedia.org/2010-11-16-press-release.

39. См. URL: http://www.facebook.com/policy.php.

40. Steel Emily, Fowler Geoffrey A. Facebook in Privacy Breach // Wall Street Journal. – 2010. – October 18. – URL: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304772804575558484075236968.html.

41. Helft Miguel. Marketers Can Glean Private Data on Facebook // New York Times. – 2010. – October 22.

42. Gelles David. Facebook’s Grand Plan for the Future / Financial Times Magazine. – 2010. – December 3. – URL: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/57933bb8-fcd9-11df-ae2d-00144feab49a.html#axzz18cUiyVDF.

43. http://foursquare.com/legal/privacy.

44. Ibid.

45. Bakos Yannis, Marotta-Wurgler Florencia, Trossen David R. Does Anyone Read the Fine Print? Testing a Law and Economics Approach to Standard Form Contracts (working paper, New York University Law and Economics Working Papers). – 2009. – December 1. – URL: http://lsr.nellco.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1199&context=nyu_lewp.

46. Germany Calls on Apple to Expose Location Data Policy // iPod News. – URL: http://www.ipodnn.com/articles/10/06/28/company.failing.to.live.up.to.openness/.

47. 7,500 Online Shoppers Unknowingly Sold Their Souls / Fox News. – 2010. – April 15. – URL: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/04/15/online-shoppers-unknowingly-sold-souls/.

48. См. URL: http://www.kidswb.com/privacy.

49. Millan Mark. 82 Percent of Kids under 2 Have an Online Presence // CNN.com. – 2010. – October. – URL: http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/social.media/10/07/baby.pictures/index.html.

50. Ibid.

51. Singer Natasha. Shoppers Who Can’t Have Secrets // New York Times. – 2010. – May 1. – URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/02/business/02stream.html.

От автора

Насколько я могу судить, у каждого из нас есть три капитала. Первый, как известно большинству людей в мире, – это банковский счет и кредитные карты, дающие доступ к нашим деньгам. Второй – личный «капитал бренда», с помощью которого мы активно обновляем и улучшаем себя. Он так же важен, как и наш третий капитал, который я называю «исследовательским», подразумевая под ним время, период или состояние сознания, когда мы учимся, работаем над собой или просто строим планы развития… или улучшения капитала своего бренда. Когда последний раз вы находили время на развитие своих врожденных способностей? Уверен, и не вспомните.

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