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in Wickwar, 212–13.

143. Système social, Vol. II, 151, in Cobban, In Search of Humanity, 166.

144. System of Nature, I, xiv.

145. D’Holbach, Contagion sacrée, 145, in Wickwar, 141.

146. In Mornet, Origines, 103.

147. System of Nature, I, ix.

148. Système social, II, ii, in Cassirer, The Question of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 68.

149. Politique naturelle, Part I, Ch. vi, in Frankel, The Faith of Reason, 71.

150. Mornet, 103.

151. Lanfrey, L’Église et les philosophes, 331.

152. Phil. Dict., art. «God.»

153. Wickwar, 89.

154. Morley, Diderot, 183.

155. Faguet, Literary History of France, 497.

156. Wickwar, 111.

157. Hearnshaw, Social and Political Ideas of… the Age of Reason, 213.

158. Wickwar, 113.


1. This is what Faguet forgot in one of the most biased essays in French literature; see, e.g., Dix-huitième Siècle, 210.

2. Wade, Studies in Voltaire, 67.

3. Phil. Dict., art. «Emblems.»

4. Noyes, Voltaire, 487.

5. Phil. Dict., art, «God.»

6. Desnoiresterres, V, 167.

7. Pomeau, Religion de Voltaire, 422.

8. Voltaire, Works, VIIb, 82.

9. Mornet, Origines, 82; Torrey, Spirit of Voltaire, 254, 283.

10. Phil. Dict., in Works, VIIa, 62.

11. In Pomeau, 400, and Crocker, Age of Crisis, 385.

12. Parton, Voltaire, II, 432.

13. Pomeau, 159, 183.

14. Lévy-Bruhl, 185–86.

15. Letter of May 20, 1738, in Voltaire and Frederick the Great, Letters, 115.

16. Voltaire, Notebooks, I, 402.

17. Traité de métaphysique, Ch. ix.

18. La Loi naturelle, in Works, Xb, 25–26.

19. Ibid.; Fellows and Torrey, Age of Enlightenment, 424.

20. Bottiglia, Voltaire’s Candide, 108; Mowat, Age of Reason, 36.

21. Letter of Oct., 1753, to d’Alembert, in Desnoiresterres, V, 163.

22. In Torrey, Spirit of Voltaire, 87.

23. Letters of May 24 and Dec. 22, 1757.

24. Voltaire, Oeuvres, ed. Moland, XXXIX, 363. See also Pomeau, 301; Naves, Voltaire et l’Encyclopédie, 53.

25. Naves, 54–57.

26. Ibid., 62–63; Pomeau, 302.

27. Campbell, The Jesuits, 453.

28. Nicolson, H., Age of Reason, 81.

29. In Smith, P., II, 540.

30. Pope, Essay on Man.

31. Parton, II, 215.

32. Voltaire, Romans, I, 165, 169.

33. Ibid., 233.

34. 237.

35. 257.

36. Bottiglia, 249.

37. Pomeau, 318.

38. Martin, H., Histoire de France, IX, 127.

39. Pomeau, 319–21.

40. Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Eng. tr., I, 360.

41. Parton, II, 356.

42. Desnoiresterres, VI, 160.

43. «Essay on toleration,» in Voltaire, Selected Works, 78; Pomeau, 325.

44. Our account is based upon A. Coquerel’s Jean Calas et sa famille (Paris, 1858), as summarized in Parton, II, 367.

45. Letter of Mar. 1, 1765.

46. Ibid.

47. Text in Parton, II, 356.

48. Letter of Mar. 29, 1762.

49. Letter of Sept., 1762, in Gay, Voltaire’s Politics, 277.

50. Brandes, Voltaire, II, 196.

51. Voltaire, Selected Works, 86.

52. Ibid., 113.

53. Parton, II, 433.

54. Mornet, Origines, 112.

55. Selected Works, 88.

56. Ibid., 100, 108.

57. Voltaire, Works, IIb, 277.

58. Brandes, II, 214.

59. Desnoiresterres, VII, 469.

60. Parton, II, 397.

61. Ibid.

62. Desnoiresterres, VI, 493.

63. Torrey, Spirit of Voltaire, 129.

64. Letter of Frederick the Great, Aug. 7, 1766.

65. Letter of Frederick, Sept., 1766, in Brandes, II, 231.

66. Diderot, Oeuvres, 220.

67. Chaponnière, Voltaire chez les Calvinistes, 260.

68. In Brandes, II, 232.

69. Voltaire, Correspondance, ed. Besterman, Letter 7584.

70. Pomeau, 311.

71. Phil. Dict., art. «Superstition.»

72. Letter of June 3, 1760.

73. Letter of Dec. 6, 1757.

74. Pomeau, 213; Bertrand, D’Alembert, 118.

75. Voltaire and Frederick, Letters, 283.

76. Parton, II, 285.

77. Letter to Damilaville, Apr. 5, 1765.

78. Frederick to Voltaire, Sept. 9, 1739.

79. Voltaire, Oeuvres complètes, XLIII, 198–200.

80. Selected Works, 59.

81. Phil. Dict., art. «Laws.»

82. J. Gaberel in Parton, II, 428.

83. Luke xxi, 27–32.

84. Questions of Zapata, No. 58, in Selected Works, 34.

85. Ibid., Nos. 65–66.

86. Ibid., No. 66.

87. Parton, 286.

88. Letter of June 4, 1767.

89. New Camb. Mod. History, VII, 152.

90. Phil. Dict., art. «God.»

91. Letter of Nov. 28, 1752.

92. Oeuvres complètes, XLI, 570, in Torrey, Spirit of Voltaire, 279.

93. Phil. Dict., art. «Sin.»

94. Pomeau, 373.

95. Works, Ib, 139.

96. Phil. Dict., art. «Miracles.»

97. Pomeau, 348.

98. Ibid., 374.

99. Phil. Dict., art. «Climate.»

100. Art. «Grace.»

101. Profession de foi des théistes, in Black, Art of History, 57.

102. Works, XIXa, 228.

103. Ibid., 238.

104. Traité de métaphysique.

105. Crocker, Age of Crisis, 385.

106. Ibid., 190; cf. Phil. Dict., art. «Atheism,» and art. «God,» Sec. v.

107. Art. «Hell.»

108. Art. «Fraud.»

109. Art. «Morality.»

110. Voltaire, The Ignorant Philosopher, Secs. II-III.

111. Ibid., III-IV.

112. XIII.

113. XIV.

114. XVII, XIX.

115. XX.

116. XXIV.

117. LI.

118. Works, IIa, 312–16.

119. Boswell on the Grand Tour: Germany and Switzerland, 304.

120. Noyes, Voltaire, 555; Pomeau, 411.

121. Voltaire, Oeuvres complètes, XXVI, 199, in Pomeau, 438.

122. Art. «Curate.»

123. Pomeau, 439.

124. Essai sur les moeurs, Ch. cxxxix, in Ducros, French Society in the 18th Century, 199.

125. Desnoiresterres, VI, 118.

126. Ibid., 63–64; Pomeau, 431.

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