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Основные источники

GCSDie Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte,

CSELCorpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum,

CCCorpus Christianorum,

SCSources Chrétiennes.

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Annals of Fulda, ed. Pertz and Kurze (1891); trans. Reuter (1992)

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Cassiodorus, Variae, ed. Mommsen (1894b); trans. Hodgkin (1886); Barnish (1992)

Chronicle of Ireland, trans. Charles-Edwards (2006)

Chronicle of Monemvasia, ed. and trans. Charanis (1950)

Chronicon Paschale, ed. Dindorf (1832); trans. Whitby and Whitby (1989)

Claudian, Works, ed. and trans. Platnauer (1922)

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John of Antioch, ed. Mueller (1851–1870); trans. Gordon (1966) John of Nikiu, Chronicle, trans. Charles (1916) (from the Ethiopian)

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Laws of Ine, ed. Liebermann (1903–1916); trans. Whitelock (1955)

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Olympiodorus of Thebes, ed. and trans. Blockley (1982)

Orosius, Against the Pagans, ed. Arnaud-Lindet (1990–1991); trans. Defarri (1964)

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