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Пятый элемент здоровья. Как использовать менструальный цикл для поддержания жизненно важных функций организма - Лиза Хендриксон-Джек

Читать онлайн Пятый элемент здоровья. Как использовать менструальный цикл для поддержания жизненно важных функций организма - Лиза Хендриксон-Джек






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Глава 9

1. Hendrickson-Jack, Lisa. “FFP 173 | Reclaiming Menstruation | The Wisdom and Power of Your Menstrual Cycle | Lara Owen.” Fertility Friday Podcast. Podcast Audio, December 15, 2017. fertilityfriday.com/173.

2. Hendrickson-Jack, Lisa. “FFP 150 | Harnessing the Power of Your Menstrual Cycle | Wild Power | Alexandra Pope & Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer.” Fertility Friday Podcast. Podcast Audio, August 2, 2017. fertilityfriday.com/150.

3. Там же.

4. Там же.

5. Government of Canada Statistics. “Women in Canada: A Gender-based Statistical Report – Women and Paid Work.” Accessed February 3, 2018. www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/89-503-x/2015001/article/14694-eng.htm.

6. Hendrickson-Jack, Lisa. “FFP 071 | Connecting with the Wisdom of Your Menstrual Cycle | Fertility Massage Therapy | Clare Blake.” Fertility Friday Podcast. Podcast Audio, April 1, 2016. fertilityfriday.com/71.

7. Там же.

8. Pope, Alexandra, and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer. (2017). Wild Power: Discover the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power. London: Hay House, 51.

9. Hendrickson-Jack, Lisa. “FFP 150 | Harnessing the Power of Your Menstrual Cycle | Wild Power | Alexandra Pope

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