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36. Harvey. Clive. P. 375, 376.

37. Nick Robins. The Corporation That Changed the World: How the East India Company Shaped the Modern Multinational. Hyderabad, India: Orient Longman, 2006. P. 168.

38. Ibid. P. 103.

Глава 10. Стратегия и прекрасное

1. David Gilmour. Curzon: Imperial Statesman. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1994. P. 181.

2. C. Raja Mohan. Crossing the Rubicon: The Shaping of India’s New Foreign Policy. N. Y.: Penguin, 2003. P. 204.

3. Ibid.

4. George Friedman. The Geopolitics of India: A Shifting, Self-Contained World // Stratford. 2008. December.

5. Shashi Tharoor. Nehru: The Invention of India. N. Y.: Arcade, 2003. P. 185.

6. Simon and Rupert Winchester. Calcutta Oakland, CA: Lonely Planet, 2004. P. 78.

7. Amartya Sen. Tagore and His India // New York Review of Books. 1997. June 26.

8. Rabindranath Tagore. Passing Time in the Rain, in his Selected Short Stories, trans. William Radice. New Delhi: Penguin, 1991. Appendix.

9. См. рассказ Little Master’s Return и вступление переводчика там же.

10. Samuel Huntington. The Clash of Civilizations? // Foreign Affairs. 1993. Summer.

11. Цит. по: Sen. Tagore and His India.

12. См.: Letters, Appendix B, in Tagore’s Selected Stories.

13. Sugata Bose. A Hundred Horizons: The Indian Ocean in the Age of Global Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006. P. 235.

14. Ibid. P. 261.

15. Ibid. P. 270, 271. См. также: Bose’s footnote. P. 312, and ch. Seven, on Tagore, near the end of A Hundred Horizons.

Глава 11. Шри-Ланка: новая геополитика

1. B. Raman. Hambantota and Gwadar – an Update // Institute for Topical Studies. Chennai, India, 2009.

2. О «мягком» влиянии Китая см.: Joshua Kurlantzick. Charm Offensive: How China’s Soft Power Is Transforming the World. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2007.

3. George F. Hourani. Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1951. P. 40.

4. Richard Hall. Empires of the Monsoon: A History of the Indian Ocean and Its Invaders. L.: HarperCollins, 1996. P. 80, 92.

5. Sudha Ramachandran. China Moves into India’s Backyard // Asia Times. 2007. Mar. 13; Bethany Danyluk, Juli A. MacDonald, and Ryan Tuggle. Energy Futures in Asia: Perspectives on India’s Energy Security Strategy and Policies // Booz Allen Hamilton, 2007.

6. Harsh V. Pant. End Game in Sri Lanka // Jakarta Post. 2009. Feb. 25.

7. Jeremy Page. Chinese Billions in Sri Lanka Fund Battle Against Tamil Tigers // The Times of London. 2009. May 2.

8. Неамериканские СМИ – например BBC и Al Jazeera – говорили о Шри-Ланке подробнее.

9. K. M. de Silva. Reaping the Whirlwind: Ethnic Conflict, Ethnic Politics in Sri Lanka. New Delhi: Penguin, 1998. P. 8.

10. Ibid. P. 19, 82.

11. John Richardson. Paradise Poisoned: Learning About Conflict, Terrorism and Development from Sri Lanka’s Civil Wars. Kandy, Sri Lanka: International Centre for Ethnic Studies, 2005. P. 24–27; Kingsley M. de Silva. Managing Ethnic Tensions in Multi-Ethnic Societies. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1986. Pp. 361–368; Tom Lowenstein, Treasures of the Buddha: The Glories of Sacred Asia. L.: Duncan Baird, 2006. P. 62–66.

12. Многие сведения о сингальско-тамильском противостоянии взяты из беспристрастной и исчерпывающе полной книги Ричардсона, равно как и из не менее полновесного труда: De Silva. Reaping the Whirlwind.

13. Narayan Swamy. Tigers of Lanka: From Boys to Guerrillas. New Delhi: Konark, 1994. P. 40–92; Mary Anne Weaver. The Gods and the Stars // New Yorker. 1988. Mar. 21; Richardson. Paradise Poisoned. P. 351, 352, 479, 480.

14. Michael Radu. How to Kill Civilians in the Name of «Human Rights»: Lessons from Sri Lanka // E-Note, Forein Policy Research Institute, fpri.org. 2009. February.

15. Michael Radu. How to Kill Civilians in the Name of «Human Rights»: Lessons from Sri Lanka // Foreign Policy Research Institute. 2009. February.

16. Jakub J. Grygiel. The Power of Statelessness // Policy Review. 2009. April / May.

17. Al Jazeera. 2009. May 20.

18. Emily Wax. Editor’s Killing Underscores Perils of Reporting in Sri Lanka // Washington Post. 2009. Jan. 15.

19. Samuel P. Huntington. Political Order in Changing Societies. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1968. P. 7.

20. Интервью с Пэтом Гарреттом, старшим научным сотрудником Booz Allen Hamilton.

Глава 12. Бирма: страна, в которой сталкиваются Индия и Китай

1. Washington Post, editorial. Aug. 30, 2007.

2. Norman Lewis, Golden Earth. Travels in Burma. 1952; reprint, L.: Eland, 2003. P. 137, 138, 151, 205.

3. Dana Dillon and John J. Tkacik Jr. China’s Quest for Asia // Policy Review. 2005/2006. December/January.

4. Joshua Kurlantzik. The Survivalists: How Burma’s Junta Hangs On // New Republic. 2008. June 11.

5. Greg Sheridan. East Meets West // National Interest. 2006. November/December.

6. Thant Myint-U. The River of Lost Footsteps: A Personal History of Burma. N. Y.: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. P. 41.

7. Ibid. P. 47, 59.

8. Pankaj Mishra. The Revolt of the Monks // New York Review of Books. 2008. Feb. 14.

9. Martin Smith. Burma: Insurgency and the Politics of Ethnicity. L.: Zed, 1991. ch. 2.

10. Ibid.

11. Thant Myint-U. River of Lost Footsteps. P. 162.

12. Amitav Ghosh. In The Glass Palace. N. Y.: Random House, 2000.

13. Mishra. Revolt of the Monks.

14. Brigadier Bernard Fergusson. The Wild Green Earth. L.: Collins, 1946.

15. Washington Post. 2007. Aug. 30.

16. Mishra. Revolt of the Monks.

17. James Fallows. Evil in Burma // TheAtlantic.com. 2008. May 11.

Глава 13. Индонезия: тропический ислам

1. Robert D. Kaplan. Hog Pilots, Blue Water Grunts: The American Military in the Air, at Sea, and on the Ground. N. Y.: Random House, 2007. Ch. 3.

2. Simon Winchester. Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded; August 27, 1883. N. Y.: HarperCollins, 2003. P. 40, 41, 320, 321.

3. Ibid. P. 326.

4. M. C. Ricklefs. A History of Modern Indonesia Since C. 1200. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1981. P. 10.

5. Clifford Geertz. Islam Observed: Religious Development in Morocco and Indonesia. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968. P. 11, 12, 16, 66. Фабианством звалось общественное британское движение, возникшее сто лет назад. Оно призывало к демократическому правлению и либеральным реформам, избрав постепенный, нереволюционный подход к делу.

6. Giora Eliraz. Islam in Indonesia: Modernism, Radicalism, and the Middle East Dimension. Brighton, Eng.: Sussex, 2004. P. 74.

7. V. S. Naipaul. Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey. N. Y.: Penguin, 1981. P. 304, 331.

8. John Hughes. The End of Sukarno: A Coup That Misfired; a Purge That Ran Wild. Singapore: Archipelago, 1967, 2002. P. 166–169.

9. Geertz. Islam Observed. P. 65.

10. Eliraz. Islam in Indonesia. P. 42, 43; Winchester. Krakatoa. P. 333, 334.

11. Malcolm H. Kerr. Islamic Reform: The Political and Legal Theories of Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966. P. 15.

12. Geertz. Islam Observed. P. 17.

13. Eliraz. Islam in Indonesia. P. 6–8, 14, 20.

14. Ibid. P. 31.

15. Geertz. Islam Observed. P. 61, 62.

16. Andrew MacIntyre and Douglas E. Ramage. Seeing Indonesia as a Normal Country. Barton: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2008.

17. Eliraz. Islam in Indonesia. P. 67.

Глава 14. Сердце приморской Азии

1. Juli A. MacDonald, Amy Donahue, and Bethany Danyluk. Energy Futures in Asia: Final Report // Booz Allen Hamilton. 2004. November.

2. Я подробно писал о Сингапуре в предыдущей своей книге: Hog Pilots, Blue Water Grunts: The American Military in the Air, at Sea, and on the Ground. N. Y.: Random House, 2007. Ch. 3.

3. Mohan Malik. Energy Flows and Maritime Rivalries in the Indian Ocean Region. Honolulu: Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, 2008.

4. Ian W. Porter. The Indian Ocean Rim // African Security Review. 1997. Vol. 6. № 6. Mentioned by Malik.

5. G. B. Souza. Maritime Trade and Politics in China and the South China Sea, included in Ashin Das Gupta and M. N. Pearson, eds., India and the Indian Ocean, 1500–1800. Kolkata: Oxford University Press, 1987.

6. Dorothy Van Duyne. The Straits of Malacca: Strategic Considerations. United States Naval Academy, 2007.

7. Donald B. Freeman. The Straits of Malacca: Gateway or Gauntlet? Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2003. P. 55.

8. Patricia Risso. Merchants & Faith: Muslim Commerce and Culture in the Indian Ocean. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1995. P. 90.

9. Arun Das Gupta. The Maritime Trade of Indonesia: 1500–1800 // Ashin Das Gupta; Pearson. India and the Indian Ocean. New Delhi: Sage, 1987; Satish Chandra. The Indian Ocean: Explorations in History, Commerce and Politics. New Delhi: Sage, 1987. P. 181, 182.

10. Michael Leifer. Malacca, Singapore, and Indonesia. Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands: Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1978. P. 9. См. также: Van Duyne, Straits of Malacca.

11. Van Duyne. Straits of Malacca.

12. Han van der Horst. The Low Sky: Understanding the Dutch, trans. Andy Brown. The Hague: Scriptum, 1996. P. 29, 85, 127; Geert Mak, Amsterdam: A Brief Life of the City, trans. by Philipp Blom. L.: Harvill, 1995, 2001. P. 1.

13. Van der Horst. Low Sky. P. 90, 91.

14. J. H. Plumb, introduction to C. R. Boxer, The Dutch Seaborne Empire, 1600–1800. L.: Hutchinson, 1965.

15. Mak. Amsterdam. P. 120.

16. Boxer. Dutch Seaborne Empire. P. 29. Многие материалы, касающиеся голландской империи и включенные в данную главу, основываются на этой классической книге.

17. Mak. Amsterdam. P. 120, 121.

18. Alan Villers. Monsoon Seas: The Story of the Indian Ocean. N. Y.: McGrawHill, 1952. P. 166, 167.

19. Plumb, introduction to Boxer, Dutch Seaborne Empire.

20. Boxer. Dutch Seaborne Empire. P. 50, 102.

21. Holden Furber. Rival Empires of Trade in the Orient, 1600–1800. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2004. P. 36.

22. Apud E. du Perron. De Muze van Jan Compagnie. Indonesia: Bandung, 1948. P. 13; см. также: Boxer. Dutch Seaborne Empire. P. 56.

23. Ibid.

24. Boxer. Dutch Seaborne Empire. P. 78.

25. Mak. Amsterdam. P. 160, 161.

26. Villiers. Monsoon Seas. P. 177.

27. Boxer. Dutch Seaborne Empire. P. 273.

28. Paul Kennedy. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000. N. Y.: Random House, 1987.

29. Andrew MacIntyre and Douglas E. Ramage. Seeing Indonesia as a Normal Country. Barton: Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2008.

30. Я писал подробнее о Ли Куан Ю в моей кн.: Hog Pilots, Blue Water Grunts, ch. 3.

31. Ioannis Gatsiounis. Year of the Rat: A Letter from Kuala Lumpur // American Interest. 2008. May/June.

32. Dana Dillon and John J. Tkacik Jr., China’s Quest for Asia // Policy Review. 2005/2006. December/January.

33. Hugo Restall. Pressure Builds on Singapore’s System // Far Eastern Economic Review. 2008. Sept. 5.

ЧАCТЬ ТРЕТЬЯ Глава 15. Китай: стратегия двух океанов

1. William H. McNeill. The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963. P. 565.

2. Gabriel B. Collins et al., eds., China’s Energy Strategy: The Impact on Beijing’s Maritime Policies. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2008.

3. Toshi Yoshihara and James Holmes. Command of the Sea with Chinese Characteristics // Orbis. 2005. Fall.

4. Ibid.

5. Andrew Erickson and Lyle Goldstein. Gunboats for China’s New «Grand Canals’?» // Naval War College Review. 2009. Spring.

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