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Генрих V - Кристофер Оллманд

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relatifs au clos des galees de Rouen, ed. A. Merlin-Chazalas (2 vols, Paris, 1977–78).

Dugdale, William, Monasticon Anglicanum, vi (London, 1830).

Elmham, Thomae de, Vita et Gesta Henrici Quinti Anglorum Regis, ed. T. Hearne (Oxford, 1727).

English chronicle of the reigns of Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI, written before the year 1471, ed. J.S. Davies (CS, London, 1856).

English suits before the Parlement of Paris, 1420–1436, ed. C.T. Allmand and C.A.J. Armstrong (Camden 4th series, 26, RHistS, London, 1982).

Entrees royales françaises de 1328 à 1515, ed. B. Guenee & F. Lehoux (Paris, 1968).

Essential portions of Nicholas Upton's De Studio Militari, before 1446, translated by John Blount, Fellow of All Souls (c.1500), ed. F.P. Barnard (Oxford, 1931).

"Extracts from the plea rolls of the reigns of Henry V and Henry VI", ed. G. Wrottesley, Collections for a history of Staffordshire (William Salt Archaeological Soc., 17, 1896).

Extrait du registre des dons, confiscations, maintenues et autres actes faits dans le duche" de Normandie pendant les années 1418, 1419, et 1420, par Henri V, roi d'Angleterre, ed. C. Vautier (Paris, 1828).

Fabyan, R., New chronicles of England and France, ed. H. Ellis (London, 1811).

First English Life of king Henry the Fifth, ed. C.L. Kingsford (Oxford, 1911).

Four English political tracts of the later middle ages, ed. J.-P. Genet (Camden 4th series, 18, RHistS, London, 1977).

Froissart, Chroniques, ed. K. de Lettenhove, xvi (Brussels, 1872).

Gesta Henrici Quinti. The Deeds of Henry the fifth, ed. & trans. F. Taylor and J.S. Roskell (Oxford, 1975).

Grands traites de la guerre de Cent Ans, ed. E. Cosneau (Paris, 1889).

Great Chronicle of London, ed. A.H. Thomas and I.D. Thornley (London, 1938).

Gruel, Guillaume, Chronique d'Arthur de Richemont, connetable de France, duc de Bretagne (1393–1458) (SHF, Paris, 1890).

Handbook of British chronology ed. E.B. Fryde, D.E. Greenway, S. Porter and I. Roy (3rd edn, London, 1986).

Henrici quinti Angliae regis gesta, ed. B. Williams (London, 1850).

Historical collections of a Citizen of London in the fifteenth century, ed. J. Gairdner (CS, London, 1876).

Historical papers and letters from northern registers, ed. J. Raine (RS, London, 1873).

Historical poems of the XIVth and XVth centuries, ed. R.H. Robbins (New York, 1959).

Hoccleve, Thomas, Works, i, The minor poems, ed. F.J. Furnivall (EETS, London, 1892).

―, iii, The regement of princes, A.D. 1411–12, ed. F.J. Furnivall (EETS, London, 1897).

Incendium Amoris of Richard Rolle of Hampole, ed. M. Deanesly (Manchester, 1915).

Issues of the Exchequer …from king Henry III to king Henry VI inclusive, ed. F. Devon (London, 1837).

Journal de Clement de Fauquembergue, greffier du Parlement de Paris, 1417–35, ed. A. Tuetey, i (SHF, Paris, 1903).

Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris 1405–1449, ed. A. Tuetey (Paris, 1881); ed. C. Beaune (Paris, 1990). See also Parisian journal.

Letters and papers illustrative of the wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry the sixth, king of England, ed. J. Stevenson, ii (RS, London, 1864).

Letters of queen Margaret of Anjou and bishop Beckington and others, written in the reigns of Henry V and Henry VI, ed. C. Monro (CS, London, 1863).

Lettres de rois, reines et autres personnages des cours de France et d'Angleterre, ed. J.J. Champollion-Figeac, ii (Paris, 1847).

"L'honneur de la couronne de France". Quatre libelles contre les Anglais (v.1418-v. 1428), ed. N. Pons (SHF, Paris, 1990).

Libelle of Englyshe Polycye, ed. G. Warner (Oxford, 1926).

Liber regie capelle, ed. W. Ullmann (Henry Bradshaw Soc., 92, London, 1961).

"Le livre des trahisons de France envers la maison de Bourgogne", Chroniques relatives a l"histoire de la Belgique sous la domination des ducs de Bourgogne, ed. K. de Lettenhove (Brussels, 1873).

Lydgate, John, Troy Book, A.D. 1412–20, ed. H. Bergen (EETS, London, 1906).

―, Minor poems, ed. H.N. MacCracken (EETS, London, 1934).

Marcher lordships of south Wales, 1415–1536. Select documents, ed. T.B. Pugh (Cardiff, 1963).

Medical practitioners of medieval England: a biographical register, ed. C.H. Talbot and E.A. Hammond (London, 1965).

Mémoires de Pierre de Fenin, ed. Mlle. Dupont (SHF, Paris, 1837).

Memorials of Henry V, king of England, ed. C.A. Cole (RS, London, 1858).

Memorials of London and London life in the XIIIth, XIVth and XVth centuries, ed. H.T. Riley (London, 1868).

Navy of the Lancastrian kings. Accounts and inventories of William Soper, keeper of the king"s ships, 1422–1427, ed. S.

Rose (Navy Rec. Soc., London, 1982).

Ordonnances des wis de France de la troisieme race, x, xi (Paris, 1763, 1769).

Original letters illustrative of English history, ed. H. Ellis: 1st series, i (London, 1825); 2nd series, i (London, 1827).

Otterbourne, Thomas, Chronica Regum Anglie, I, ed. T. Hearne (Oxford, 1732).

Pageant of the birth, life and death of Richard Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, K.G., 1389–1439, ed. Viscount Dillon and W.H. St John Hope (London, 1914).

Parisian journal, 1405–1449, trans. J. Shirley (Oxford, 1968). See also Journal d'un bourgeois.

Proceedings and ordinances of the Privy Council of England, ed. N.H. Nicolas, i, ii and iii (London, 1834).

Register of bishop Philip Repingdon, 1405–1419, i, ed. M. Archer (Lincoln Rec. Soc., 57, 1963).

Register of Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1414–1443, ed. E.F. Jacob (C&YS, 45, 42, 46, 47, 1938–47).

Register of Robert Hallum, bishop of Salisbury, 1401–17, ed. J.M. Horn (C&YS, 72, 1982).

Register of Thomas Spofford, bishop of Hereford (A.D. 1422–1448), ed. A.T. Bannister (Hereford, 1917).

Reports of the Deputy

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