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1991. Хроника войны в Персидском заливе - Ричард Лаури

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Arthur, Stanly R., Admiral U. S. Navy and Pokranf. «Desert Storm at Sea.» Naval Institute Proceedings Naval Review, May 1991 pp. 82–87.

Atkinson, Rick. Crusade – Th e Untold Story of the Persian Gulf War. Houghton Miffl in Company: Boston, 1993.

Aviation Week & Space Technology Presents: Airshow – Flying into Desert Storm.

Barry, Richard M. «In Praise of Close Air Support.» Marine Corps Gazette, May 1992, p. 56.

Blackwell, James (Major, U. S. Army, Retired). Тандер in the Desert. Bantam Books: New York, 1991.

Bohannon, Richard M. «Dragon’s Roar.» Armor, May-June 1992, pp 11–18.

Brown, Michael. «MLRS in Action.» Soldiers, August 1991, pp. 26–27.

Canan, James W. «Th e Electronic Storm.» Air Force, June 1991, pp. 26–31.

Caporale, Louis G. «Marine Corps Historical Notes From the Gulf War.» Marine Corps Gazette December 1991, pp. 44–46.

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Clancy, Tom. Airborne A Guided Tour of an Airborne Task Force. Berkley Books: New York, 1997.

Clancy, Tom (with General Fred Franks, Jr. (Ret.)). Into the Storm A study in Command. G. P. Putnam’s Sons: New York, 1997.

Clancy, Tom (with General Chuck Horner Ret.)). Every Man a Tiger. G. P. Putnam’s Sons: New York, 1999.

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Cummings, W. Beaman, Jr. «Around the World to the Storm.» Marine Corps Gazette, May 1992, pp. 57–59.

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Dunnigan, James F. and Austin Bay. From Shield to Storm. William Morrow and Company, Inc: New York, 1991.

Edson, J. J. Colonel USMC (RET). «A Perspective on DESERT STORM.» Marine Corps Gazette, June 1991, pp. 25–27.

Englehardt, Joseph P., Lieutenant Colonel. «SSI Special Report – Desert Shield and Desert Storm – A Chronology and Troop List for the 1990–1991Persian Gulf Crisis.» Strategic Studies Institute, U. S. Army War College, March 1991.

Eshel, David. «British Armor in Desert Storm.» Armor, July-August 1992, pp. 12–15.

Ewers, Norman G. «A Conversation with Lieutenant General Royal N. Moore, Jr.» Marine Corps, October 1991, pp. 44–49.

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Gollaher, Michael. «Two Scouts Under Fire Helped Injured Buddies During Night Battle.» Armor, May-June 1991, pp. 21–23.

Хэмптон, Dan. «Th e Weasels at War.» Air Force, July 1991, pp. 56–59.

Hillen, John. «2d Armored Cavalry: Th e Campaign to Liberate Kuwait.» Armor, July-August 1991 pp. 8–12.

Holder, L.D., 65th Colonel of the Regiment. «Desert Storm, a day by day history of the Second Armored Cavalry Regiment.»

Huddleston, Craig, Major USMC. «Th e Opening of Desert Storm: From the Frontlines.» Marine Corps Gazette, April 1991, pp. 52–53.

I MEF’s Command Operations Center (COC) Daily Briefi ng Transcripts.

Jones, Robert A. «Firefi ght at Hamaltyat.» Marine Corps Gazette, June 1991, pp. 30–32.

Jupa, Richard and James Dingeman. «Th e Republican Guards: Loyal, Aggressive, Able.» Army March 1991, pp. 54–62.

Kamiya, Jason K., Major USA. «A History of the 24th Mechanized Infantry Division Combat Team During Operation Desert Storm, «Th e Attack to Free Kuwait.» Department of the Army, Headquarters, 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized), 1991.

Kinzey, Bert. Th e Fury of Desert Storm. Tab Books: Blue Ridge Summit, 1991.

LaBarge, William H. LCDR USN. Desert Voices. Harper Collins Publishers: New York, 1991.

Lenorovitz, Jeff rey M. «Air Crew Training, Avionics Credited For F-15-E’s High Target Rates.» Aviation Week and Space Technology, April 22, 1991, pp. 54–55.

Ludwigsen, Eric C. «Th e Arsenal in the Ground War.» Army, March 1991, pp. 44–47.

Mackenzie, Richard. «A Conversation With Chuck Horner.» Air Force, June 1991, pp. 57–64.

Маггарт, Lon E. «A Leap of Faith.» Armor January-February 1992, pp. 24–32.

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Martin, Robert J. et al. 101st Airborne Division – Screaming Eagles. Turner Publishing Company: Paducah, Kentucky, 1995.

Mazzara, Andrew F., Lieutenant Colonel USMC. «Artillery in the Desert, 1991 Report #1.» Marine Corps Gazette, April 1991, pp. 53–55.

Mazzara, Andrew F., Lieutenant Colonel USMC. «Artillery in the Desert, 1991 Report #2.» Marine Corps Gazette, June 1991, pp. 35–36.

McMichael, William H. «Looking for Clues.» Soldiers, April 1991, pp. 25–27.

McMichael, William H. «Th e First Shots Fired in Anger.» Soldiers, April 1991, pp. 21–24.

Micheletti, Eric. Air War Over the Gulf. Windrow & Green Ltd: London, 1991.

Miles, Donna. «Th umbs Up for the M1A1!» Soldiers, October 1991, pp. 21–23.

Moore, Molly. A Woman at War – Storming Kuwait with the U. S. Marines. Charles Scribner’s Sons: New York, 1993.

Morrocco, John D. «War Will Reshape Doctrine, But Lessons Are Limited.» Aviation Week and Space Technology, April 22, 1991, pp. 40–43.

Mroczkowski, Dennis P., Lieutenant Colonel USMCR. «U.S. Marines in Th e Persian Gulf: With the 2D Marine Division, 1990–1991.» History and Museums Division Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps: Washington, D.C., 1994.

Murry, Williamson. Air War in Th e Persian Gulf. Th e Nautical & Aviation Publishing Company of America, Inc: Baltimore, Md., 1995.

Nordwall, Bruce D. «Electronic Warfare Played Greater Role In Desert Storm Th an Any Confl ict.» Aviation Week and Space Technology, April 22, 1991, pp. 68–69. Ollveri, Frank. «Conventional ALCM Revealed». Air Force, March 1992, p 17.

Pagonis, William G., Lieutenant General with Jeff rey L. Cruikshank. Moving Mountains. Harvard Business School Press: Boston, 1992.

Parker, Robert R., Jr. Major USMC. «Deception: Th e Missing Tool.» Marine Corps Gazette, May 1992, pp. 97–101.

Petre, Peter. It Doesn’t Take a Hero. Bantam Books: New York, 1992.

Pollard, Roger L. «Th e Battle for OP-4: Start of Th e Ground War.» Marine Corps Gazette, March 1992, pp. 48–51.

Pope, John R. «U.S. Marines in Operation Desert Storm.» Marine Corps Gazette, July 1991, pp. 63–69.

Powell, Stewart M. «More Voices From the War.» Air Force, June 1991, pp. 48–55.

Public Aff airs Offi ce 8th Infantry Division. «Artillery pounds Iraqi targets.» Pathfi nder, Special Edition July/August 1991, pp. 11–17.

Public Aff airs Offi ce 8th Infantry Division. «Armor takes back Kuwait.» Pathfi nder, Special Edition July/August 1991, pp. 18–19.

Puryear, A.A., Captain and Lieutenant Gerald R. Haywood II. «Ar Rumaylah Airfi eld Succumbs to Hasty Attack.» Armor September/October 1991, pp. 16–22.

Reid, Th eodore W., Colonel USA. «Chronology of the 197th Infantry Brigade (M) (S) Participation in the Gulf War.» Department of the Army, Headquarters 24th Infantry Division, 1991.

Rosenkranz, Keith. Vipers in the Storm. McGraw-Hill: New York, 1999.

Ross, Jimmy D., Lieutenant General USA. «Victory: Th e Logistics Story.» Army, October 1991, pp. 128–138.

Quilter, Charles J. II, Colonel USMCR. «U.S. Marines in the Persian Gulf War, 1990–1991: With the I Marine Expeditionary Force in Desert Shield and Desert Storm.» History and Museums Division Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., 1993.

Sayenga, Kurt. Wings Over the Gulf. Th e Discovery Channel: Bethesda, 1991.

Scales, Robert H. Jr. Certain Victory. Offi ce of the Chief of Staff, United States Army: Washington, D.C. 1993.

Serna, Fernando. «Eye of the Rolling Storm.» Airman, July 1991, pp. 45–48.

Simon, Bob. Forty Days. G. P. Putnam’s Sons: New York, 1992.

Staff. «Antitank Missiles Helped Rout Iraqi Troops In First Major Ground Battle of War.» Aviation Week and Space Technology, March 4, 1991, p. 23.

Staff. «Down in the Sand.» Army, March 1991, pp. 33–38.

Staff. «Tales From Th e Front.» People Commemorative Issue, Spring/Summer 1991, p. 50.

Staff. «Oh, Man I’m Hit.» People Commemorative Issue, Spring/Summer 1991, p. 94.

Staff of U. S. News and World Report. Triumph Without Victory. Random Хаус: New York, 1992.

Steele, Dennis. «155 Miles into Iraq: Th e 101st Strikes Deep.» Army, August 1991, pp. 31–35.

Steele, Dennis. «Tanks and Men: Desert Storm From the Hatches.» Army, June 1991, pp. 28–31.

Stout, Jay A. Hornets Over Kuwait. Naval Institute Press: Annapolis, 1997.

Sylvester, John B. Colonel. «Actions of the 1st (TIGER) Brigade, 2nd Armored Division During Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm 10 Aug 90–1 Mar 91.» Department of the Army.

Taylor, Tomas. Lightning in the Storm. Hippocrene Books, Inc: New York, 1994.

The Campaign History of the 1st Cavalry Division in Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm – August 1990-June 1991, prepared by the 1st Cvalry Public Aff airs Offi ce (Never Published).

Trewilt, Philip. Armored Fighting Vehicles. Barnes & Noble: New York, 1999.

Usry, Captain Floyd J. «Marking the Battlefi eld for Close Air Support.» Marine Corps Gazette, February 1992, pp. 40–42.

Waller, Douglas C. Th e Commandos. Simon and Schuster: New York, 1994.

Watson, Bruce W., et al. Military Lessons of the Gulf War. Greenhill Books: London, 1991.

Williams, Th omas W., Lieutenant Colonel. «A Taste of Victory.» Marine Corps Gazette, June 1991, pp. 33–34.

Wilson, G.I. «Gulf War, Maneuver Warfare, and the Operational Art.» Marine Corps Gazette, June 1991, pp. 23–24.

Wilson, Robert, Lieutenant Colonel. «Tanks in the Division Cavalry Squadron.» Armor, JulyAugust 1992, pp. 6–11.

Wunderlich, Tony. «Lucky Scouts Dodge «Big Bullets’ Th at Ripped Th eir Bradley.» Armor, May-June 1991 pp. 22–23.

Yeosock, John J. «H+100: An Army Comes of Age in the Persian Gulf.» Army, October 1991, pp. 44–58.



от англ. аббревиатуры AWACS – Airborne Warning and Control System. – Прим. ред.


крейсер УРО «Сан-Хасинто», принадлежавший к авианосной ударной группе авианосца «Джон Ф. Кеннеди», совершил первый пуск крылатой ракеты «Томагавк» в 1 ч. 30 мин., а через 11 мин. после этого ракету выпустил дислоцировавшийся в Персидском заливе эскадренный миноносец «Пол Ф. Фостер», один из эскортных кораблей авианосца «Рейнджер». – Прим. ред.


речь идёт об операции «Оверлорд», в рамках которой американская 101-я воздушно-десантная дивизия была высажена в Нормандии на парашютах и планерах в ночь на 6 июня 1944 г. – Прим. ред.


СКАД (англ. Scud) – употребляемое в США и других государствах НАТО кодовое обозначение ряда оперативно-тактических ракетных комплексов (ОТРК), разработанных в СССР; в данном случае имеются в виду иракские модификации мобильного комплекса SS-1C Scud B, то есть советского ОТРК сухопутных войск 9К72 «Эльбрус» с ракетой Р-17 (она же Р-300), принятого на вооружение в 1962 г.; экспортный вариант этого вооружения под названием Р-17Э и Р-300Э поставлялся Советским Союзом в страны Варшавского договора, Египет, Сирию, Ирак, Ливию, Йемен и Северную Корею; в период Ирано-иракской войны 1980–1988 гг. производство таких ракет было налажено в Ираке, где их модифифицировали специалисты из ФРГ и Бразилии (по другой информации – из Китая, Египта и Франции); иракские ОТРК, названные «Аль-Хусейн» и «Аль-Аббас», обладали большей дальностью стрельбы, чем их советский прототип Р-300 (вместо 300 км ракета «Аль-Аббас» преодолевала дистанцию в 630 км, а «Аль-Аббас» – до 900 км), но имели худшую точность (от 1000 до 3000 м кругового вероятного отклонения вместо 450 м у Р-300); к началу операции «Буря в пустыне» в составе Вооруженных сил Ирака было две бригады ОТРК (36 самоходных пусковых установок), а запас ракет всех трех образцов достигал 800 единиц. – Прим. ред.

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