История Византийской империи. От основания Константинополя до крушения государства - Джон Джулиус Норвич
Cinnamus John. Epitome Historiarum. C. S. H. B. Eng. trans. C. M. Brand. New York, 1976.
Claudian. Carmina. Ed. T. Birt // M. G. H. Vol. 10 (Eng. verse trans. A. Hawkins. 2 vols. London, 1817).
Clavijo Ruy González de. Embajada a Tamorlan. Ed. F. López Estrada. Madrid, 1943. Eng. trans. G. Le Strange. London, 1928.
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus. De Administrando Imperio. Gk. Text with Eng. trans. R. J. H. Jenkins. Washington, 1969.
_____. Commentary, R. J. H. Jenkins. London, 1962.
_____. De Ceremoniis Aulae Byzantinae. Ed. and Ger. trans. J. J. Reiske. C. S. H. B.
_____. Narratio de Imagine Edessena. M. P. G. Vol. 113.
Corippus. De Laudibus Justini Augusti Minoris // M. G. H., Auctores Antiquissimi, III, ii.
Cydones Demetrius. Letters. Ed. with Fr. trans. G. Cammelli.
Démétrius Cydones, Correspondance. Paris, 1930.
Ducas Michael. Historia Turco-Byzantina. C. S. H. B. New edn. Ed. V. Grecu. Bucharest, 1948.
Eunapius. History // B. F. C. H.
Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea. A History of the Church from Christ to Constantine. Trans. G. A. Williamson. London, 1965.
_____. Life of Constantine // N. P. N. F. Vol. 2.
Eustathius of Thessalonica. De Thessalonica a Latinis capta, a. 1185. Ed. I. Bekker. C. S. H. B. German trans. H. Hunger. Vienna, 1955.
Eutropius. Breviarium ab Urbe Condita. Ed. F. Ruehl. Leipzig 1887. Trans. J. S. Watson. London, 1890.
Evagrius // M. F. H. G. Vol. 5.
Genesius Joseph. Regna. Ed. C. Lachmann. C. S. H. B.
George of Pisidia. The Heracliad, The Persian Expedition and the Bellum Avaricum // C. S. H. B. Vol. 19; also M. P. H. Vol. 92.
Germanus, Patriarch. Letters // M. P. G. Vol. 98, 156ff.
Glycas M. Chronicon. Ed. I. Bekkér. C. S. H. B.
Gregoras Nicephorus. Byzantina Historia. Ed. L. Schopen and I. Bekker // C. S. H. B. Ger. trans. J. L. van Dieten. Nikephoros Gregoras, Rhomische Geschichte, 3 vols. Stuttgart, 1973–1988.
_____. Letters. See Guilland, R.
Gregory of Cyprus. Laudatio. M. P. G. Vol. 142.
Gregory of Nazianzus, St. Selected Orations and Letters. Trans. C. G. Browne and J. E. Swallow in N. P. N. F. Vol. 7.
Ibn Al-Athir. Sum of World History (selection, with Fr. trans.) in R. H. C. Occ. Vol. 1.
Ibn Jubair. The Travels of lbn Jubair. Trans. R. J. C. Broadhurst. London, 1952.
Ignatius the Deacon. Vita Nicephori Patriarchae. B. O. H.
Ignatius of Smolensk. Pélérinage d’Ignace de Smolensk. Ed. G. P. Majeska, Russian Travelers to Constantinople in the 14th & 15th C, Washington, DC, 1984.
Jerome, Saint. Letters. Fr. trans. J. Labourt. 8 vols. Paris, 1951–1963.
Joannes Antiochenus // M. F. H. G. Vols. 4–5.
Joannes Lydus. On Powers, or The Magistracies of the Roman State. Ed. and trans. A. C. Bandy. Philadelphia, 1983.
John Chrysostom, Saint. Oeuvres Completes. Fr. trans. Abbé Joly. 8 vols. Paris, 1864–1867.
John of Damascus. Orations // M. P. G. Vol. 94, 1232ff.
John, Bishop of Ephesus. Ecclesiastical History, Pt. III. Ed. and trans. R. P. Smith. Oxford, 1860.
Jordanes (Jornandes) // M. R. I. S. Vol. 1.
Julian, Emperor. Works. Trans. W. C. Wright. 3 vols. London, 1913.
Lactantius. On the Deaths of the Persecutors. Trans. W. Fletcher. Ante-Nicene Library. Edinburgh, 1871.
Leo the Deacon. Historia. C. S. H. B.; M. P. G. Vol. 117.
Leo the Grammarian. Chronographia. Ed. I. Bekker. C. S. H. B.; M. P. G. Vol. 108.
______. Lives of the Emperors (813–948) // C. H. C. Vol. 3.
Leonard of Chios, Archbishop of Mitylene. Epistola ad Papam Nicolaum V. M. P. G. Vol. 159. 1866 (Italian version in Sansovino, Historia Universale, III).
Libanius. Selected Works. Trans. A. F. Norman. 2 vols. London and Cambridge, Mass., 1969 and 1977.
Liber Pontificalis. De Gestis Romanorum Pontifcum. Text, intr. And comm. L. Duchesne. 2 vols. Paris, 1886–1892 (reprint, Paris, 1955).
Liudprand, Bishop of Cremona. Opera. Ed. I. Bekker. Hanover 1915. Eng. trans. F. A. Wright. London, 1930.
Malalas John // M. P. G. Vol. 97.
Malaterra Geoffrey. Historia Sicula. M. P. L. Vol. 149. M. R. I. S. Vol. 5.
Manasses Constantine. Compendium Chronicum. C. S. H. B.; M. P. G. Vol. 127.
Martin I, Pope. Letters // M. P. L. Vol. 87.
Matthew of Edessa. Chronicle. Fr. trans. E. Delaurier. Paris, 1858.
Menander, Protector. Embassies // C. H. C. Vol. 3.
Michael, Monk of the Studium. Vita etc. S. Theodori abb. mon. Studii. M. N. P. B. Vol. 6.
Michael the Syrian (Patriarch). Chronicle. Ed. with Fr. trans. J. B. Chabot. Paris, 1905–1906.
Mouskes Philip. Chronique rimée de Philippe Mouskès. Ed. F. A. de Reiffenberg. Collection de Chroniques Beiges inédites. II. Brussels, 1838.
Muntaner Ramón. Crónica. Barcelona, 1886 (Eng. trans. Lady Goodenough, in Hakluyt Society edn, London, 1920).
Nestor. Chronique dite de Nestor. Ed. and Fr. trans. L. Léger, Paris, 1884.
Nicephorus, St, Patriarch. Opuscula Historica (602–770). Ed. C. de Boor. Leipzig, 1880. Fr. trans. in C. H. C. Vol. III.
Nicetas Choniates. Historia. C. S. H. B. (Fr. trans. in C. H. C.).
Nicholas I, Pope. Epistolae. M. P. L. Vol. 119.
Nicholas Mysticus, Patriarch. Epistolae. M. P. G. Vol. III.
Olympiodorus. History // B. F. C. H.
Ordericus Vitalis. Historia Ecclesiastica. (Ed. A. Le Prevost and L. Delisle.) In Société de l’ de France. 5 vols. Paris, 1838–1855. Eng. trans. with notes T. Forester. 4 vols. London, 1854.
Otto of Freising. Chronica, sive Historia de Duabus Civitatibus. M. G. H. Scriptores. Vol. 20. Eng. trans. C. C. Mierow. New York, 1953.
_____. Gesta Friderici Imperatoris, cum continuatione Rahewini. Ed. Wilmans. M. G. H. Scriptores. Vol. 20. Eng. trans. C. C. Mierow. New York, 1953.
Pachymeres George. De Michaele et Andronico Palaeologis. 2 vols. Ed. I. Bekker. C. S. H. B. (French trans. in C. H. C. Vol. 6).
_____. Georges Pachymeres: Relations historiques. Ed. A. Failler. Vol. 1 (with Fr. trans. by V. Laurent). Paris, 1984.
Paschal Chronicle // M. P. G. Vol. 92.
Paul the Deacon. Historia Langobardorum // M. G. H., Scriptores, Vols. 2, 13. Eng. trans. W. C. Foulke. Philadelphia, 1905.
Paulinus. Life of Ambrose // H. W. F.
Peter Damian, St. Opuscula. M. P. L. Vol. 145.
Philostorgius. Historia Ecclesiae // M. P. G. Vol. 65. Partial trans. E. Walford. London, 1851.
Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople. Epistolae. M. P. G. Vol. 102.
_____. Homilies. The Homilies of Photius. Eng. trans., intro. and comm. C. Mango. Harvard, 1958.
Priscus. History // B. F. C. H.
Procopius of Caesarea. Works. Trans. H. B. Dewing. 7 vols. London,