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Sathya Sai Baba. Supernatural Experiences and Divine Transformation. Book Three - Святослав Игоревич Дубянский

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her in her dream was so unusual in appearance that Helga easily recognized him as Sathya Sai Baba, whose photo her friends showed her. There was not the slightest doubt that in the dream she had been traveling with Sathya Sai Baba.

A few months later, she was able to arrange a trip to India. Arriving at the ashram, she was shocked that she had already seen all the details of the ashram during the mystical dream. Thus, Helga was able to understand that mystical dreams, received with the blessing of Sathya Sai Baba, are not just fantasies, but absolutely real events taking place on a subtle plane.

When we consider such a case, there certainly is not the slightest doubt that the woman from Hamburg actually received a personal invitation from Sathya Sai Baba. However, it must be understood that not all people are invited through such supernatural events. For most people, invitations from Sathya Sai Baba come in the form of intuitive sensations and subtle inner spiritual insights.

A book falls into the hands of someone telling them about the life and philosophical teachings of Sathya Sai Baba; some, as if by chance, come to a lecture at which people who directly communicated with Sathya Sai Baba tell amazing stories about him. All these events may seem like a series of accidents. However, it is these events that cause a surprisingly subtle resonance in the heart.

Initially, it was necessary to have a blessing from Sathya Sai Baba in order to come and meet him, but the will and choice of the person himself played an important role. God gives you a chance. He provides opportunities and the doors of space open. Then, the choice is up to the individual.

Sometimes there are obstacles that need to be overcome in order to do something important in life. That is why it is very important to always prioritize correctly. You see a video or a photo for the first time, and suddenly there is a deep feeling that you are connected by subtle spiritual threads with a divine teacher and should immediately see him. Listen to your intuition and immediately start taking steps toward realizing your dream.

43. A Christian is one who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ

During lectures, Sathya Sai Baba often quoted from Vedic and Gospel texts. Sometimes he quoted texts verbatim, and sometimes he spoke about the teachings of sacred texts and gave free paraphrases, conveying the essence of the teachings. He easily moved on to the philosophical teachings of various world traditions, spoke about the teachings of Krishna and Jesus Christ, Zarathustra, and Buddha.

Once Sathya Sai Baba quoted words from the Gospel: “Addressing those present, Jesus Christ said that whoever wants to be his disciple must follow his teachings” (paraphrase of Mark 8:34). What simple and, at the same time, complex words.

After citing this wonderful saying of Jesus Christ, Sathya Sai Baba further noted that by practicing the teachings of Jesus Christ and acting in accordance with his instructions, we become true Christians. It was wonderful to hear these words from Sathya Sai Baba, who was not a Christian but was born into a Hindu family.

At all times, people easily and quickly create a cult of great spiritual teachers, but at the same time they are little interested in what is the essence of their teaching.

A huge number of people worship the images of Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus Christ. However, few people are interested in the depth of their teachings, and even fewer people try to embody these teachings in their daily lives.

What is the essence of the teaching of Jesus Christ? The only prayer that Jesus Christ gave to his disciples was a prayer to the Heavenly Father: "Our Father". This amazing prayer contains great philosophical meaning, in fact it is a formula for each person to engage in direct and personal communication with our Heavenly Father.

The teaching of Jesus Christ was that absolutely every person is a son or daughter of God. Initially, every person is a child of God, for everything in this universe came from God. But due to ignorance and conditioning, people forget their original spiritual connection with God the Father.

In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus Christ proclaims that every person has the right to call God their Father. By this, he emphasized that not only he, but every person can establish an equally close relationship with God.

44. Unity of Self and God

The essence of the teachings of Jesus Christ is love for one's neighbor. In the famous words of Jesus Christ about the need to love your neighbor as yourself, there is an important detail, which consists in the fact you should first accept and love yourself. Only the person who can first love himself can show love for others.

In order to love yourself, you need to see God not somewhere far away in heaven, but in your spiritual heart. Hating yourself means hating the God that is within your heart. To hate your neighbor is to hate the God in his heart.

A person who hates himself cannot show love to others. That is why it is first necessary to reveal God in your own heart and love yourself; only then is it possible to take the path of service and truly show love to others.

The highest part of the teaching of Jesus Christ is the realization of unity. Jesus Christ said that not only was he able to gain unity with the Heavenly Father, but absolutely every person who follows the spiritual path can have this experience.

Only he who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ and who embodies the principle of direct communication between himself and God and who loves himself and shows love to others is a true Christian.

The highest manifestation of a true Christian is the realization of God in one's own heart. Jesus Christ told his disciples: “you will know that "I" am in my Heavenly Father, and you are in me, and "I" am in you” (paraphrase John 14:20). In these words,

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