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Завещание Джона Локка, приверженца мира, философа и англичанина - Анатолий Яковлев

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Helmont F. M. van. Observationes circa hominem ejusque morbos. – Amsterdam, 1692.


Helmont F. M. van. The Divine Being and its Attributes, Demonstrated from the Holy Scriptures and Original Nature of Things: According to the Principles of F.M.B. of Helmont. – London, 1693.


Helmont F. M. van. Quaedam praemeditatae & consideratae Cogitationes super quatuor priora capita libri primi Moysis, Genesis nominati. – Amstelodami, 1697.


Helmont F. M. van. Seder Olam: or the Order, Series, or Succession of All the Ages, Periods, and Times of the Whole World. London, 1694; перевод с лат.: Seder Olam sive Ordo Seculorum, historica enarratio doctrinae, 1693.


Helmont F. M. van. A Cabbalistical Dialogue, in Answer to the Opinion of a Learned Doctor in Philosophy and Theology, that the World was made of Nothing. – London, 1682.


Helmont F. M. van.  Two Hundred Queries Moderately Propounded Concerning the Doctrine of the Revolution of Humane Soules, and its Conformity to the Truths of Christianity. – London, 1684; 1690.


Christianus Peganius. A Dissertation concerning the Prae-existency of Souls. – London, 1684.


Christianus Peganius. A Genuine Explication of the Visions of the Book of Revelation: Full of Sundry New Christian Considerations, wherein True and False Christendom is Briefl y… Represented, and the Time of Each of Th em, After a Mathematical Manner, Demonstrated. – London, 1670.


См.: The Correspondence of John Locke. Vol. III / Ed. by E.S. de Beer. – Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978. P. 402–403.


Goldish М. The Battle for “True” Jewish Christianity: Peter Allix’s Polemics Against the Unitarians and Millenarians // Everything Connects: in Conference with Richard H.Popkin: Essays in His Honor / Ed. by J. E. Force, and D. S. Katz. – Leiden; Boston; Koln: Brill, 1999. P. 146.


Allix P. The Judgement of the Ancient Jewish Church Against the Unitarians in the controversy upon the Holy Trinity and the divinity of our Blessed Saviour. – London, 1699.


Pugio Fidei Raymundi Martini Ordinis Praedicatorum adversus Mauros, et Judaeos. – Paris, 1651.


См.: Ibid. P. 154.


Simonutti L. Circles of Virtuosi and “Charity under Different Opinions”: The Crucible of Locke’s Last Writings // Studies on Locke: Sources, Contemporaries, and Legacy / Ed. by S. Hutton and P. Schuurman. Springer, 2008. P. 171–173; Locke J. Political Essays / Ed. by M. Goldie. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. P. 304–306.


См.: Zagorin P. How the Idea of Religious Toleration Came to the West. – Princeton and Oxford: Prenceton University Press, 2003. P. 359.


Hoadly В. The Original and Institution of Civil Government, Discuss’d. – London, 1710.


В следующем году эта работа получила отповедь в памфлете «Полное опровержение книги г-на Ходли о происхождении государства» («Ап Entire Confutation of Mr. Hoadley’s Book, of the Original of Government», London, 1710), которая воспроизводила Оксфордский декрет от 24 июля 1683 г. С момента выхода «декрета» прошло почти 27 лет, и тем не менее он воспринимался как опровержение идей Локка, высказанных в «Двух трактатах о правлении» в 1689 г. и повторенных Ходли, будто и был составлен именно против «Двух трактатов о правлении». Однако, как мы знаем, в 1683 г. «Два трактата о правлении» еще не были написаны как цельное произведение, поэтому, скорее всего, Оксфордский декрет, как и исключение из колледжа Крайст-Чёрч, стали в какой-то мере стимулом для того, чтобы Локк принялся за систематическое подытоживание и изложение своих взглядов на светское правление.


Hoadly В. A Preservative Against the Principles and Practices of the Non-Jurors, Or, an Appeal to the Consciences and Sense of the Christian Laity. 1716; Hoadly B. The Nature of the Kingdom, or Church, of Christ: a Sermon Preach’d Before the King… Sunday, March 31, 1717 (1717).


См.: Claydon Т. Europe and the Making of England, 1660–1760.—Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. P. 349.


Locke J.] A Vindication of the Reasonableness of Christianity &c. From Edward’s Reflections. – London, 1695; Locke J.] A Second Vindication of the Reasonableness of Christianity See. – London, 1697.


Edwards J. The Socinian Creed, Or A Brief Account of the Professed Tenets and Doctrines of the Foreign and English Socinians. Wherein Is shew’d The Tendency of them To Irreligion and Atheism. With Proper Antidotes against them. – London, 1697.


Que la Religion Chretienne est tres-raisonnable, Telle quelle nous est represen tee dans l’Ecriture Sainte. – Amsterdam, Chez Henri Wetstein, 1696. См.: Tolton, Jean S. John Locke: A Descriptive Bibliography. – Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1998. P. 271–294.


The Correspondence of John Locke. Vol. V / Ed. by E. S. De Beer. – Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979. R370.


Locke J. A Vindication of the “Reasonableness of Christianity”, &c. from Mr. Edward’s Reflections // Locke, J. Vindications of the Reasonableness of Christianity /Ed. by V.Nuovo. – Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2012. P. 11, 13.


Locke J.~ A Second Vindication of the “Reasonableness of Christianity”, & c. – London, 1697.


Locke J. A Second Vindication of the “Reasonableness of Christianity”, & c. //Locke, J. Vindications of the Reasonableness of Christianity / Ed. by V. Nuovo. – Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2012. P. 36–37.


Edwards J. Some Thoughts concerning the Several Causes and Occasions of Athe ism, Especially in the Present Age. With Some Brief Reflections on Socinianism: And on a Late Book Entituled “The Reasonableness of Christianity, As delivered in the Scriptures”.—London, 1695.


Edwards Th. Gangraena: or a Catalogue of Many of the Errours, Heresies, Blasphe mies and Pernicious Practices of the Sectaries of this Time. – London, 1646.


Edwards J. Socinianism Unmask’d. A Discourse Shewing the Unreasonableness Of a Late Writer’s Opinion Concerning the Necessity of only One Article of Christian Faith; And of his other Assertions in his late Book, Entituled, “The Reasonableness of Christianity”… and in his Vindication of it. With a Brief Reply to another (professed) Socinian Writer. – London, 1696.


Stillingfleet E. A Discourse in Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity: With an Answer to the Late Socinian Objections against It from Scripture, Antiquity and Reason. – London, 1696.


Locke J. A Letter to the Rt. Rev. Edward, Lord Bishop of Worcester, concerning some Passages relating to Mr. Locke’s Essay of Humane Inderstanding. In a late Discourse of his Lordship’s in Vindication of the Trinity //Works of John Locke. Vol. IV. – London, 1801.


Stillingfleet E. The Bishop of Worcester’s Answer to Mr. Locke’s Letter. – London, 1997.


Locke J. Mr. Locke’s Reply to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Worcester’s Answer to His Letter //Works of John Locke. – London, 1801. Vol. IV.


Stillingfleet E. The Bishop of Worcester’s Answer to Mr. Locke’s Second Letter; Wherein His Notion of Ideas is Prov’d to Be Inconsistent with It Self. And With the Articles of the Christian Faith. – London, 1698.


См. подробнее: Popkin R. The Philosophy of Bishop Stillingfleet // Journal of the History of Philosophy. 1971. Vol. 9. No. 3.


Edwards J. The Socinian Creed. – London, 1697. P. 247, 264. Цит. no: Higgins-Biddle J. C. Edwards, John //The Continuum Companion to Locke / Ed. by S.J. Savonius-Wroth-Wroth, P. Schuurman and J.Walmsley. – London; N.Y.: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2010. P. 96.


Edwards J. A Brief Vindication of the Fundamental Articles of the Christian Faith, As also Of the Clergy, Universities and Publick Schools, from Mr. Lock’s Reflections upon Them in his Book of Education, &c. With some Animadversions on two other late Pamphlets, viz. Of Mr. Bold and a Nameless Socinian Writer. – London, 1697.


Sherlock W A Vindication of Dr. Sherlock’s Sermon Concerning The Danger of Corrupting the Faith by Philosophy. In Answer to Some Socinian Remarks. – London, 1697.


Payne W. The Mystery of the Christian Faith and of the Blessed Trinity Vindicated, and the Divinity of Christ Proved. In Three Sermons… In the Press before his Death, and by himself ordered to be published. – London, 1697.


[Lobb S.] The Growth of Error. – London, 1697.


[West i?.] Animadversions on a Late Book, Entituled The Reasonableness of Christianity, As Deliveres in the Scriptures. – Oxford, 1697.


Edwards J. A Preservative Against Socinianism. Shewing the Direct and Plain Op position Between It, and the Religion Revealed by God in the Holy Scriptures… the Third Part. – Oxford, 1697.


Becconsall Th. The Grounds and Foundation of Natural Religion Discover’d, In the Principal Branches of it, in Opposition to the Prevailing Notions of the Modern Scepticks and Latitudinarians. With an Introduction concerning the Necessity of Revealed Religion. – London, 1698.


F. B. A Free but Modest Censure on the Late Controversial Writings and Debates of the Lord Bishop of Worcester and Mr. Locke; Mr. Edwards and Mr. Locke; The Honble Charles Boyle, Esq.; and Dr. Bentley. Together with Brief Remarks on Monsieur Le Clerc’s Ars Critica. – London, 1698.


[Milner J.] An Account of Mr. Lock’s Religion, Out of His own Writings, and in His own Words. Together with Some Observations upon It, and a Twofold Appendix. I. A Specimen of Mr. Lock’s Way of Answering Authors… II. A Brief Enquiry Whether Socinianism Be Justly Charged upon Mr. Lock. – London, 1700.


Whitby D. A Paraphrase and Commentary upon all the Epistles of the New Testament. London, 1700.


Хотя слово «разумность» в отношении христианства применялось и ранее, например Генри Хаммондом: Hammond, H.Of the Reasonableness of Christian Religion. – London, 1650.


[R oland J.] Christianity not Mysterious, Or A Treatise Shewing, That there is nothing in the Gospel Contrary to Reason, Nor Above it, And that no Christian Doctrine can be properly call’d a Mystery. – London, 1696.


[Willis R .] Occasional Paper, no 1. Containing an Account of the Author’s Design, Together with Some Reflections on a Book Enituled, A Letter to the Deists; in a Letter to a Friend; no 5. Containing a Defense of the Ministry and Ministers of the Gospel; against the Suggestion of Some Late Writers. In a letter to a Friend, with a Post-Script Relating to the Author of the Reasonableness of Christianity. – London, 1697.


Willis R.~ The Occasional Paper, no 5. P. 41. Цит. no: Numao J.K. Willis, Rich ard // The Continuum Companion to Locke / Ed. by S.J. Savonius-Wroth-Wroth, P. Schuurman and J.Walmsley. – London – N.Y.: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2010. P. 118.


В декабре 1696 г. в Эдинбурге за разного рода богохульства, в частности за отрицание Троицы, был казнен через повешение восемнадцатилетний студент Томас Айкенхед (он был похоронен только через две недели под виселицей), что, впрочем, стало последним случаем применения высшей меры за бохогульство на территории трех королевств.


Гоббс Т. Сочинения в 2 т. – М.: Мысль, 1991. Т. 2. С. 358–359; Локк Дж. Сочинения в 3 т. – М. Мысль, 1988. Т. 3. С. 96–97.


Locke on Toleration / Ed. by R.Vernon. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. P. 29; Locke J. A Letter concerning Toleration and other Writings /Ed. by M.Goldie. – Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2010. P. 42. Перевод этой фразы в приведенном выше русском издании «Но Евангелие не является таким законом ни для одного христианского государства» (с. 117) запутывает суть дела. Латинская фраза читается: «Sed sub Evangelio nulla prorsus est res publica Christiana». Английская: «But there is absolutely no such thing under the Gospel as a Christian Commonwealth». См. параллельные латинский и английский тексты: Montuori М. John Locke on Toleration and the Unity of God. – Amsterdam: J. C. Gieben Publishers, 1983. P. 72–73. Как можно заметить, говоря о государстве, Локк пользуется термином «республика», что хорошо видно в латинском тексте, а в английском несколько смазано более неопределенным «commonwealth». Но это отдельная тема. См. также: Locke J. Two Treatises of Government /Ed. by P.Laslett. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. P.355.


Chillingworth W. The Religion of Protestants A Safe Way to Salvation. Or An Answer to a Booke Entitled “Mercy and Truth”, Or, Charity maintain’d by Catholiques, Which pretends to prove the Contrary – Oxford, 1638.


См.: Higgins-Biddle J. Introduction //Locke, J. The Reasonableness of Christian ity, As delivered in the Scriptures / Ed. by J. Higgins-Biddle. – Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. P. LVIII–LIX.

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