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Chip Walker, «How Strong Is Your Brand?» Marketing Tools , January/February 1995, pp. 46—53.




Jesse Berst, «Why Small Business Is Suddenly Big Business», ZDNet AnchorDesk , November 29, 1999 (www.anchordesk.com).


«BB&T: Picture Perfect», Financial Services Marketing , January–February 2001, p. 17.


Thomas S. Robertson and Howard Barich, «A Successful Approach to Segmenting Industrial Markets», Planning Forum (November–December 1992): 5–11.




«Dell Targets SMBs with Tailored Products», InformationWeek, April 28, 2005, n.p.; Catherine Arns, «PC Makers Head for “SoHo”», BusinessWeek , September 28, 1992, pp. 125—126; Gerry Khermouch, «The Marketers Take Over», Brandweek , September 27, 1993, pp. 29—35.


Исследование иерархии атрибутов на кофейном рынке приведено в работе: Dipak jane, Frank M. Bass, and Yu-Min Chen, «Estimation of Latent Class Models with Heterogeneous Choice Probabilities: An Application to Market Structuring», Journal of Marketing Research (February 1990): 94–101. Анализ глобальных рынков дан в работе: Freakel Ter Hofstede, Jan-Benedict E. M. Steenkamp, and Michel Wedel, «International Market Segmentation Based on Consumer–Product Relations», Journal of Marketing Research (February 1999): 1–17.


Bart Macchiette and Roy Abhijit, «Sensitive Groups and Social Issues», Journal of Consumer Marketing 11, no. 4 (1994): 55—64.


Ben Elgin, «Google’s Leap May Slow Rivals Growth», BusinessWeek , July 18, 2005, p. 45; Saul Hansell, «Google Revenue Nearly Doubles in Quarter», New York Times , April 22, 2005, p. C3; Carol Krol, «Google Sees Brand as Key to Expansion», B to B , October 25, 2004, p. 22; «How Good Is Google?» The Economist , November 21, 2003, pp. 57—58; Fred Vogelstein, «Can Google Grow UP?» Fortune , December 8, 2003, pp. 102—111.


Jacob Jacoby, Jerry C. Olson, and Rafael Haddock, «Price, Brand Name, and Product Composition Characteristics as Determinants of Perceived Quality», Journal of Consumer Research , 3, no. 4 (1971): 209—216; Jacob Jacoby, George Syzbillo, and Jacqueline Busato-Sehach, «Information Acquisition Behavior in Brand Choice Situations», Journal of Marketing Research (1977): 63—69.


Leslie de Chernatony and Gil McWilliam, «The Varying Nature of Brands as Assets», International Journal of Advertising 8, no. 4 (1989): 339—349.


Constance E. Bagley, Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century , 2d ed. (Cincinnati, OH: West Publishing, 1995).


Tulin Erdem, «Brand Equity as a Signaling Phenomenon», Journal of Customer Psychology 7, no. 2 (1998): 131—157.


Scott Davis, Brand Asset Management: Driving Profitable Growth Through Your Brands , (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000); D. C. Bello and M. B. Holbrook, «Does an Absencwe of Brand Equity Generalize Across Product Classes?» Journal of Business Research 34 (1996): 125—131; Mary W. Sullivan, «How Brand Names Affect the Demand for Twin Automobiles», Journal of Marketing Research 35 (1998): 154—165; Adrian J. Slywotzky and Benson P. Shapiro, «Leveraging to Beat the Odds: The New Marketing Mindset», Harvard Business Review (September– October 1993): 97–107.


Однако концепция «власти брендинга» вызывает критические замечания в свой адрес. Некоторые оппоненты возражают против коммерциализации деятельности, связанной с брендингом. См.: Naomi Klein, No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies (New York, NY: Picador, 2000).


Остальные методы основаны на принципах экономических сигналов (Tulin Erdem, «Brand Equity as a Signaling Phenomenon», Journal of Customer Psychology 7, no. 2 (1998): 131—157) или исходят из социологических, антропологических или биологических принципов (Grant McCraken, «Culture and Consumption: A Theoretical Account of the Structure and Movement of Cultural Meaning of Consumer Goods», Journal of Consumer Research 13 (1986): 71—83; Susan Fournier, «Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research», Journal of Consumer Research 24, no. 3 (1998): 343—373).


London UK Keller, Strategic Brand Management .


Christine Bittar, «Old Spice Does New Tricks», Brandweek , June 2, 2003, pp. 17—18.


Paul Keegan, «The Rise and Fall (and Rise Again) of Joe Boxer», Business 2.0, December 2002/January 2003, pp. 76—82.


Don E. Schultz, Stanley I. Tannenbaum, and Robert F. Lauterborn, Integrated Marketing Communications (Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Business Books, 1993).


Mohanbir Sawhney, «Don’t Harmonize, Synchronize», Harvard Business Review , July– August 2001, pp. 101—108.


Dawn Iacobucci and Bobby Calder, eds., Kellogg on Integrated Marketing (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2003).


Scott Davis and Michael Dunn, Building the Brand-Driven Business (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2002); Colin Mitchell, «Selling the Brand Inside», Harvard Business Review (January 2002): 99–105.


Stan Maklan and Simon Knox, Competing on Value (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Financial Times, Prentice Hall, 2000).


«Credit-Card Deal Boosts China’s Efforts Toward a National System», Information Week , March 31, 2004, n. p.


Keller, Strategic Brand Management ; Todd Wasserman, «Sharpening the Focus», Brand-week , November 3, 2003, pp. 28—32.


Рейтинг 100 лучших мировых брендов, полученный на основании их оценки Interbrand, приведен в работе: Diane Brady, Robert D. Hof, Andy Reinhardt, Moon Ihlwan, Stanley Holmes, and Kerry Capell, «Cult Brands: The BusinessWeek/Interbrand Annual Ranking of the World’s Most Valuable Brands Shows the Power of Passionate Consumers», BusinessWeek , August 9, 2004, pp. 58+; «Marked by the Market», The Economist , December 1, 2001, pp. 59—60 (работа содержит графическое применение Индекса добавленной стоимости Стерна Стюарта).


Mark Speece, «Marketer’s Malady: Fear of Change», Brandweek , August 19, 2002, p. 34.


Kenneth Hein «Dew Sports Street Smarts, Woos Urban Influences», Brandweek , June 6, 2005, p. 18.


Ronald Alsop, «Enduring Brands Hold Their Allure by Sticking Close to Their Roots», Wall Street Journal Centennial Edition , 1989.


Theodore Levitt, «Marketing Success Through Differentiation – of Anything», Harvard Business Review (January–February 1980): 83—91.


Dan Reed, «Low-Fare Rivals Keep a Close Eye on Song», USA Today , November 25, 2003, p. 6B.


Akshay R. Rao and Robert W. Ruekert, «Brand Alliances as Signals of Product Quality», Sloan Management Review (Fall 1994): 87—97; Akshay R. Rao, Lu Qu, and Robert W. Ruekert, «Signaling Unobservable Quality Through a Brand Ally», Journal of Marketing Research 36, no. 2 (1999): 258—268.


Bernard L. Simonin and Julie A. Ruth, «Is a Company Known by the Company It Keeps? Assessing the Spillover Effects of Brand Alliances on Consumer Brand Attitudes», Journal of Marketing Research (February 1998): 30—42; C. W. Park, S. Y. Jun, and A. D. Shocker, «Com-posite Branding Alliances: An Investigation of Extension and Feedback Effects», Journal of Marketing Research 33 (1996): 453—466.


Peter Farquhar, «Managing Brand Equity», Marketing Research 1 (September 1989): 24—33.


Byung-Do Kim and Mary W. Sullivan, «The Effect of Parent Brand Experience on Line Extension Trial and Repeat Purchase», Marketing Letters 9 (April 1998): 181—193.


Kevin Lane Keller and David A. Aaker, «The Effects of Sequential Introduction of Brand Extensions», Journal of Marketing Research 29 (February 1992): 35—50; John Milewicz and Paul Herbig, «Evaluating the Brand Extension Decision Using a Model of Reputation Building», Journal of Product & Brand Management 3, no. 1 (1994): 39—47.


Mary W. Sullivan, «Brand Extensions: When to Use Them», Management Science 38, no. 6 (June 1992): 793—806; Daniel C. Smith, «Brand Extension and Advertising Efficiency: What Can and Cannot Be Expected», Journal of Advertising Research (November/December 1992): 11—20; Daniel C. Smith and C. Whan Park, «The Effects of Brand Extensions on Market Share and Advertising Efficiency», Journal of Marketing Research 29 (August 1992): 296—313.


Subramanian Balachander and Sanjoy Ghose, «Reciprocal Spillover Effects: A Strategic Benefit of Brand Extensions», Journal of Marketing 67, no. 1 (January 2003): 4–13.


John A. Quelch and David Kenny, «Extend Profits, Not Product Lines», Harvard Business Review (September–October 1994): 153—160; Perspectives from the Editors, «The Logic of Product-Line Extensions», Harvard Business Review (November–December 1994): 53—62; J. Andrews and G. S. Low, «New But Not Improved: Factors That Affect the Development of Meaningful Line Extensions», Working Paper Report No. 98–124 (Cambridge, MA: Marketing Science Institute, November 1998); Maureen Morrin, «The Impact of Brand Extensions on Parent Brand Memory Structures and Retrieval Processes», Journal of Marketing Research 36, no. 4 (1999): 517—525.


Дж. Траут, Э. Райс. Позиционирование: битва за умы. VIP-издание. – СПб.: Питер, 2006. – 272 с.: ил.


David A. Aaker, Brand Portfolio Strategy: Creating Relevance, Differentiation, Energy, Leverage, and Clarity (New York: Free Press, 2004).


Barbara Loken and Deborah Roedder John, «Diluting Brand Beliefs: When Do Brand Extensions Have a Negative Impact?», Journal of Marketing (July 1993): 71—84; Deborah Roedder John, Barbara Loken and Christopher Joiner, «The Negative Impact of Extensions: Can Flagships Products Be Diluted?» Journal of Marketing (January 1998): 19—32; Susan M. Bro-niarcyzk and Joseph W. Alba, «The Importance of the Brand in Brand Extension», Journal of Marketing Research (May 1994): 214—228 (весь этот номер посвящен теме брендов и мароч-.. ного капитала); R. Ahluwalia and Z. Gurhan-Canli, «The Effects of Extensions on the Family Brand Name: An Accessibility-Diagnosticity Perspective», Journal of Consumer Research 27.. (December 2000): 371—381; Z. Gurhan-Canli and M. Durairaj, «The Effects of Extensions on Brand Name Dilution and Enhancement», Journal of Marketing Research 35 (1998): 464—473; S. J. Milberg, C. W. Park, and M. S. McCarthy, «Managing Negative Feedback Effects Associated with Brand Extensions: The Impact of Alternative Branding Strategies», Journal of Consumer Psychology 6 (1997): 119—140.

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