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Современные яды: Дозы, действие, последствия - Алан Колок

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Глава 14. Низкодозированные химические канцерогены

Asch, P. «Food Safety Regulation: Is the Delaney Clause the Problem or Symptom?» Policy Sciences 23 (1990): 97–110.

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Welshons, W. V., K. A. Thayer, B. M. Judy, J. A. Taylor, E. M. Curran, and F. S. vom Saal. "Large Effects from Small Exposures: I. Mechanisms for Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals with Estrogenic Activity." Environmental Health Perspectives 111 (2003): 994–1006.

Yager, J. D., and N. E. Davidson. "Estrogen Carcinogenesis in Breast Cancer." New England Journal of Medicine 354 (2006): 270–82.

Глава 15. СОЗ и «Безмолвная весна»

Adeola, F. O. «Boon or Bane? The Environmental and Health Impacts of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs).» Human Ecology Review 11 (2004): 27–35.

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Donaldson, S. G., J. Van Oostdam, C. Tikhonov, M. Feeley, B. Armstrong, P. Ayotte, O. Boucher, et al. "Environmental Contaminants and Human Health in the Canadian Arctic." Science of the Total Environment 408 (2010): 5165–234. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2010.04.059. Epub 2010 Aug 21.

Глава 16. Токсичные средства гигиены

Boxall, A. B., M. A. Rudd, B. W. Brooks, D. J. Caldwell, K. Choi, S. Hickmann, E. Innes, et al. «Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment: What Are the Big Questions?» Environmental Health Perspectives 120 (2012): 1221–29. doi:10.1289 / ehp.1104477. Epub 2012 May 30.

Brausch, J. M., and G. M. Rand. "A Review of Personal Care Products in the Aquatic Environment: Environmental Concentrations and Toxicity." Chemosphere 82 (2011): 1518–32.

Brooks, B. W. "Fish on Prozac (and Zoloft): Ten Years Later." Aquatic Toxicology 151 (2014): 61–67.

Brooks, B. W., C. K. Chambliss, J. K. Stanley, A. Ramirez, K. E. Banks, R. D. Johnson, and R. J. Lewis. "Determination of Select Antidepressants in Fish from an Effluent-Dominated Stream." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24 (2005): 464–69.

Brooks, B. W., C. M. Foran, S. M. Richards, J. Weston, P. K. Turner, J. K. Stanley, K. R. Solomon, M. Slattery, and T. W. La Point. "Aquatic Ecotoxicology of Fluoxetine." Toxicology Letters 142 (2003): 169–83.

Brooks, B. W., P. K. Turner, J. K. Stanley, J. J. Weston, E. A. Glidewell, C. M. Foran, M. Slattery, T. W. La Point, and D. B. Huggett. "Waterborne and Sediment Toxicity of Fluoxetine to Select Organisms." Chemosphere 52 (2003): 135–42.

Fabbri, E. "Pharmaceuticals in the Environment: Expected and Unexpected Effects on Aquatic Fauna." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1340 (2015): 20–28.

Gonzalez-Rey, M., N. Tapie, K. Le Menach, M.-H. Devier, H. Budzinski, and M. J. Bebianno. "Occurrence of Pharmaceutical Compounds and Pesticides in Aquatic Systems." Marine Pollution Bulletin 96 (2015): 384–400.

James-Todd, T., M. B. Terry, J. Rich-Edwards, A. Deierlein, and R. Senie. "Childhood Hair Product Use and Earlier Age at Menarche in a Racially Diverse Study Population: A Pilot Study." Annals of Epidemiology 21 (2011): 461–65. doi:10.1016 / j.annepidem.2011.01.009. Epub 2011 Mar 21.

Kessler, R. "More than Cosmetic Changes: Taking Stock of Personal Care Product Safety." Environmental Health Perspectives 123 (2015): A120–27. doi:10.1289 / ehp.123-A120.

Larsson, J. D. G., C. de Pedro, and N. Paxeus. "Effluent from Drug Manufactures Contain Extremely High Levels of Pharmaceuticals." Journal of Hazardous Materials 148 (2007): 751–55. Epub 2007 Jul 6.

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Matthiessen, P., and L. Weltje. "A Review of the Effects of Azole Compounds in Fish and Their Possible Involvement in Masculinization of Wild Fish Populations." Critical Reviews in Toxicology 45 (2015): 453–67. doi:10.3109 / 10408444.2015.1018409. Epub 2015 Apr 21.

Myers, S. L., C. Z. Yang, G. D. Bittner, K. L. Witt, R. R. Tice, and D. D. Baird. "Estrogenic and Anti-Estrogenic Activity of Off-the-Shelf Hair and Skin Care Products." Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 25 (2015): 271–77. doi:10.1038 / jes.2014.32. Epub 2014 May 21.

Oaks, J. L., M. Gilbert, M. Z. Virani, R. T. Watson, C. U. Meteyer, B. A. Rideout, H. L. Shivaprasad, et al. "Diclofenac Residues as the Cause of Vulture Population Decline in Pakistan." Nature 427 (12 February 2004): 630–33.

Overturf, M. D., J. C. Anderson, Z. Pandelides, L. Beyger, and D. A. Holdway. "Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products: A Critical Review of the Impacts on Fish Reproduction." Critical Reviews in Toxicology 45 (2015): 469–91. doi:10.3109 / 10408444.2015.1038499. Epub 2015 May 6.

Sumpter, J. P., R. L. Donnachie, and A. C. Johnson. "The Apparently Very Variable Potency of the Anti-Depressant Fluoxetine." Aquatic Toxicology 151 (2014): 57–60.

Ternes, T. A., A. Joss, and H. Siegrist. "Scrutinizing Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Wastewater Treatment." Environmental Science & Technology 38 (2004): 392A – 399A.

Tiwary, C. M. "Premature Sexual Development in Children Following the Use of Estrogen– or Placenta-Containing Hair Products." Clinical Pediatrics 37 (1998): 733–39.

Wise, L. A., J. R. Palmer, D. Reich, Y. C. Cozier, and L. Rosenberg. "Hair Relaxer Use and Risk of Uterine Leiomyomata in African-American Women." American Journal of Epidemiology 175 (2012): 432–40. doi:10.1093 / aje / kwr351.

Глава 17. Определение пола: химические вещества и репродукция

Barber, L. B., A. M. Vajda, C. Douville, D. O. Norris, and J. H. Writer. «Fish Endocrine Disruption Responses to a Major Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade.» Environmental Science & Technology 46 (2012): 2121–31.

Buck Louis, G. M., M. A. Clooney, and C. M. Peterson. "The Ovarian Dysgenesis Syndrome." Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 2 (2011): 25–35.

Devlin, R. H., and Y. Nagahama. "Sex Determination and Sex Differentiation in Fish: An Overview of Genetic, Physiological, and Environmental Influences." Aquaculture 208 (2002): 191–364.

Georges, A., T. Ezaz, A. E. Quinn, and S. D. Sarre. "Are Reptiles Predisposed to Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination?" Sexual Development 4 (2010): 7–15.

Grasman, K. A., P. F. Scanlon, and G. A. Fox. "Reproductive and Physiological Effects of Environmental Contaminants in Fish-Eating Birds of the Great Lakes: A Review of Historical Trends." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 53 (1998): 117–45.

Guillette, L. J. Jr., "Endocrine Disrupting Contaminants – Beyond the Dogma." Environmental Health Perspectives 114 (2006): 9–12.

Hamlin, H. J., and L. J. Guillette Jr. "Birth Defects in Wildlife: The Role of Environmental Contaminants as Inducers of Reproductive and Developmental Dysfunction." Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine 56 (2010): 113–21.

Harris, C. A., P. B. Hamilton, T. J. Runnalis, V. Vinciotti, A. Henshaw, D. Hodgson, T. S. Coe, S. Jobling, C. R. Tyler, and J. P. Sumpter. "The Consequences of Feminization in Breeding Groups of Wild Fish." Environmental Health Perspectives 119 (2011): 306–11.

Hayes, T. B., V. Khoury, A. Narayan, M. Nazir, A. Park, T. Brown, L. Adame, et al. "Atrazine Induces Complete Feminization and Chemical Castration in Male African Clawed Frogs (Xenopus laevis)." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107 (2010): 4612–17.

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Nakamura, M. "Sex Determination in Amphibians." Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 20 (2009): 271–82.

Nakamura, M. "Morphological and Physiological Studies on Gonadal Sex Differentiation in Teleost Fish." Aqua-BioScience Monographs 6 (2013): 1–47.

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Ryan, B. C., and J. G. Vandenbergh. "Intrauterine Position Effects." Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 26 (2002): 665–78.

Smith, C. A., K. N. Roeszler, T. Ohnesorg, D. M. Cummins, P. G. Farlie, T. J. Doran, and A. H. Sinclair. "The Avian Z-Linked Gene DMRT1 Is Required for Male Sex Determination in the Chicken." Nature 461 (10 September 2009): 267–71.

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Vaiman, D., and E. Pailhoux. "Mammalian Sex Reversal and Intersexuality: Deciphering the Sex-Determination Cascade." Trends in Genetics 16 (2000): 488–94.

Zheng, Z., and M. J. Cohn. "Developmental Basis of Sexually Dimorphic Digit Ratios." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108 (2011): 16289–94.

Глава 18. Воздействие на самой ранней стадии: трансгенерационная токсикология

Anway, M. D., A. S. Cupp, M. Uzumcu, and M. K. Skinner. «Epigenetic Transgenerational Actions of Endocrine Disruptors and Male Fertility.» Science 308 (2005): 1466–69.

Anway, M. D., C. Leathers, and M. K. Skinner. "Endocrine Disruptor Vinclozolin-Induced Epigenetic Transgenerational Adult-Onset Disease." Endocrinology 147 (2006): 5515–23. Epub 2006 Sep 14.

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