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Sugar Plantations of Northeastern Brazil,» Hispanic American Historical Review 51, no. 4 (1971): 591; Jaime Reis, «Abolition and the Economics of Slaveholding in North East Brazil,» Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, no. 17 (1974): 7.

98 Stanley L.Engerman, «Contract Labor, Sugar, and Technology in the Nineteenth Century,» Journal of Economic History 43, no. 3 (1983): 651. Обратите внимание на то, что Энгерман приводит неполную таблицу; в ней. например, отсутствуют данные об экспорте из Индии, Китая и с Филиппин.

99 Alessandro Stanziani, Labor on the Fringes of Empire: Voice, Exit and the Law (Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), 201–202.

100 John Elliott Cairnes, The Slave Power (New York: Carleton, 1862), 46, 137, 142–143.

101 Stuart B.Schwartz, Slaves, Peasants, and Rebels: Reconsidering Brazilian Slavery (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1992), 44–47; Manuel Correia de Andrade, The Land and People of Northeast Brazil (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1980), 64, 66.

102 Schoelcher, Des colonies françaises, 158; Dale Tomich, «Sugar Technology and Slave Labor in Martinique, 1830–1848,» New West Indian Guide 63, nos. 1–2 (1989): 128; David R.Roediger and Elizabeth D.Esch, Production of Difference: Race and the Management of Labor in U.S. History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 43.

103 Roediger and Esch, Production of Difference, 43; Follett, The Sugar Masters, 119–120.

104 Casanovas, «Slavery, the Labour Movement,» 368–369; Daniel Rood, The Reinvention of Atlantic Slavery: Technology, Labor, Race, and Capitalism in the Greater Caribbean (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), 10, 34.

105 Henry Iles Woodcock, A History of Tobago (London: Frank Cass, 1971), 189; Woodville K.Marshall, «Metayage in the Sugar Industry of the British Windward Islands, 1838–1865,» in Caribbean Freedom: Economy and Society from Emancipation to the Present: A Student Reader, ed. Hilary McD. Beckles and Verene Shepherd (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle, 1996), 65, 67, 75–76.

106 Karen S.Dhanda, «Labor and Place in Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad: A Search for a Comparative Unified Field Theory Revisited,» New West Indian Guide 75, nos. 3–4 (2001): 242; Roberts and Byrne, Summary Statistics, 129, 132.

7. Кризис и чудесный тростник

1 О Гонконге см.: Jennifer Lang, «Taikoo Sugar Refinery Workers’ Housing Progressive Design by a Pioneering Commercial Enterprise,» Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch 57 (2017): 130–157.

2 George Martineau, «The Brussels Sugar Convention,» Economic Journal 14 (1904): 34.

3 Klaus J.Bade, «Land oder Arbeit? Transnationale und interne Migration im deutschen Nordosten vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg» (PhD diss., University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, 1979), 277–278.

4 E.Sowers, «An Industrial Opportunity for America,» North American Review 163, no. 478 (1896): 321; George Martineau, «The Statistical Aspect of the Sugar Question,» Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 62, no. 2 (1899): 297.

5 Julius Wolf, Zuckersteuer und Zuckerindustrie in den europäischen Ländern und in der amerikanischen Union von 1882 bis 1885, mit besonderer Rücksichtnahme auf Deutschland und die Steuerreform Daselbst (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1886), 3–4; Martineau, «The Statistical Aspect of the Sugar Question,» 298–300.

6 John Franklin Crowell, «The Sugar Situation in Europe,» Political Science Quarterly 14, no. 1 (1899): 89, 97, 100.

7 César J.Ayala, «Social and Economic Aspects of Sugar Production in Cuba, 1880–1930,» Latin American Research Review 30, no. 1 (1995): 97, 99; Wikipedia, s.v. «Julio de Apezteguía y Tarafa,» дата обращения: 27.01.2022, https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julio_de_Apeztegu%C3%ADa_y_Tarafa.

8 Roger Munting, «The State and the Beet Sugar Industry in Russia before 1914,» in Crisis and Change in the International Sugar Economy 1860–1914, ed. Bill Albert and Adrian Graves (Norwich, England: ISC Press, 1984), 26; Martineau, «The Statistical Aspect of the Sugar Question,» 314; A. Seyf, «Production of Sugar in Iran in the Nineteenth Century,» Iran 32 (1994): 140, 142–143.

9 Em Hromada, Die Entwicklung der Kartelle in der österreichisch-ungarischen Zuckerindustrie (Zurich: Aktien-Buchdruckerei, 1911), 52–99.

10 Martijn Bakker, Ondernemerschap en Vernieuwing: De Nederlandse Bietsuikerindustrie, 1858–1919 (Amsterdam: NEHA, 1989), 119–121, 125–128.

11 R.W.Beachey, The British West Indies Sugar Industry in the Late 19th Century (Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1957), 115; Richard A.Lobdell, Economic Structure and Demographic Performance in Jamaica, 1891–1935 (New York: Garland, 1987), 327; Benito Justo Legarda, After the Galleons: Foreign Trade, Economic Change and Entrepreneurship in the Nineteenth-Century Philippines (Quezon City, Philippines: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2002), 320–326.

12 Ulbe Bosma and Remco Raben, Being «Dutch» in the Indies: A History of Creolisation and Empire, 1500–1920 (Singapore: NUS Press, 2008), 260–261.

13 Bijlagen Handelingen der Tweede Kamer 1894–1895 [150.1–7], «Schorsing der Heffing van het Uitvoerrecht van Suiker in Nederlandsch-Indië» [ «Приостановление экспортных пошлин на сахар для Голландских Индий»].

14 C.Y.Shephard, «The Sugar Industry of the British West Indies and British Guiana with Special Reference to Trinidad,» Economic Geography 5, no. 2 (1929): 152–153; Alan H. Adamson, Sugar without Slaves: The Political Economy of British Guiana, 1838–1904 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1972), 190–192, 212.

15 См., например: O.Nigel Bolland, On the March: Labour Rebellions in the British Caribbean, 1934–39 (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle, 1995), 179.

16 Teresita Martinez Vergne, «New Patterns for Puerto Rico’s Sugar Workers: Abolition and Centralization at San Vicente, 1873–92,» Hispanic American Historical Review 68, no. 1 (1988): 53–59.

17 Одна из самых знаменитых работ: J. S. Furnivall, Netherlands India: A Study of Plural Economy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1939), 196–199.

18 Carol A.MacLennan, Sovereign Sugar: Industry and Environment in Hawaii (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2014), 100–101.

19 См., например: Andrés Ramos Mattei, «The Plantations of the Southern Coast of Puerto Rico: 1880–1910,» Social and Economic Studies 37, nos. 1–2 (1988): 385. См. также: Martín Rodrigo y Alharilla, «Los ingenios San Agustín y Lequeitio (Cienfuegos): Un estudio de caso sobre la rentabilidad del negocio del azúcar en la transición de la esclavitud al trabajo asalariado (1870–1886),» in Azúcar y esclavitud en el final del trabajo forzado: Homenaje a M.Moreno Fraginals, ed. José A.Piqueras Arenas (Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2002): 252–268; César J.Ayala, American Sugar Kingdom: The Plantation Economy of the Spanish Caribbean, 1898–1934 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 1999), 102.

20 Humberto García Muñiz, Sugar and Power in the Caribbean: The South Porto Rico Sugar Company in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic,

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