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Среди сотрудников издательства «Би-Би-Си Букс» я хочу от всего сердца поблагодарить редактора Мартина Реферна за оказанное мне доверие, за терпение и руководство в процессе написания книги; Элеонор Максфилд за ведение всего проекта столь неустанно и доброжелательно; Триш Бёргресс за редактирование и улучшение текста; Сару Хоппер за ее замечательную работу по изучению иллюстративного материала и Мартина Хендри за круглосуточный труд оформления книги.

Эта книга никогда бы не увидела свет без щедрой помощи ученых, которые участвовали в проекте как научные консультанты. Я многим обязан Мартину Гудману и Аврил Кэмерон за их ответы на мои вопросы и поправки к главам IV и V соответственно. Также я благодарен Питеру Хизеру, чьи советы и недавно вышедшая книга «The Fall of the Roman Empire» существенно обогатили главу IV. Но моя самая глубокая благодарность направлена в адрес Мэри Биэрд, которая любезно делилась со мной идеями, читала рукопись, отвечала на электронные письма в рекордно короткое время и вносила бессчетные поправки в текст (спасая мне жизнь). Она вдохновляла меня на работу, а ее знания легли в основу этой книги.

Я искренне благодарен моим учителям Саймону Прайсу, Летеции Эдварде, Пите Фаулер, Джеймсу Морвуду и Брюсу Маккраю; моему брату Мэтью за то, что он составил мне отличную компанию для прогулок по римским руинам в Средизноморье; и наконец, моей матери Пэтси, Мартину и Кейт, моим друзьям, особенно Кари Лай, Сэму Симу, Пауле Трыбуховска, Марку Уильямсу, Хелен Румбелоу, Тони Причарду, Карду Си-верцу и Хелен Вайнштайн — за их горячую поддержку.



Woolf, G. (ed), The Cambridge Illustrated History ofthe Roman World (Cambridge, 2003)

Cornell, T. J., Beginnings of Rome: Italy and Rome from the Bronze Age to the Punic Wars (London, 1995)

Woolf, G., Et Tu Brute? The Murder of Caesar and Political Assassination (London, 2006)

Wyke, M., Projecting the Past: Ancient Rome, Cinema and History (New York; London, 1997)

Hopkins, Keith and Beard, Mary, The Colosseum (London, 2005)

Bowman, A. K., Life and Letters on the Roman Frontier. Vindolanda and its People (London, 2003)


Available in translation:

Cicero's Letters to Atticus (London, 1978)

Cicero's Letters to his Friends (London, 1978)

Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome (London, 1989)

Petronius and Seneca, The Satyricon, The Apocolocyntosis (The Pumpkinification of the Divine Claudius) (London, 1977)

Suetonius, Lives of the Caesars (Oxford, 2000)

Plutarch, Fall of the Roman Republic (London, 1972)

Caesar, The Civil War (London, 1967)

Josephus, The Jewish War (London, 1981)


Jones, Peter and Sidwell, Keith (eds), The World of Rome: An Introduction to Roman Culture, (Cambridge, 1997)

Woolf, G. (ed), The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Roman World (Cambridge, 2003)

Hopkins, Keith, Conquerors and Slaves (Cambridge, 1978)

Griffin, Jasper, Virgil (London, 2001)

Jenkyns, Richard, Virgil's Experience: Nature and History, Times, Names, and Places (Oxford, 1998)


For Rome's early history see the following Penguin translations:

Polybius, Histories: The Rise of the Roman Empire (London, 1979)

Livy, The Early History of Rome (Bks 1-5) (London, 2002)

Livy, Rome and Italy (Bks 6-10) (London, 1982)

For Virgil, see:

Georgics (Oxford, 2006) and The Aeneid (London, 1990)


The most accessible narrative account of the life of Tiberius Gracchus can be found in:

Richardson, Keith: Daggers in the Forum: The Revolutionary Lives and Violent Deaths of the Gracchus Brothers (London, 1976).

Other key works are:

Astin, A. E., Scipio Aemilianus (Oxford, 1967)

Stockton, David, The Gracchi (Oxford, 1979)

Astin, A.E.; Walbank, F.W.; Frederiksen, M.W.; Ogilvie, RJV1. (eds), Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 8: 'Rome and the Mediterranean to 133 вс' (Cambridge, 1989)

Beard, Mary and Crawford, Michael, Rome in the Late Republic. Problems and Interpretations (London, 1999)

Brunt, P. A., Italian Manpower (Oxford 1971)


For the Roman conquest of the Mediterranean see:

Polybius, Histories: The Rise of the Roman Empire (London, 1979) (selected excerpts)

Livy, The War with Hannibal (Bks 21-30) (London, 1970)

Livy, Rome and the Mediterranean (Bks 31-45) (London, 1976)

In Loeb Classical Library edition see:

Polybius, The Histories (Cambridge, Mass., 1922-27)

Appian, Roman History (Cambridge, Mass., 1912-13) both of which give the full Greek text and translation.

For accounts of the lives of Tiberius Gracchus and Gaius Gracchus see:

Plutarch, Makers of Rome (London, 1965)

Appian, The Civil Wars (London, 1996)

All the primary sources relating to the Gracchus brothers have been usefully collated in:

Stockton, David, From The Gracchi To Sulla: Sources for Roman History, 133-80 вс (London, 1981)


The most accessible, well-researched and exciting narrative of the fell of the Roman republic can be found in:

Holland, Tom, Rubicon: The Triumph and Tragedy of the Roman Republic (London, 2003)

Two authoritative biographies of Caesar are:

Gelzer, Matthias, Caesar, Politician and Statesman (Oxford, 1968) Meier, Christian, Caesar (London, 1996)

Other key works for the late Republic are:

Beard, Mary and Crawford, Michael, Rome in the Late Republic. Problems and Interpretations (London, 1999)

Weinstock, Stefan, Drvus Julius (Oxford, 1971)

Crook, J.A.; Lintott, Andrew; Rawson, Elizabeth (eds) Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 9: The Last Age of the Roman Republic, 146-43 ВС (Cambridge, 1989)


There is a wealth of ancient sources for this period of Roman history. For Caesar's writings see:

Caesar, The Gallic War (Oxford, 1996)

Caesar, The Civil War (London, 1967)

For the contemporary letters of Cicero and his correspondents see:

Cicero's Letters to Atticus (London, 1978)

Cicero's Letters to his Friends (London, 1978)

Cicero, Selected Letters (London, 1986) (one volume)

For the ancient biographies of Pompey and Caesar see:

Plutarch, Fall of the Roman Republic (London, 1972)

Suetonius, Lives ofthe Caesars (Oxford, 2000) Qulius Caesar)

Other ancient narratives of the last decades of the republic are:

Appian, The Civil Wars (London, 1996)

Lucan, Civil War (Oxford, 1999) (poetic account)


Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew, Augustan Rome (Bristol, 1993)

Zanker, Paul, The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus (Ann Arbor, 1988)

Beard, Mary; North, John; Price, Simon, Religions of Rome. Volume 1: 'A History'(Cambridge, 1998)

Galinsky, Karl (ed), The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Augustus (Cambridge, 2005)

Bowman, A.K.; Champlin, Edward; Lintott, Andrew (eds), Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 10: The Augustan Empire, 43 BC-AD 69' (Cambridge, 1996)

Syme, Ronald, The Roman Revolution, (Oxford, 1939)

Price, S. R. F., Rituals and Power: The Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor (Cambridge, 1984)

Jones, Peter and Sidwell, Keith (eds), The World of Rome: An Introduction to Roman Culture, (Cambridge, 1997)

Barchiesi, Alessandro, The Poet and the Prince: Ovid and Augustan Discourse (Berkeley, 1997)


The key ancient texts for the life and rule of Augustus are:

Suetonius, Lives of the Caesars (Oxford, 2000)

Cassius Dio, The Roman History: The Reign of Augustus (London, 1987)

For Augustus's own account of his reign (My Achievements) see:

Res Gestae DrviAugusti, The Achievements of the Divine Augustus, (ed) P. A. Brunt and J. M. Moore (Oxford, 1967) which has original text, translation and commentary

The primary sources on all aspects of Augustan age have been usefully collated in: K. Chisolm and J. Ferguson (eds), Rome: The Augustan Age, A Source Book (Oxford, 1981)


An excellent and authoritative account of the crisis of Nero's reign is:

Griffin, Miriam Т., Nero, The End of a Dynasty (London, 1984)

Two short introductions to Nero's rale can be found in:

Shotter, David, Nero (London, 2005)

Malta, Jiirgen, Nero (Oxford, 2005)

Other key works are:

Grant, Michael, Nero (London, 1970)

Champlin, Edward, Nero (Cambridge, Mass.; London, 2003)

Beacham, Richard C, The Roman Theatre and its Audience (London, 1991)

Beacham, Richard C, Spectacle Entertainments of Early Imperial Rome (New Haven; London, 1999)


For Tacitus's works for this period see the following translations:

Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome (London, 1989)

Tacitus, The Histories (London, 1972)

For Suetonius's life of Nero see:

Suetonius, Lives of the Caesars (Oxford, 2000)

Suetonius, Lives of the Caesars (Oxford, 2000) (Julius Caesar)

Other ancient narratives of the last decades of the republic are:

Appian, The Civil Wars (London, 1996)

Lucan, Civil War (Oxford, 1999) (poetic account)


Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew, Augustan Rome (Bristol, 1993)

Zanker, Paul, The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus (Ann Arbor, 1988)

Beard, Mary; North, John; Price, Simon, Religions of Rome. Volume 1: 'A History'(Cambridge, 1998)

Galinsky, Karl (ed). The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Augustus (Cambridge, 2005)

Bowman, A.K.; Champlin, Edward; Lintott, Andrew (eds), Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 10: The Augustan Empire, 43 BC-AD 69' (Cambridge, 1996)

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