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Английский язык с Р. Э. Говардом - Роберт Говард

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oar [ɔ:], sure [ʃuə], climb [klaɪm]

She had come upon what seemed to be steps carved in the cliff. Up them she went, flattening herself against the stone as she caught a faint clack of muffled oars. She strained her eyes and thought she made out a vague bulk moving toward the reedy point she had just quitted. But it was too far away for her to be sure in the darkness, and presently the faint sound ceased and she continued her climb. If it were her pursuers, she knew of no better course than to hide on the island. She knew that most of the islands off that marshy coast were uninhabited. This might be a pirate's lair, but even pirates would be preferable to the beast she had escaped.

A vagrant thought crossed her mind as she climbed (случайная мысль пришла ей в голову, пока она взбиралась; vagrant — бродячий; блуждающий;to cross one’s mind — прийти в голову), in which she mentally compared her former master with the kozak chief (в которых она мысленно сравнила своего бывшего хозяина с предводителем козаков; mentally — умственно; мысленно) with whom — by compulsion — she had shamefully flirted in the pavilions of the camp by Fort Ghori (с которым — по принуждению — она, к своему стыду, заигрывала в шатрах лагеря у крепости Гори; shamefully — стыдно), where the Hyrkanian lords had parleyed with the warriors of the steppes (где гирканские владыки вели переговоры с воинами степей). His burning gaze had frightened and humiliated her (его горящий, пристальный взгляд пугал и оскорблял ее; to humiliate — унижать), but his cleanly elemental fierceness set him above Jelal Khan (но его чисто стихийная свирепость ставила его выше Джилал-Хана; to set — ставить), a monster such as only an overly opulent civilization can produce (чудовища, какое только может породить чрезмерно богатая цивилизация; to produce — производить; порождать; opulent — богатый, состоятельный; процветающий).

thought [Ɵɔ:t], frighten [fraɪtn], fierceness [ˈfɪəsnɪs], opulent [ˈɔpjələnt]

A vagrant thought crossed her mind as she climbed, in which she mentally compared her former master with the kozak chief with whom — by compulsion — she had shamefully flirted in the pavillions of the camp by Fort Ghori, where the Hyrkanian lords had parleyed with the warriors of the steppes. His burning gaze had frightened and humiliated her, but his cleanly elemental fierceness set him above Jelal Khan, a monster such as only an overly opulent civilization can produce.

She scrambled up over the cliff edge and looked timidly at the dense shadows which confronted her (она перебралась с трудом через край утеса и робко посмотрела на густые тени, которые стали перед ней; to scramble up — пробираться с трудом вверх, вскарабкиваться; to confront — противостоять; стоять лицом к лицу). The trees grew close to the cliffs (деревья росли рядом с утесами; to grow — расти), presenting a solid mass of blackness (являя собой сплошную массу мрака; to present — дарить; представлять, являть собой; solid — твердый; сплошной). Something whirred above her head and she cowered (что-то пронеслось со свистом над ее головой, и она съежилась), even though realizing it was only a bat (хотя и сознавая, что это была лишь летучая мышь; even though — хотя; to realize — осуществлять; понимать, осознавать).

She did not like the looks of those ebony shadows (ей не нравился вид этих темных теней; look — взгляд; вид;ebony — эбеновый; темный), but she set her teeth and went toward them (но она стиснула зубы и пошла к ним = в их сторону; to set — ставить; стискивать, сжимать /зубы, губы, рот/), trying not to think of snakes (стараясь не думать о змеях). Her bare feet made no sound in the spongy loam under the trees (ее босые ступни не производили ни звука в пористом суглинке под деревьями; to make — делать; производить, издавать /звук/; sponge — губка).

timidly [ˈtɪmɪdlɪ], cower [ˈkauə], sound [saund]

She scrambled up over the cliff edge and looked timidly at the dense shadows which confronted her. The trees grew close to the cliffs, presenting a solid mass of blackness. Something whirred above her head and she cowered, even though realizing it was only a bat.

She did not like the looks of those ebony shadows, but she set her teeth and went toward them, trying not to think of snakes. Her bare feet made no sound in the spongy loam under the trees.

Once among them (как только /она оказалась/ среди них; once — как только), the darkness closed frighteningly about her (тьма пугающе сомкнулась вокруг нее; to close — закрывать; надвигаться, постепенно окружать). She had not taken a dozen steps (не сделала она и дюжины шагов; to take a step — шагнуть, сделать шаг) when she was no longer able to look back and see the cliffs and the sea beyond (как больше не могла посмотреть назад и увидеть утесы и море за ними = как, обернувшись, уже не видела утесов и моря за ними; to be able — мочь). A few steps more and she became hopelessly confused and lost her sense of direction (еще несколько шагов — и она безнадежно запуталась и потеряла чувство направления; to become — становиться; to lose — терять). Through the tangled branches not even a star peered (сквозь спутанные ветви не проглядывала даже звездочка; to peer — вглядываться; показываться). She groped and floundered on, blindly (она с трудом продолжала идти наощупь, вслепую; to grope — идти ощупью; to flounder — барахтаться; двигаться с трудом; on — указывает на продолжение или развитие действия), and then came to a sudden halt (а потом внезапно остановилась; to come to a halt — остановиться; halt — остановка; прекращение).

dozen [dʌzn], few [fju:], halt [hɔ:lt]

Once among them, the darkness closed frighteningly about her. She had not taken a dozen steps when she was no longer able to look back and see the cliffs and the sea beyond. A few steps more and she became hopelessly confused and lost her sense of direction. Through the tangled branches not even a star peered. She groped and floundered on, blindly, and then came to a sudden halt.

Somewhere ahead there began the rhythmical booming of a drum (где-то впереди начался ритмичный рокот барабана). It was not such a sound (это был не тот звук) as she would have expected to hear in that time and place (какой она ожидала бы услышать в это время и в этом месте). Then she forgot it (потом она забыла об этом; to forget — забыть) as she was aware of a presence near her (так как ощутила чье-то присутствие возле себя; to be aware of — знать, сознавать). She could not see (она не могла видеть), but she knew that something was standing beside her in the darkness (но она знала, что нечто стоит возле нее во тьме).

rhythmical [ˈrɪðmɪkəl], aware [əˈwɛə], knew [nju:]

Somewhere ahead there began the rhythmical booming of a drum. It was not such a sound as she would have expected to hear in that time and place. Then she forgot it as she was aware of a presence near her. She could not see, but she knew that something was standing beside her in the darkness.

With a stifled cry she shrank back (со сдавленным криком она отпрянула назад; to stifle — душить; подавлять;to shrink — уменьшать; отпрянуть, отшатнуться), and as she did so (и когда она делала так = это), something that even in her panic she recognized as a human arm curved about her waist (нечто, что даже в панике она распознала как человеческую руку, согнулось вокруг = охватило ее талию; to curve — гнуть; изгибаться). She screamed and threw all her supple young strength into a wild lunge for freedom (она завизжала и вложила всю свою гибкую молодую силу в дикий рывок к свободе; to throw — бросать; мобилизовать, устремить, «бросить» /о внутреннем потенциале, силах, возможностях и т. д./), but her captor caught her up like a child (но ее пленитель подхватил ее, как ребенка; to catch up — подхватить), crushing her frantic resistance with ease (легко подавив ее яростное сопротивление; to crush — давить; подавить; ease — облегчение; легкость). The silence with which her frenzied pleas and protests were received (молчание, которым были встречены ее бешеные призывы и протесты; to receive — получать; принимать, встречать; воспринимать) added to her terror as she felt herself being carried through the darkness toward the distant drum (усилило ее ужас, когда она ощутила себя несомой = как ее несут сквозь тьму к далекому барабану; to add to — усиливать), which still pulsed and muttered (который все еще пульсировал и глухо грохотал; to mutter — бормотать; глухо грохотать).

recognize [ˈrekəɡnaɪz], ease [i:z], receive [rɪˈsi:v]

With a stifled cry she shrank back, and as she did so, something that even in her panic she recognized as a human arm curved about her waist. She screamed and threw all her supple young strength into a wild lunge for freedom, but her captor caught her up like a child, crushing her frantic resistance with ease. The silence with which her frenzied pleas and protests were received added to her terror as she felt herself being carried through the darkness toward the distant drum, which still pulsed and muttered.


As the first tinge of dawn reddened the sea (когда первый оттенок зари окрасил красным цветом море = когда море зарделось от первых рассветных тонов; to redden — окрашивать в красный цвет; зардеться), a small boat with a solitary occupant approached the cliffs (маленькая лодочка с единственным обитателем = человеком в ней приближалась к утесам; occupant — житель; человек, занимающий место в транспорте). The man in the boat was a picturesque figure (человек в лодке был колоритной фигурой). A crimson scarf was knotted about his head (малиновый шарф был стянут узлом вокруг его головы; knotted — завязанный, стянутый узлом; knot — узел); his wide silk breeches, of flaming hue, were upheld by a broad sash (его широкие шелковые штаны яркого цвета были подхвачены широким кушаком; breeches — бриджи; штаны; to uphold — поддерживать), which likewise supported a scimitar in a shagreen scabbard (который также поддерживал кривую саблю в шагреневых ножнах). His gilt-worked leather boots suggested the horseman rather than the seaman (его отделанные позолотой кожаные сапоги наводили на мысль скорее о всаднике, нежели о мореходе; gilt — позолота; worked — отделанный, обработанный;to suggest — предлагать; наводить на мысль), but he handled his boat with skill (но он мастерски управлялся с лодкой). Through his widely open white silk shirt showed his broad, muscular breast, burned brown by the sun (сквозь его широко открытую белую шелковую рубаху виднелась его широкая, мускулистая грудь, коричневая от солнечного загара; to show — показывать; виднеться; to burn — гореть; сжигать; sunburn — загар; brown — коричневый; смуглый, загорелый).

approach [əˈprəuʧ], broad [brɔ:d], breast [brest]

As the first tinge of dawn reddened the sea, a small boat with a solitary occupant approached the cliffs. The man in the boat was a picturesque figure. A crimson scarf was knotted about his head; his wide silk breeches, of flaming hue, were upheld by a broad sash, which likewise supported a scimitar in a shagreen scabbard. His gilt-worked leather boots suggested the horseman rather than the seaman, but he handled his boat with skill. Through his widely open white silk shirt showed his broad, muscular breast, burned brown by the sun.

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