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Sathya Sai Baba. Supernatural Experiences and Divine Transformation. Book One - Svyatoslav Dubyanskiy

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Instead of thinking about healing from illness, you need to visualize perfect health. Instead of thinking about when failures in your personal life will end, you should visualize wonderful family relationships. Instead of thinking about how to get out of financial difficulties, you need to visualize material abundance.

While reciting the mantra, create thought forms of happiness and success for yourself, for all relatives and friends, as well as for the whole world. Before you start repeating the mantra, feel love and compassion for all the people close to you, as well as for all people in general, even if you do not know them at all.

Thought is material, the vibration of thought creates the circumstances of life. The divine consciousness thinks in images, so the strongest energy of the Gayatri Mantra goes where you yourself direct it with the help of your emotionally saturated thought form.

27. There are millions of us, but Sathya Sai Baba is one, how can he know about the life of everyone?

The year I lived in the ashram for a long time, at some point I began to have an internal crisis. Gradually, deep doubts began to arise. It seemed to me that Sathya Sai Baba was alone, but there were many of us. I wondered how could Sathya Sai Baba know about the life of everyone and why does he need it?

Life in the ashram is not only bliss and joy, but sometimes also emotional decline and despondency. The spiritual path consists not only of happy moments of meditation and prayer, interesting meetings and fascinating communication, but also of complex internal crises.

Longing visited me and I felt that the life of each person for Sathya Sai Baba was not noticeable and not essential. He was alone, but we were many. It began to seem to me that he did not care about each individual person. Thinking about this, I fell into a deep sadness.

I walked slowly through the ashram past Sathya Sai Baba's house, immersed in my dreary reflections. Suddenly, an elderly Indian of a very solid appearance approached me, carefully looked at me, and said, “I feel that I must come and tell you something very important, can I talk to you?”

Automatically, I answered, “yes, of course, please, how can I help you?” After a pause, he said, “I have been standing here in front of Sathya Sai Baba's house for quite some time now. We do not formally know each other, but I know you well because Sathya Sai Baba often invites you for interviews. I was just standing there and thinking about you. I feel I have to tell you what I feel,” he paused and then continued, “I want to tell you that Sathya Sai Baba loves you very much, he loves you infinitely, I feel it with all my heart!” He uttered these simple words, and it was an exact hit in the essence of my thoughts. This conversation took place right under the windows of Sathya Sai Baba, this further strengthened the feeling of an invisible divine presence.

Sometimes it seems to us that there are millions of us, and Sathya Sai Baba is one, how can he know and be interested in the life of everyone? In fact, he feels the inner world of everyone and every second he is invisibly present in people's lives.

28. I stopped dead in my tracks, realizing that my every thought is known to Sathya Sai Baba

Several times I visited one of Sathya Sai Baba's ashrams in the town of Kodai Kanal. This is a beautiful mountain resort town in the very south of India. Sathya Sai Baba used to come here for two or three weeks in April or May. Everyone knows the Himalayas, the main Indian mountains, but in fact there are a number of other mountains in India; of course, they are incomparably lower than the Himalayas.

In the nineteenth century, the British organized a wonderful mountain resort in Kodai Kanal. This place is famous for its amazingly beautiful nature and mild climate. It is a small town in the South Indian mountains, in the center of which is a large, beautiful lake, surrounded by several old English buildings of the nineteenth century, including two old churches, one being one of the oldest Masonic lodges in India.

One Summer season, I rented a house in the mountains with a few friends. Every morning we walked along the mountain path to the place where Sathya Sai Baba held his meetings. After living in Kodai Kanal for a while, I realized I was very tired and had to go somewhere else in India in order to just relax. It is hard to believe now, and almost impossible to imagine; nevertheless, after spending a lot of time with Sathya Sai Baba, one could get tired of being oversaturated with his strong energy.

When you feel oversaturated with divine energy, then the most correct thing is to pack your things and leave for a couple of weeks to somewhere on the ocean so you can relax on the beach. At the time, I decided not to tell anyone I wanted to leave. Leaving the house, I went along the mountain road toward the office of my friend's travel company to order a taxi and go to the ocean the next day.

Sathya Sai Baba daily visited houses in the vicinity of Kodai Kanal, where all kinds of meetings were held. In this regard, he could often be found driving along mountain roads. At some mountain turns, the rocks blocked part of the road, and it was not possible to foresee that his car might come out from behind a turn. Sometimes the car could be seen from afar; at that time, he was driving a crimson car and it would move very slowly, followed by a line of cars.

While I was walking along the mountain road, suddenly a car with Sathya Sai Baba in it slowly drove out from behind a turn. I mechanically folded my hands in greeting. From his

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