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Miller T.C Blood Money, p. 87.


Merle R. Army Tries Private Pitch for Recruits // Washington Post. 2006. September 6.


Taylor A. Defense Contractor CEOs See Pay Double Since 9/11 Attacks // Associated Press. 2006. August 29; Vogel St., Merle R. Privatized Walter Reed Workforce Gets Scrutiny // Washington Post. 2007. March 10; Borak D. Walter Reed Deal Hindered by Disputes // Associated Press. 2007. March 19.


По словам Томаса Рикса, «когда численность американских войск составляла около 150 тысяч, а общая численность войск союзников — 25 тысяч, их службу обеспечивали 60 тысяч контрактников». Это означает, что на 175 тысяч солдат коалиции приходилось 60 тысяч контрактников в соотношении один контрактник на 2,9 солдата. Schwartz N.D. The Pentagon's Private Army // Fortune. 2003. March 17; Ricks Т.Е. Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq. New York: Penguin, 2006. P. 37; Merle R. Census Counts 100000 Contractors in Iraq // Washington Post. 2006. December 5.


Bruce I. Soldier of Fortune Deaths Go Missing in Iraq // Herald. Glasgow. 2007. January 13; Brady B. Mercenaries to Fill Iraq Troop Gap // Scotland on Sunday. Edinburgh. 2007. February 25; Roberts M. Iraq War Exacts Toll on Contractors // Associated Press. 2007. February 24.


Background Note: 31 December 2006 // United Nations Department of Public Information. United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, www.un.org; Glanz J., Norris F. Report Says Iraq Contractor Is Hiding Data from US. // New York Times. 2006. October 28; Brady B. Mercenaries to Fill Iraq Troop Gap.


Дальше всего в этом направлении зашла Lockheed Martin. Как о том говорит газета Financial Times, в начале 2007 года Lockheed начала «скупать компании из сферы здравоохранения с ежегодной выручкой более миллиарда долларов», а также приобрела огромную инженерную корпорацию Pacific Architects and Engineers. Такая волна приобретения знаменует новую эпоху патологической вертикальной интеграции комплекса капитализма катастроф: в случае новых конфликтов Lockheed будет получать прибыль не только за счет производства оружия и истребителей, но и за счет восстановления разрушенного и даже за счет лечения людей, которых ранило произведенное этой же компанией оружие. Boxell J. Man of Arms Explores New Areas of Combat // Financial Times. London. 2007. March 11.


Iraq Reconstruction: Lessons in Contracting and Procurement // Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. 2006. July. Pp. 98-99, www.sigir.mil; Bush G.W. State of the Union Address. Washington, DC. 2007. January 23.


Dinmore G. US Prepares List of Unstable Nations // Financial Times. London. 2005. March 29.



Mydans S. Builders Swoop in, Angering Thai Survivors // International Herald Tribune. Paris. 2005. March 10.


Tsunami Response: A Human Rights Assessment // ActionAid International et al. 2006. January. P. 13, www.actionaidusa.org.


Sri Lanka: A Travel Survival Kit. Victoria, Australia: Lonely Planet, 2005. P. 267.


Lancaster J. After Tsunami, Sri Lankans Fear Paving of Paradise // Washington Post 2005. June 5.


Arugam Bay Resource Development Plan: Reconstruction Towards Prosperity // National Physical Planning Department. Final Report. 2005. April 25. Pp. 4, 5, 7, 18, 33; Lancaster}. After Tsunami, Sri Lankans Fear Paving of Paradise.


South Asians Mark Tsunami Anniversary // United Press International 2005. June 26.


USAID Elicits «Real Reform» of Tourism. 2006. January // USAID/Sri Lanka, www.usaid.gov.


Там же.


Интервью по электронной почте с Карен Престон, менеджером Leading Hotels of the World по связям с общественностью, 16 августа 2006 года; Kapur A., Macleod N., Singh N. Plu-tonomy: Buying Luxury, Explaining Global Imbalances. Citigroup: Industry Note, Equity Strategy. 2005. October 16. Pp. 27,30.


Sri Lanka Environment Profile // United Nations Environment Programme. National Environment Outlook, www.unep.net.


С 1997 по 2001 год Мано Титтавелла был генеральным директором Комиссии по реформе государственных предприятий Шри-Ланки, за это время под его руководством произошла приватизация Sri Lanka Telecom (август 1997 г.) и Sri Lankan Air Lines (март 1998 г.). После выборов 2004 года он стал главой правительственного Агентства стратегического предпринимательства, продолжавшего осуществлять программу приватизации, которая на новом языке стала называться «партнерством государственного и частного секторов». Past Divestitures. 2005 // Public Enterprises Reform Commission of Sri Lanka, www.perc.gov.lk; SEMA to Rejuvenate Key State Enterprises. 2004. June 15, www.priu.gov.lk.


A Proposal for a People's Planning Commission for Recovery After Tsunami / Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform, Sri Lanka, www.monlar.org.


Privatizations in Sri Lanka Likely to Slow Because of Election Results // Associated Press. 2004. April 5.


Sri Lanka Begins Tsunami Rebuilding Amid Fresh Peace Moves // Agence France-Presse. 2005. January 19.


A Proposal for a People's Planning Commission For Recovery After Tsunami; Sri Lanka Raises Fuel Prices Amid Worsening Economic Crisis // Agence France-Presse. 2005. June 5; Panic Buying Grips Sri Lanka Amid Oil Strike Fears // Agence France-Presse. 2005. March 28.


Wilson U LapperR. Honduras May Speed Sell-Offs After Storm // Financial Times. London. 1998. November 11; Honduras. 1999 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers // Organization of American States, p. 165, www.sice.oas.org; Cuffe S. A Backwards, Upside-Down Kind of Development: Global Actors, Mining and Community-Based Resistance in Honduras and Guatemala. 2005. February // Rights Action, www.rightsaction.org.


Mexico's Telmex Unveils Guatemala Telecom Alliance // Reuters. 1998. October 29; Nicaragua. Central America After Hurricane Mitch: The Challenge of Turning a Disaster into an Opportunity. 2000. May // Consultative Group for the Reconstruction and Transformation of Central America, Inter-American Development Bank, www.iadb.org; Druckerman P. No Sale: Do You Want to Buy a Phone Company // Wall Street Journal. 1999. July 14.


Mexico's Telmex Unveils Guatemala Telecom Alliance; Spain's Fenosa Buys Nicaragua Energy Distributors // Reuters. 2000. September 12; San Francisco Group Wins Honduras Airport Deal // Reuters. 2000. March 9; CEO-Govt. to Sell Remaining Enitel Stake This Year // Business News Americas. 2003. February 14.


Цит. no: Barillas E.S. Central America After Hurricane Mitch // World Economic Forum Annual Meeting. Davos, Switzerland. 1999. January 30.


Rice A. Post-Tsunami Tourism and Reconstruction: A Second Disaster? 2005. October // Tsunami Concern, p. 11, www.tourismconcern.org.uk.


An Agenda for Sri Lanka's Post-Tsunami Recovery // TAFREN. Progress & News. 2005. July. P. 2.


Фернандо возглавляет Движение за земельную и сельскохозяйственную реформу, коалицию неправительственных организаций Шри-Ланки, которая вскоре после катастрофы призывала к «народному восстановлению страны».


Fishermen and Tradesmen to Benefit from U.S. Funded $33 Million Contract for Post-Tsunami Infrastructure Projects / USAID Sri Lanka. Press release. 2005. September 8, www.usaid.gov; USAID Signature Tsunami Reconstruction Efforts in Indonesia and Sri Lanka Exceed Initial Cost and Schedule Estimates, and Face Further Risks / United States Government Accountability Office. Report to Congressional Committee, GAO-07-357. 2007. February Arugam Bay Resource Development Plan: Reconstruction Towards Prosperity / National Physical Planning Department. Final Report. 2005. April 25. P. 18.


U.S. Provides $1 Million to Maintain Tsunami Shelter Communities. United States Embassy. 2006. May 18, www.usaid.gov.


Ramesh R. Indian Tsunami Victims Sold Their Kidneys to Survive // Guardian. London. 2007. January 18; Tsunami Response, p. 17; Meo N. Thousands of Indonesians Still in Tents // Globe and Mail. Toronto. 2005. December 27.


Tsunami Response, p. 9.


Maldives. The World Factbook 2007 // Central Intelligence Agency, www.cia.gov.


Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu, www.cocopalm.com; Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru // Four Seasons Resort, www.fourseasons.com; Rangali Island // Hilton Maldives Resort and Spa, www.hilton.com; Dhoni Mighili Island // Private Islands Online, www.privateislandsonline.com.


Buerck R. Maldives Opposition Plan Protest // BBC News. 2007. April 20; Extrajudicial Killings, Disappearances, Torture and Other Forms of Gross Human Rights Violations Still Engulf Asia's Nations // Asian Human Rights Commission. 2006. December 8, www.ahrchk.net; Republic of Maldives: Repression of Peaceful Political Opposition. 2003. July 30 // Amnesty International, www.amnesty.org.


Sharma A. Maldives to Develop «Safe» Islands for Tsunami-Hit People // Associated Press. 2005. January 19.


National Recovery and Reconstruction Plan, Second printing. 2005. March // Ministry of Planning and National Development, Republic of Maldives, p. 29, www.tsunamimaldives.mv.


Там же; Tsunami Response, p. 18.


Формально срок аренды составлял 25 лет, но примечание к контракту ясно говорило о том, что его можно при некоторых условиях продлить до пятидесяти. Bidding Documents: For Lease of New Islands to Develop as Tourist Resorts // Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation. Male: Republic of Maldives. 2006. July 16. P. 4, www.tourism.gov.mv.


Charoensuthipan P. Survivors Fighting for Land Rights // Bangkok Post. 2005. December 14; Mydans S. Builders Swoop in, Angering Thai Survivors.

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