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Боевой клич свободы. Гражданская война 1861-1865 - Джеймс М. Макферсон

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Johannsen R. W. Douglas. P. 788–803.


В Южной Каролине выборщики президента по-прежнему избирались легислатурой. В случае голосования избирателей Брекинридж одержал бы там безоговорочную победу.


Цит. по: McCrary P. Abraham Lincoln and Reconstruction: The Louisiana Experiment. Princeton, 1978. P. 52.


Baringer W. E. A House Dividing: Lincoln as President Elect. Springfield (Ill.), 1945. P. 236; слова Адамса цит. по: Foner E. Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party before the Civil War. NY, 1970. P. 223.


The Rebellion Record. I. Documents. NY, 1861. P. 315.


Пальма изображена на флаге Южной Каролины. — Прим. пер.


Channing S. A. Crisis of Fear: Secession in South Carolina. NY, 1970. P. 282–285.


Хороший обзор историографии по вопросу народной поддержки сецессии см.: Wooster R. A. The Secession of the Lower South: An Examination of Changing Interpretations // CWH. 1961. 7. P. 117–127; Donnelly W. J. Conspiracy or Popular Movement: The Historiography of Southern Support for Secession // North Carolina Historical Review. 1965. 42. P. 70–84.


Цит. по: Johnson M. P. Toward a Patriarchal Republic: The Secession of Georgia. Baton Rouge, 1977. P. 111.


Barlow Papers, Henry E. Huntington Library.


Channing S. A. Crisis of Fear… P. 251; Nevins A. Emergence… II. P. 321.


Reynolds D. E. Editors Make War: Southern Newspapers in the Secession Crisis. Nashville, 1970. P. 174: Coulter E. M. The Confederate States of America 1861–1865. Baton Rouge, 1950. P. 15.


The Correspondence of Robert Toombs, Alexander H. Stephens, and Howell Cobb // Annual Report of the American Historical Association. 1911. Vol. II. Washington, 1913. P. 504–505.


CWL. IV. P. 437; Sellers C. G. The Travail of Slavery // The Southerner as American. Chapel Hill, 1960. P. 70; Potter D. M. Lincoln and His Party in the Secession Crisis. New Haven, 1942. P. 208.


Rainwater P. L. Mississippi: Storm Center of Secession 1856–1861. Baton Rouge, 1938. P. 173; Thornton J. M. Politics and Power in a Slave Society: Alabama, 1800–1860. Baton Rouge, 1978. P. 416–417; Dumond D.L. The Secession Movement 1860–1861. NY, 1931. P. 200–202.


CG, 36 Cong., 2 Sess. P. 10—И; Walker P. F. Vicksburg: A People at War. Chapel Hill, 1960. P. 43.


Nichols G. W. The Story of the Great March. NY, 1865. P. 302.


В ней, в частности, были такие строки:

«Марш вперед, марш вперед, дети Юга!»

Миллионы слышны голосов.

Ваши предки, потомки, супруги

Ждут свободы от тяжких оков.

К оружью, храбрецы!

Меч мщенья обнажим!

(Reynolds D.E. Editors Make War… P. 184).


Thomas E. M. The Confederacy as a Revolutionary Experience. Englewood Cliffe (NJ), 1971- P. 31; Johnson M. P. Patriarchal Republic… P. 39.


Представители Алабамы и Флориды цит. по: Oakes J. The Ruling Race: A History of American Slaveholders. New York, 1982. P. 240, 239; Jefferson Davis: Constitutionalist; His Letters, Papers, and Speeches. 10 vols., 1923. V. P. 43, 202.


Johnson M.P. Patriarchal Republic… P. 36; Rebellion Record. VI. Documents. P. 299; Barney W. L. The Secessionist Impulse: Alabama and Mississippi in 1860. Princeton, 1974. P. 192.


Southern Editorials on Secession. NY, 1931. P. 181; Barton M. Did the Confederacy Change Southern Soldiers? // The Old South in the Crucible of War. Jackson, 1983. P. 71.


Dumond D. L. The Secession Movement… P. 117n; The Confederate Records of the State of Georgia. 5 vols. Atlanta, 1909–1911. I. P. 47; Southern Editorials… P. 179.


Lipset S. M. The Emergence of the One-Party South — The Election of 1860 // Lipset S. M. Political Man: The Social Bases of Politics. NY, 1963. P. 372–384; Potter D. Impending Crisis… P. 503–504; Johnson M. P. Patriarchal Republic… P. 63–78; McCrary P., Miller C., Baum D. Class and Party in the Secession Crisis: Voting Behavior in the Deep South // Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 8. 1978. P. 429–457; Wooster R. The Secession Conventions of the South. Princeton, 1962.


Johnson M. P. Patriarchal Republic… P. 48; Hahn S. The Roots of Southern Populism: Yeoman Farmers and the Transformation of the Georgia Upcountry. 1850–1890. NY, 1983. P. 86–87.


Reynolds D. E. Editors Make War… P. 125–126; Johnson M. P. Patriarchal Republic… P. 47–48.


Channing S.A. Crisis of Fear… P. 287; Barney W. L. Secessionist Impulse… P. 228.


McLellan Lincoln Collection, John Hay Library, Brown University; Thornton J. M. Politics and Power in a Slave Society… P. 321, 206–207; Oakes J. The Ruling Race… P. 141.


New York Evening Post. 1861. Feb. 18; New York Tribune. 1861. March 27; 1862. May 21.


Reynolds D. E. Editors Make War… P. 23; Thornton J. M. Politics and Power in a Slave Society… P. 416; Southern Editorials… P. 154.


Jefferson Davis: Constitutionalist. V. P. 50, 72. IV. P. 357;

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