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Tarot Magic - Petr Krylov

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class="p1">For different levels, the explanations below don’t encompass all possible options. A more detailed discussion can be found in Avessalom Podvodniy books.

Once split, by power level, into 10 nominal numerals (actually, dimensions), the elements allow objects to be symbolized in symbol — numeral form.

For example, a house as a brick shape is the Four of Earth.

A house as a work of art is the Nine of Earth.

A house as a linkage system is the Six of Earth.

If the house is one of ill repute, we’re talking about a system of interactions between feelings and a system of pecuniary exchanges — that is, the Six of Water and the Six of Earth.

If the house is one under construction, it’s the Nine of Fire.

That is, how symbolic the description of an object is depends, first of all, on what vantage point and level you look at it from.

This is something that is absolutely essential for Kabbalah, Tarot, fortune telling, and stalking.

And that’s where novice stalkers and fortune tellers make their mistake. If they overlook it, making do with to the standard meanings of the symbols, they may hit a dead end pretty fast.

At the same time, voicing the meaning of a symbol is often hardly possible because multidimensional holographic objects are difficult to express through small-dimensional speech.

This difficulty is usually overcome with succinct verbal images and poems.

Chapter 12. The giver the taker, and someone else, or how to split the bottle three waysin stalking

The previous chapter categorized the power of the primal energy elements, using the numerals 1 through 10. But, actually, the power is measured in dimensions. Here’s an analogy: The threads in a spider’s web are almost identical since each is in fact a single molecule that can’t be any thinner or thicker than it is. As the chemistry of the thread — and therefore its thickness — cannot change and as spiders come in various weights, having to vary the amount of the material they spend, they solve the problem by simply weaving several threads (from one to six or more) together into one when necessary. That’s exactly the way the dimension of a primal energy element determines the extent to which it manifests itself.

But the dimension of the element in question also depends on what angle the observer looks at it from: when seen from the side, a train looks longer and more impressive than it does when you zoom in on the locomotive’s front bumper coming your way at 55 miles per hour (in that case, you can only see the locomotive). So, paradoxically, the way the world appears to you depends on what angle you look at it from (and that’s the secret of the famous Zeland secret). You wouldn’t be surprised that a pencil would look different to you if you turned it before your eyes. Or that you can’t see the inimitable smile on the Lenin statue’s face when you look at the statue’s ass.

To sum up, objects are classifiable depending heavily on the angle and level of observation. At this point, another significant class presents itself, depending on whether the citizen in question is the donor or the patient of the primal element.

1. The donor of energy corresponds to the King card, and it symbolizes the Yang aspect of the primal element. Its structure looks like the letter I.

2. The patient, or the absorber or the accumulator, of energy corresponds to the Queen card. It symbolizes the Yin aspect of Creation or the mirrored (cause- and principle-wise) reflection of the King. This is the Personality or the curvature point of space that makes one circle around the primal element (because of the local enactment of the Law of the Mirror), curling up into a ring — falling asleep — to find oneself on the other side of the mirror. The structure looks like the letter O.

3. Given that Yin and Yang interact and penetrate each other both in terms of energy and structures, there is also an intermediate variety. This variety has both the Yang and Yin structures. It’s a kind of androgyne or a hermaphrodite as far as its manifestation is concerned. Its structure looks like the letter Q or Y. The card used to be called the Knight, but now, given that the representatives of reason on Earth are no longer hermaphrodites but strictly male and female because of polarized thinking, the qualification is in effect unattainable to most (except maybe advanced Zen masters and hermetists). These days it’s no longer an attribute of stalkers or fortune tellers, and it’s longer part of the “common” card deck, because your average, uninitiated user just can’t “see” it in the world. Another name for the card is the Horseman (or Rider).The card is intriguing, and it can serve as a key to Transformation since Transformation takes time and there must always be a gate in the wall (for you to go through if you are to get behind the wall), encompassing the Yang and Yin aspects. So this card may come in handy — at least as a gate.

4. There’s also a signaling card that lets you know that power has appeared on the other side (the place behind the mirror). This card serves as a flag, signaling that the place has fallen under the influence of the power, which hangs around either in space or in time. The card is crucial because it indicates whether there is power in the layout.The card is called the Knave (the Page in Tarot). Note that if the Knave is in the right place in the layout interface, facing and heading out the right way, the layout promises magic, opening portals of power, working miracles, making things work out, and so on. But if the Knave — Page is in the wrong place, the magic power will

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