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Dr. Albert Bartens KG, 2008), 457–458.

59 Слова Ашара приводятся в источнике: Baxa and Bruhns, Zucker im Leben, 130.

60 Dubuc, «Of Extracting a Liquid Sugar from Apples and Pears,» Belfast Monthly Magazine 5, no. 28 (1810): 378–379; H.C.Prinsen Geerligs, De Ontwikkeling van het Suikergebruik (Utrecht: De Anti-Suikeraccijnsbond, 1916), 8.

61 Gazette nationale ou le Moniteur universel, 12.03.1810, p. 286; 22.06.1810, p. 684.

62 Wilhelm Stieda, Franz Karl Achard und die Frühzeit der deutschen Zuckerindustrie (Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1928), 44, 46–47, 60–61.

63 M.Aymar-Bression, L’industrie sucrière indigène et son véritable fondateur (Paris: Chez l’Auteur et les principaux Libraries, 1864), 15.

64 Gazette nationale ou le Moniteur universel, 03.01.1812, p. 13.

64 S.L.Jodidi, The Sugar Beet and Beet Sugar (Chicago: Beet Sugar Gazette Company, 1911), 2; H.D.Clout and A.D.M.Phillips, «Sugar-Beet Production in the Nord Département of France during the Nineteenth Century,» Erdkunde 27, no. 2 (1973): 107; Baxa and Bruhns, Zucker im Leben, 135, 138–139.

66 Baha and Bruhns, Zucker im Leben, 149.

67 Napoléon-Louis Bonaparte, Analyse de la Question des Sucres… (Paris: Administration de librairie, 1843), 5.

68 Roland Villeneuve, «Le financement de l’industrie sucrière en France, entre 1815 et 1850,» Revue d’Histoire économique et sociale 38, no. 3 (1960): 293.

69 Aymar-Bression, l’industrie sucrière indigène, 23.

70 Tobias Kuster, «500 Jahre kolonialer Rohrzucker – 250 Jahre europäischer Rübenzucker,» Vierteljahrschrift für Sozialund Wirtschaftsgeschichte (1998): 505; Manfred Pohl, Die Geschichte der Südzucker AG 1926–2001 (Munich: Piper, 2001), 29.

71 Baha and Bruhns, Zucker im Leben, 175–176, 186–187; Stieda, Franz Karl Achard, 165.

72 Susan Smith-Peter, «Sweet Development: The Sugar Beet Industry, Agricultural Societies and Agrarian Transformations in the Russian Empire 1818–1913,» Cahiers du Monde russe 57, no. 1 (2016): 106–107, 120; A. Seyf, «Production of Sugar in Iran in the Nineteenth Century,» Iran 32 (1994): 142.

73 Harvey Washington Wiley, The Sugar-Beet Industry: Culture of the Sugar-Beet and Manufacture of Beet Sugar (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1890), 31.

74 Edward Church, Notices on Beet Sugar: Containing 1st; A Description of the Culture and Preservation of the Plant. 2d; An Explanation of the Process of Extracting Its Sugar… (Northampton, MA: J.H.Butler, 1837), iv; Warner, Sweet Stuff, 88; Torsten A.Magnuson, «History of the Beet Sugar Industry in California,» Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California 11, no. 1 (1918): 72.

75 Church, Notice on the Beet Sugar, 54.

76 Deborah Jean Warner, Sweet Stuff: An American History of Sweeteners from Sugar to Sucralose (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press/Rowman and Littlefield, 2011), 89–90.

77 Matthew C.Godfrey, Religion, Politics, and Sugar: The Mormon Church, the Federal Government, and the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1907–1921 (Logan: Utah State University Press, 2007), 21–24.

78 Leonard J.Arrington, «Science, Government, and Enterprise in Economic Development: The Western Beet Sugar Industry,» Agricultural History 41, no. 1 (1967): 3.

5. Государство и промышленность

1 См.: Conrad Friedrich Stollmeyer, The Sugar Question Made Easy (London: Effingham Wilson, 1845).

2 Ulbe Bosma and Jonathan Curry-Machado, «Two Islands, One Commodity: Cuba, Java, and the Global Sugar Trade (1790–1930),» New West Indian Guide 86, nos. 3–4 (2012): 238–239.

3 Walter Prichard, «Routine on a Louisiana Sugar Plantation under the Slavery Regime,» Mississippi Valley Historical Review 14, no. 2 (1927): 175.

4 Sidney Mintz, «Cañamelar: The Subculture of a Rural Sugar Plantation Proletariat,» in The People of Puerto Rico: A Study in Social Anthropology by Julian Haynes Steward et al. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1956), 337.

5 José Guadalupe Ortega, «Machines, Modernity and Sugar: The Greater Caribbean in a Global Context, 1812–50,» Journal of Global History 9, no. 1 (2014): 10.

6 Franz Carl Achard, D.Angar, and Charles Derosne, Traité complet sur le sucre européen de betteraves: Culture de cette plante considérée sous le rapport agronomique et manufacturier (Paris: chez M. Derosne: chez D.Colas, 1812), viii – x.

7 M.Aymar-Bression, L’industrie sucrière indigène et son vèritable fondateur (Paris: l’Auteur et les principaux Libraries, 1864), 17; J.Flahaut, «Les Derosne, pharmaciens pariciens, de 1779 à 1855,» Revue d’Histoire de la Pharmacie 53, no. 346 (2005): 228.

8 Jean-Louis Thomas, Jean-François Cail: Un acteur majeur de la première révolution industrielle (Chef-Boutonne, France: Association CAIL, 2004), 15–23, 30.

9 Thomas, Jean-François Cail, 37, 85.

10 Ortega, «Machines, Modernity,» 16.

11 J.A.Leon and Joseph Hume, On Sugar Cultivation in Louisiana, Cuba&c. and the British Possessions (London: John Ollivier, 1848), 40–41, 58–60, 65; Nadia Fernández-de-Pinedo, Rafael Castro, and David Pretel, «Technological Transfers and Foreign Multinationals in Emerging Markets: Derosne&Cail in the 19th Century,» Working Paper, Departamento de Análisis Económico, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 2014, 22.

12 Thomas, Jean-François Cail, 92.

13 Hugh Thomas, Cuba; or, the Pursuit of Freedom (London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1971), 117; Ortega, «Machines, Modernity,» 18–19.

14 Ulbe Bosma, The Making of a Periphery: How Island Southeast Asia Became a Mass Exporter of Labor (New York: Columbia University Press, 2019), 75.

15 Margaret Leidelmeijer, Van Suikermolen tot Grootbedrijf: Technische Verniewung in de Java-Suikerindustrie in de Negentiende Eeuw (Amsterdam: NEHA, 1997), 159; AymarBression, L’industrie sucrière indigène, 20–21.

16 Leidelmeijer, Van Suikermolen, 138, 152.

17 Roger C.Knight, Sugar, Steam and Steel: The Industrial Project in Colonial Java, 1830–1850 (Adelaide, Australia: University of Adelaide Press, 2014), 139–141; Ulbe Bosma, «The Cultivation System (1830–1870) and Its Private Entrepreneurs on Colonial Java,» Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 38, no. 2 (2007): 285.

18 Ulbe Bosma and Remco Raben, Being «Dutch» in the Indies: A History of Creolization and Empire, 1500–1920 (Singapore: NUS Press, 2008), 106–124.

19 Great Britain Parliament and House of Commons, The Sugar Question: Being a Digest of the Evidence Taken before the Committee on Sugar and Coffee Plantations… (London: Smith, Elder, 1848), 40; Ulbe Bosma, The Sugar Plantation in India and Indonesia: Industrial Production, 1770–2010 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 67.

20 John Alfred Heitmann, The Modernization of the Louisiana Sugar Industry: 1830–1910 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1987), 33, 35.

21 Lawrence N.Powell, The Accidental City: Improvising New Orleans (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013), 346.

22 Heitmann, The Modernization, 16–19, 42; J.Carlyle Sitterson, Sugar Country: The Cane Sugar Industry

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