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Cyprus during the Frankish Period,» in The Development of the Cypriot Economy: From the Prehistoric Period to the Present Day, ed. Vassos Karageorghis and Demetris Michaelides (Nicosia: Printed by Lithographica, 1996), 168; Ashtor, Levant Trade, 39.

12 Luttrell, «The Sugar Industry,» 166.

13 Ellen Herscher, «Archaeology in Cyprus,» American Journal of Archaeology 102 (1998): 351–352; Marie-Louise von Wartburg, «The Medieval Cane Sugar Industry in Cyprus: results of Recent Excavation,» Antiquaries Journal 63, no. 2 (1983): 304, 309, 312, 313.

14 Darra Goldstein, The Oxford Companion to Sugar and Sweets (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), 767.

15 Stuart J.Borsch, The Black Death in Egypt and England: A Comparative Study (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2010), 24.

16 Labib, Handelsgeschichte, 421.

17 Ashtor, Levant Trade, 102, 131–132.

18 Walker, «Mamluk Investment,» 249; John L.Meloy, «Imperial Strategy and Political Exigency: The Red Sea Spice Trade and the Mamluk Sultanate in the Fifteenth Century,» Journal of The American Oriental Society 123, no. 1 (2003): 5.

19 Nelly Hanna, Artisan Entrepreneurs in Cairo and Early-Modern Capitalism (1600–1800) (New York: Syracuse University Press, 2011), 44.

20 Ronald Findlay and Kevin H.O’Rourke, Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009), 132.

21 Ibn-al-‘Auwām, Le Livre de l’Agriculture par…, trans. J.J.Clément-Mullet, vol. 1 (Paris: Albert L.Hérold, 1864), 365–367.

22 Ouerfelli, Le sucre, 180, 192–194; Adela Fábregas García, Producción y comercio de azúcar en el Mediterráneo medieval: El ejemplo del reino de Granada (Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2000), 151–163.

23 Ouerfelli, Le sucre, 25.

24 Stefan R.Epstein, An Island for Itself: Economic Development and Social Change in Late Medieval Sicily (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), 210–215; Carmelo Trasselli, Storia dello Zucchero siciliano (Caltanissetta, Italy: S. Sciascia, 1982), 115–174.

25 Mohammed Ouerfelli, «L’impact de la production du sucre sur les campagnes méditerranéennes à la fin du Moyen Âge,» Revue des Mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée, no. 126 (2012): para. 34.

26 Ashtor, «Levantine Sugar Industry,» 246–257. Аштор объясняет более низкую цену лучшей технологией помола, но это основано на неверной интерпретации сицилийской trapetto как мельницы с тремя валками, когда на самом деле это была бегунковая мельница.

27 Aloys Schulte, Geschichte der Großen Ravensburger Handelsgesellschaft, 1380–1530, 2 vols. (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1923), 1:17, 21, 31.

28 Schulte, Geschichte der Großen Ravensburger, 2:176–177.

29 Stern et al., «Sugar Production,» 109.

30 Alberto Vieira, «The Sugar Economy of Madeira and the Canaries, 1450–1650,» in Tropical Babylons: Sugar and the Making of the Atlantic World, 1450–1680, ed. Stuart B.Schwartz (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004), 65.

31 Juan Manuel Bello León and Mariá Del Cristo Gonzáles Marrero, «Los ‘otros extranjeros’ catalanes, flamencos, franceses e ingleses en la sociedad canaria de los siglos XV y XVI,» Revista de Historia Canaria 179 (1997): 11–72; 180 (1998): 16, 55–64.

32 Ouerfelli, Le sucre, 51–52; Stern et al., «Sugar Production,» 99.

33 Luttrell, «The Sugar Industry,» 166; von Wartburg, «The Medieval cane Sugar Industry,» 301.

34 Jason W.Moore, «Madeira, Sugar, and the Conquest of Nature in the ‘First’ Sixteenth Century, Part II: From Regional Crisis to Commodity Frontier, 1506–1530,» Review (Fernand Braudel Center) 33, no. 1 (2010): 11–13; Stefan Halikowski Smith, «The Mid-Atlantic Islands: A Theatre of Early Modern Ecocide?» International Review of Social History 55, suppl. 18 (2010): 65–67; Vieira, «The Sugar Economy of Madeira,» 45.

35 María Luisa Frabellas, «La producción de azúcar en Tenerife,» Revista de Historia (Tenerife) 18, no. 100 (1952): 466: Vieira, «The Sugar Economy of Madeira,» 45; Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, The Canary Islands after the Conquest: The Making of a Colonial Society in the Early Sixteenth Century (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981), 65, 91, 106.

36 Frabellas, «La producción de azúcar,» 456; J.H.Galloway, The Sugar Cane Industry: An Historical Geography from its Origins to 1914 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), 57.

37 von Wartburg, «The Medieval Cane Sugar Industry,» 314n.22.

38 Ouerfelli, «L’impact,» paras. 14–15, 20, 22, 27; Fernandez-Armesto, The Canary Islands, 97–98.

39 Ouerfelli, Le sucre, 270–271.

40 Vieira, «The Sugar Economy of Madeira,» 75. Об экологических проблемах, которые сопутствовали производству сахара на атлантических островах, см.: Halikowski Smith, «The Mid-Atlantic Islands,» 63–67.

41 Ritter, Über die geographische, 103; M.Akif Erdoğru, «The Servants and Venetian Interest in Ottoman Cyprus in the Late Sixteenth and the Early Seventeenth Centuries,» Quaderni di Studi Arabi 15 (1997): 104–105.

42 Ouerfelli, Le sucre, 23–24; Jacqueline Guiral-Hadziiossif, «La diffusion et la production de la canne à sucre: XIIIe – XIVe siècles,» Anuario de Estudios Medievales / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 24 (1994): 225–226; Sato, Sugar in the Social Life, 38.

43 Ouerfelli, Le sucre, 126–127; Luttrell, «The Sugar Industry,» 167. Есть упоминание о тысячах рабов на королевских сахарных плантациях Кипра, но без дополнительных подтверждений оно не выглядит слишком правдоподобным. Benjamin Arbel, «Slave Trade and Slave Labor in Frankish Cyprus (1191–1571),» in Cyprus, The Franks and Venice, 13th–16th Centuries, ed. Benjamin Arbel (Aldershot, England: Variorum, 2000), 161.

44 Ouerfelli, «L’impact,» para. 8. Сато также отрицает присутствие рабов в сахарной отрасли в Марокко. Sato, Sugar in the Social Life, 39. См. также: David Abulafia, «Sugar in Spain,» European Review 16, no. 2 (2008): 198.

45 Fernandez-Armesto, The Canary Islands, 202.

46 Sidney W.Mintz, Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History (Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1986), 78.

47 Paul D.Buell, «Eurasia, Medicine and Trade: Arabic Medicine in East Asia – How It Came to Be There and How It Was Supported, Including Possible Indian Ocean Connections for the Supply of Medicinals,» in Early Global Interconnectivity across the Indian Ocean World, vol. 2, Exchange of Ideas, Religions, and Technologies, ed. Angela Schottenhammer (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), 270–293.

48 Woodruff D.Smith, Consumption and the Making of Respectability, 1600–1800 (London: Routledge, 2002), 266n.84; Edmund Oskar von Lippmann, Geschichte des Zuckers: Seit den ältesten Zeiten bis zum Beginn der Rübenzucker-Fabrikation: ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte (Berlin: Springer, 1929), 274–275.

49 Ouerfelli, Le sucre, 587; Sato, Sugar in the Social Life, 92–94.

50 Перевод автора. Lippmann, Geschichte des Zuckers, 245–254, 290.

51 Lady Fawcett, Charles Fawcett, and Richard Burn, The

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