Доктрина шока. Становление капитализма катастроф - Наоми Кляйн
National Strategy for Homeland Security // Office of Homeland Security. 2002. July. P. 1, www.whitehouse.gov; Suskind R. The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside Americas Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2006; Terror Fight Spawns Startups // Red Herring. 2005. December 5.
Dollars, Not Sense: Government Contracting Under the Bush Administration // United States House of Representatives, Committee on Government Reform – Minority Staff, Special Investigations Division. Prepared for Rep. Henry A. Waxman. 2006. June. P. 5, www.democrats. reform.house.gov; Shorrock T. The Corporate Takeover of U. S. Intelligence // Salon. 2007. June 1, www.salon.com; Monahan R.t Beaumont E. H. Big Time Security; World Fact Book 2007, www.cia.gov; US Government Spending in States Up 6 Pet in FY'03 // Reuters. 2004. October 7; Rich F. The Road from K Street to Yusufiya // New York Times. 2006. June 25.
Monahan R., Beaumont Е. И. Big Time Security; RatliffE. Fear, Inc.
Такие цифры приводит Роджер Кресси, бывший служащий администрации Буша, занимавшийся проблемами борьбы с терроризмом, ныне президент Good Harbor Consulting. Evans R., Mostrous A. Britain's Surveillance Future // Guardian. London. 2006. November 2; Johnson M. Video, Sound Advances Aimed at War on Terror // Associated Press. 2006. August 2; McCarthy E. 8 Firms Vie for Pieces of Air Force Contract // Washington Post. 2004. September 14.
Bergstein B. Attacks Spawned a Tech Security Market That Remains Young Yet Rich // Associated Press. 2006. September 4.
Dickie М. Yahoo Backed on Helping China Trace Writer // Financial Times. London. 2005. November 10; Cauley L. NSA Has Massive Database of Americans' Phone Calls // USA Today. 2006. May 11; Boeing Team Awarded SBInet Contract by Department of Homeland Security Press release. 2006. September 21, www.boeing.com.
O'Harrow RJr. No Place to Hide. New York: Free Press, 2005.
Terror Fight Spawns Startups.
Rood}. FBI Terror Watch List «Out of Controb // The Blotter blog on ABC News. 2007. June 13, www.abcnews.com; Ed. E. Pilkington Millions Assigned Terror Risk Score on Trips to the US // Guardian. London. 2006. December 2.
Anderson R. Flog Is My Co Pilot // Seattle Weekly. 2006. November 29; Mayer J. The C. I.A. S Travel Agent // The New Yorker. 2006. October 30; Knowlton B. Report Rejects European Denial of CIA Prisons // New York Times. 2006. November 29; Grey St. Ghost Plane: The True Story of the CIA Torture Program. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2006. P. 80; Milton P. ACLU Files Suit Against Boeing Subsidiary, Saying it Enabled Secret Overseas Torture // Associated Press. 2007. May 31.
Buncombe A. New Maximum Security Jail to Open at Guantanamo Bay // Independent. London. 2006. July 30; Chatterjee P. Intelligence in Iraq: L 3 Supplies Spy Support // CorpWatch. 2006. August 9, www.corpwatch.com.
Paul M. Guantanamo Prisoners for Sale // Associated Press. 2005. May 31; Simpson /. No Surprises in the War on Terror // BBC News. 2006. February 13; Mintz J. Detainees Say They Were Charity Workers // Washington Post. 2002. May 26.
Узника, о котором шла речь, звали Адель Фаттух Али аль Газзар. Gilson D. Why Am I in Cuba? // Mother Jones. 2006. September October; Simpson J. No Surprises in the War on Terror; SelskyA.0. AP: Some Gitmo Detainees Freed Elsewhere // USA Today. 2006. December 15.
Stoller G. Homeland Security Generates Multibillion Dollar Business // USA Today. 2006. September 10.
Anderson S., Cavanagh}., Collins С, Benjamin Е. Executive Excess 2006: Defense and Oil Executives Cash in on Conflict. 2006. August 30. P. 1, www.faireconomy.org.
Ratliff E. Fear, Inc.
O'Harrow R. Jr. No Place to Hide, p. 9.
Krane J. Former President Bush Battles Arab Critics of His Son // Associated Press. 2006. November 21.
Shane S., Nixon R. In Washington, Contractors Take on Biggest Role Ever.
Mayer}. Contract Sport // The New Yorker. 2004. February 16.
HR 5122: John Warner National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2007 (рассмативается как документ, согласованный с Белым домом и Конгрессом), thomas.loc.gov.
Remarks of Sen. Patrick Leahy on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, Conference Report, Congressional Record // States News Service. 2006. September 29.
Stock Information: Historical Price Lookup // Gilead Sciences, www.gilead.com.
Интервью со Стивеном Кинзером // Democracy Now! 2006. April 21, www.democracynow.org.
Выражение «взаимосвязаны и поддерживают друг друга» принадлежит историку Джеймсу А. Биллю. См.: Kinzer St. Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq. New York: Times Books, 2006. P. 122.
Burns R. Defense Chief Shuns Involvement in Weapons and Merger Decisions to Avoid Conflict of Interest; Kelley M. Defense Secretary Sold Up to $91 Million in Assets to Comply with Ethics Rules, Complains about Disclosure Form // Associated Press. 2002. lune 18; Jelinek P. Rumsfeld Asks for Deadline Extension // Associated Press. 2001. luly 17.
Stanton J. Big Stakes in Tamiflu Debate // Roll Call. 2005. December 15.
Согласно данным, представленным Рамсфельдом в 2005 году, он владеет акциями на сумму 96,5 миллиона долларов, которые приносили ему доход до 13 миллионов, а также землями стоимостью в 17 миллионов, от сдачи которых в аренду получает доход в один миллион. Lean G., Owen J. Donald Rumsfeld Makes $5m Killing on Bird Flu Drug // Independent. London. 2006. March 12; Kelley M. Defense Secretary Sold Up to $91 Million in Assets to Comply with Ethics Rules, Complains about Disclosure Form.
Burns R. Defense Chief Shuns Involvement in Weapons and Merger Decisions to Avoid Conflict of Interest.
Stanton J. Big Stakes in Tamiflu Debate.
Schwartz N. D. Rumsfelds Growing Stake in Tamiflu // Fortune. 2005. October 31.
Stock Information: Historical Price Lookup.
Bryan Low С. Cheney Cashed in Halliburton Options Worth $35 Million // Wall Street Journal. 2000. September 20.
Herman K. Cheneys Earn $8.8 Million to Bushes' $735,000 // American Statesman. Austin. 2006. April 15; Historical Price Lookup // Halliburton, Investor Relations, www.halliburton.com.
Karush S. Once Privileged in Iraq, Russian Oil Companies Hope to Compete on Equal Footing After Saddam // Associated Press. 2003. March 14; Shah S. Oil Giants Scramble for Iraqi Riches // Independent. London. 2003. March 14.
Waiting for the Green Light // Petroleum Economist. 2006. October 1.
Lean G., Owen J. Donald Rumsfeld Makes $5m Killing on Bird Flu Drug.
Weisman J. Embattled Rep. Ney Wont Seek Reelection // Washington Post. 2006. August 8; Gets S.y Babcock Ch. R. Former GOP Lawmaker Gets 8 Years // Washington Post. 2006. March 4; Bachrach J. Washington Babylon // Vanity Fair. 2006. August 1.
Upton Е. Former Antiterror Officials Find Industry Pays Better // New York Times. 2006. June 18.
Nakashima Е. Ashcroft Finds Private Sector Niche // Washington Post. 2006. August 12; Lipton E. Former Antiterror Officials Find Industry Pays Better; Good Harbor Consulting, LLC, www.goodharbor.net; R. James Woolsey – VP. Paladin Capital Group. Paladin Team, www.paladincapgroup.com; James R. Woolsey. Booz Allen Hamilton, www.boozallen.com; Jehl D. Insiders' New Firm Consults on Iraq // New York Times. 2003. September 30; Former FEMA Head to Start Consulting Business on Emergency Planning // Associated Press. 2005. November 24.
Former FEMA Head Discussed Wardrobe during Katrina Crisis // Associated Press. 2005. November 3.
Hersh S. M. The Spoils of the Gulf War // New Yorker. 1993. September 6.
IsikoffM., Hosenball M. A Legal Counterattack // Newsweek. 2003. April 16; Council J. Baker Botts' «Love Shack» for Clients // Texas Lawyer. 2006. March 6; Arvedlund E. E. Russian Oil Politics in a Texas Court // New York Times. 2005. February 15; Bryce R. It's a Baker Botts World // The Nation. 2004. October 11.
Smith P., Politi J. Record Pay Outs from Carlyle and KKR // Financial Times. London. 2004. October 20.
Cutting James Baker's Ties // New York Times. 2003. December 12.
Следующие два параграфа основываются на информации, размещенной Наоми Кляйн на сайте: James Baker's Double Life: A Special Investigation // The Nation. 2004. October 12, www.thenation.com.
Leigh D. Carlyle Pulls Out of Iraq Debt Recovery Consortium // Guardian. London. 2004. October 15; Payment of Compensation. United Nations Compensation Commission. Press releases, 2005 2006, www.unog.ch; Klein N. James Baker's Double Life; Data Sheet for Iraq / World Bank. 2006. October 23, www.worldbank.org.
Schmitt Е. New Group Will Lobby for Change in Iraqi Rule // New York Times. 2002. November 15; Shultz G. R Act Now // Washington Post. 2002. September 6; Esteve H. Ex Secretary Stumps for Gubernatorial Hopeful // Oregonian. Portland. 2002. February 12; Baker D. R. Bechtel Pulling Out after 3 Rough Years of Rebuilding Work // San Francisco Chronicle. 2006. November 1.
Weiner Т. Lockheed and the Future of Warfare; Schmitt E. New Group Will Lobby for Change in Iraqi Rule; Laughland J. The Prague Racket // Guardian. London. 2002. November 22; Judis J. B. Minister without Portfolio // The American Prospect. 2003. May; Stock Price Details // Lockheed Martin, Investor Relations, www.lockheedmartin.com.
Woodward B. State of Denial. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006. Pp. 406 407.
Dao}. Making a Return to the Political Stage // New York Times. 2002. November 28; Gelb L. H. Kissinger Means Business // New York Times. 1986. April 20; Gerth J. Ethics Disclosure Filed with Panel // New York Times. 1989. March 9.
Harding J. Kissinger Second Take // Financial Times. London. 2002. December 14.
Hersh S. M. Lunch with the Chairman // The New Yorker. 2003. March 17.
Там же; Donnelly Т., Perle R. Gas Stations in the Sky // Wall Street Journal. 2003. August 14. Сделка по строительству авиазаправщиков обернулась величайшим скандалом за последние несколько лет существования Пентагона, в результате чего один высокопоставленный служащий Министерства обороны и один руководитель Boeing оказались в тюрьме. Чиновник вел переговоры о работе в Boeing по завершению сделки. В процессе расследования Рамсфельду был задан вопрос о том, каким образом он мог пропустить подобные махинации в своем ведомстве. Он ответил, что не может вспомнить, какую роль он играл в заключении контракта на сумму от 17 до 30 миллиардов долларов налогоплательщиков. «Не помню, чтобы я его одобрил. Но определенно не помню и того, чтобы я не высказывал одобрения, если быть точным». Рамсфельда критиковали за дурную работу, но его забывчивость может свидетельствовать и о том, как часто министру обороны приходилось устраняться от обсуждения сделок, чтобы избежать явного конфликта интересов, учитывая его значительный капитал в сфере оборонной индустрии. Smith R. J. Tanker Inquiry Finds Rumsfelds Attention Was Elsewhere // Washington Post. 2006. June 20; Capaccio T. Boeing Proposes Bonds for 767 Lease Deal // Seattle Times. 2003. March 4.
Hersh S. M. Lunch with the Chairman; Hamburger Т., Berman D. U. S. Adviser Perle Resigns as Head of Defense Board // Wall Street Journal. 2003. March 28.
Интервью с Ричардом Перлом 9 марта 2003 года // CNN: Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer. 2003. March 9.
Judis J. B. Minister without Portfolio; Hilzenrath D. S. Richard N. Perles Many Business Ventures Followed His Years as a Defense Official // Washington Post. 2004. May 24; Hersh S. M. Lunch with the Chairman; Miller T. C. Blood Money, p. 73.