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Большая восьмерка: цена вхождения - Анатолий Уткин

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531 Cortright D. Peace Works: The Citizen's Role in Ending the Cold War. Boulder, 1993.

532 Why the Cold War Ended. Westport, 1995, p.l 17.

533 Wright J. The End of the Cold War: The Brezhnev Doctrine («Why the Cold War Ended». Westport, 1995, p.47).

534 Holmes L Post-communism. N.Y, 1997, p.29.

535 Mason D. Revolution in East-Central Europe: The.Rise and Fall of Communism and the Cold War. Boulder. 1992.

536 Kaiser R. Why Gorbachev Happened: His Triumphs, His Failure, and His Fall. NY, 1992, p. 11–3.

537 «Washington Post», December 26,1991, p. A33-

538 Taber Ch. Poli: An Expert System Model of US Foreign Policy Beliefs Systems. («American Political Science Review», December 1992, p. 888–904.

539 Holmes L Op. cit.,p.25.

540 Carter A. Success and Failure in Arms Control Negotiations. Oxford, 1989, p.2()5-227.

541 Matlock J. Autopsy of an Empire. The American Ambassador's Account of the Collapse of the Soviet Union. New York: Random House, 1995, p. 671.

542 Garthoff R. The Great Transition. American-Soviet Relations and the End of the Cold War. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1994, p. 775.

543 Turpin J. Gorbachev, the Peace Movement, and the Death of Lenin («Why the Cold War Ended*. 1995, p.47).

544 Kaiser R. Why Gorbachev Happened: Oberdorfer D. Initiation of Change, Gorbachev among Century's Greatest («Washington Post», December 26,1991, p. A33).

545 Brzezinski Zb. The Cold War and Aftermath («Foreign Affairs», 1994, N 4, p.46).

546 Matlock J. Autopsy of an Empire. The American Ambassador's Account of the Collapse of the Soviet Union. New York: Random House, 1995, p. 655.

547 Matlock J. Autopsy of an Empire. The American Ambassador's Account of the Collapse of the Soviet Union. New York: Random House, 1995. p. 656.

548 Matlock J. Autopsy of an Empire. The American Ambassador's Account of the Collapse of the Soviet Union. New York: Random House, 1995, p. 665.

549 Sestanovich S. Did the West Undo the East? («The National Interest», Spring 1993, p. 26–34).

550 Rush M.Fortuna and Fate («The National Interest»). Spring 1994, p.40.

551 Lebow R., Stein J. We All Lost the Cold War. Ottawa, 1994.

552 Gaddis J.L The United States and the End of the Cold War: Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations. N.Y., 1992, p. 156.

553 Von Laue. Op. cit, p. 316.

554 Huntington S. Op. cit., p. 142

555 «The Economist», December 12, 1998, p.35.

556 «The Economist», December 12,1998, p.35.

557 Odom W. Russia's several seats at the table («International Affairs», N 4, 1998, p. 813).

558 Ibid., p. 813.

559 Ibid, p.814.

Уткин Анатолий Иванович


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