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Sathya Sai Baba. Supernatural Experiences and Divine Transformation. Book Three - Святослав Игоревич Дубянский

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person who has received the gifts of the Holy Spirit embarks on the path of preaching the Ggood Nnews.

Change your train of thought. It is only the ignorant sense of a separate existence that creates ego, which creates all the problems. Stop trying to solve your selfish personal problems when the main problem is you, yourself – you, as a separate egoistic being. There are no problems around you. The main problem is you. No one is to blame for your suffering.

Sathya Sai Baba had a high regard for the Apostle Paul (Apostle of Love), which he spoke about in his lectures over the years. The Apostle Paul said in his Catholic Epistles that only love gives the greatest spiritual benefit and that only love is the greatest treasure. We do a lot of spiritual practices in life: prayers, meditations, charity and much more, but if there is no love in our hearts in the process of doing these practices, then there is no spiritual benefit for us.

We often tell stories where Sathya Sai Baba helped people in solving their life situations. We prefer not to tell the stories where Sathya Sai Baba did not seem to help. In fact, he helped absolutely everyone but his blessings manifested themselves in different ways and not always in the way people wanted.

For example, some were sick and not healed; some suffered because of family problems and did not overcome them; and some have been traveling for years, even decades, to Sathya Sai Baba, and there has been no obvious improvement or solution. Such cases are difficult to talk about it, but it’s all a part of the story – people came with problems that were not solved, even after many years. How to deal with such situations?

People expect quick help over deeply working out the subtle plan of their consciousness. Prayers and mantras are a superficial but very important level of practice. It is possible to repeat the Gayatri Mantra several thousand times a day. It is difficult, but possible. It is much more difficult to transform the style of your thinking.

Of course, it is very important to practice mantras, but this is not enough. The mantra generates the strongest energy, but the question is, where does this powerful energy go? In order to work with the circumstances of life, simple volitional efforts are not enough; there must be the subtlest reboot of the subconscious.

Sathya Sai Baba sometimes joked that if the number of repetitions of a mantra or a prayer were the main factor, then one could simply turn on the tape recorder and the tape recorder would be the first to get enlightenment.

It is naive to assume Sathya Sai Baba should solve all your difficult situations for you, which were formed as a result of your own actions in the past. Man's effort must meet with the blessing of God. It is also naive to assume that the simple mechanical repetition of a mantra or prayer can change life for the better.

Once again, I want to repeat the golden words: “a person attracts into his life not what he wants, but what he is.” First you need to change yourself by rethinking your attitude toward yourself. The circumstances of life are just a reflection of your inner world.

It is necessary, first of all, to have a clear perception of oneself and to analyze one's lifestyle, one's thoughts, one's reactions to the surrounding people and events. In order to transform your life, you must first change yourself, because you attract not what you want, but what you are.

You may be wondering why I bring in this great wisdom once again. Isn't it enough to say those golden words once? In order for the prayer to work, it is not enough to say it once. In the same way, it is not enough to voice the great truth about your life once; it must be repeated many times and reflected on deeper and deeper. Then these words will become the basis of life.

So, in essence, what happens to a person who is not what he wants, but what he is?

54. Vedic roots of Christianity

In his conversations with John Hislop, Sathya Sai Baba said that when Jesus Christ was a young man, he went to India, where he traveled through the Himalayas for several years. He also visited Iran and Central Asia. In those distant times, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and Buddhism were practiced in this part of the world.

Zoroastrianism has survived to this day in Iran, but it is more prevalent in western India. At the time of Jesus Christ there were many different schools of Buddhism in Central Asia and Pakistan, including the ancient Vedic tradition.

Sathya Sai Baba also told John Hislop that when Jesus Christ traveled through Iran and India, the locals sometimes mistook him for an ordinary vagabond, but some recognized him as a great spiritual teacher. Think about the amazing details.

Sathya Sai Baba said that during the journey, Jesus Christ did not have money, so he sometimes traveled on carts with trade caravans that helped him move from city to city. He had no money for food and he ate what the locals offered him. Again, what amazing details!

Only the Avatar could tell, in such detail, about the life of Jesus Christ and the circumstances of his journey. One gets the impression that Sathya Sai Baba, having overcome space and time, spoke about the travels of Jesus Christ, as if he himself was personally present during the journey of Jesus Christ to India.

In his lectures, Sathya Sai Baba said that the full spiritual awakening of Jesus Christ took place in India. Fully realizing his divinity, Jesus Christ returned to Palestine in order to begin to preach the spiritual path to his students and followers.

Sathya Sai Baba said that for five years Jesus Christ practiced meditation in the Himalayas, in Kashmir, where he met many high spiritual teachers. In Kashmir, Jesus Christ studied the depths of Vedic and Buddhist philosophy.

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