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Манга и философия - С. Титова

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«О’кей, я справлюсь с этим, если библиотекарь уйдёт (но здесь нет мороженого, пончиков и закусочной, Дэнни!)»

Adler, Ronald В., and Russell F. Proctor. Looking Out, Looking In.

Allison, Anne. Permitted and Prohibited Desires: Mothers, Comics, and Censorship in Japan.

Andreasen, Robin O. Race: Biological Reality or Social Construct? Philosophy of Science 67.

Appiah, Kwame Anthony. The Uncompleted Argument: Du Bois and the Illusion of Race. In Overcoming Racism and Sexism, edited by Linda A. Bell and David Blumenfield.

Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics.

Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations.

Azuma Hiroki. The Animalization of Otaku Culture. In Mechademia 2: Networks of Desire, edited by Frenchy Lunning.

―. Otaku: Japan’s Database Animals.

Ban Toshio. Tezuka Osamu Monogatari.

Bandura, Albert. Selective Moral Disengagement in the Exercise of Moral Agency. Journal of Moral Education 31:2.

―. The Role of Selective Moral Disengagement in Terrorism and Counterterrorism. In Understanding Terrorism: Psychological Roots, Consequences, and Interventions, edited by F.M. Moghadda and A.J. Marsella.

Barber, Benjamin R. Jihad vs. McWorld.

Barthes, Roland. Empire of Signs.

―. Japon: l’art de vivre, l’art des signes. Œuvres complètes Ⅱ, 1966–1973.

Benjamin, Walter. Selected Writings: Volume 3, 1935–1938.

Bentham, Jeremy. The Principles of Morals and Legislation.

Black, Rebecca W. Adolescents and Online Fan Fiction.

Blocker, H. Gene, and Christopher I. Starling. Japanese Philosophy.

Bolton, Christopher, Istvan Csicsery-Ronay Jr., and Takayuki Tatsumi. Robot Ghosts and Wired Dreams: Japanese Science Fiction from Origins to Anime.

Bosse, Joanna. Whiteness and the Performance of Race in American Ballroom Dancing. Journal of American Folklore 120:475.

Brann, Eva Т.Н. The World of the Imagination: Sum and Substance.

Brown, Jeffrey A. Black Superheroes, Milestone Comics, and Their Fans.

Bryce, Mio, Jason Davis, and Christie Barber. The Cultural Biographies and Social Lives of Manga: Lessons from the Mangaverse. Scan: Journal of Media Arts Culture 5:2 <http://scan.net.au/scan/journal/display.php?journal_id=114>.

Byrne, Ruth M.J. The Rational Imagination: How People Create Alternatives to Reality.

Carter, Robert E. Encounter with Enlightenment: A Study of Japanese Ethics.

Chuang, Tzu‑I. The Power of Cuteness: Female Infantilization in Urban Taiwan. Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs 5:2.

Cixous, Helene. The Character of ‘Character’. New Literary History 5:2. In Changing Views of Character.

Clements, Jonathan. Schoolgirl Milky Crisis: Adventures in the Anime and Manga Trade.

Clements, Jonathan, and Motoko Tamamuro. The Dorama Encyclopedia: A Guide to Japanese TV Drama Since 1953.

ComiPress. Discrimination in Japanese Manga. ComiPress: Manga News and Information (January 25th) <http://comipress.com/article/2007/01/25/1399>.

Condry, Ian. Hip-Hop Japan: Rap and the Paths of Cultural Globalization.

―. Yellow B-boys, Black Culture, and Hip Hop in Japan: Toward a Transnational Cultural Politics of Race. Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique 15:3.

Confucius. Analects.

Coogan, Peter. Superhero: The Secret Origin of a Genre.

Cornyetz, Nina. Fetishized Blackness: Hip Hop and Racial Desire in Contemporary Japan. Social Text 41.

Cowie, Elizabeth. Pornography and Fantasy: Psychoanalytical Perspectives. In Sex Exposed: Sexuality and the Pornography Debate, edited by Lynne Segal and Mary McIntosh.

Currie, Gregory. Imagination and Маке-Believe. In The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, edited by Berys Gaut and Dominic McIver Lopes.

Currie, Gregory, and Ian Ravenscroft. Recreative Minds.

Daniels, Norman. Principles for National Health Care Reform. The Hastings Center Report 24:3 (May–June).

De Mente, Boye Lafayette. Behind the Japanese Bow.

Descartes, Renft. Philosophical Writings.

Dinerstein, Joel. Lester Young and the Birth of Cool. In Gena Dagel Caponi, ed., Signifyin(g), Sanctifyin’, and Slam Dunking: A Reader in African American Expressive Culture.

Dittmer, Jason. The Tyranny of the Serial: Popular Geopolitics, the Nation, and Comic Book Discourse. Antipode 39:2 (March).

Doris, John M. Lack of Character: Personality and Moral Behavior.

Du Bois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk.

Dupre, John. What Genes Are and Why There Are No Genes for Race. In Revisiting Race in a Genomic Age, edited by Barbara Koenig, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, and Sarah Richardson.

Epictetus. Handbook.

Erino, Miya. Ladies’ Comic no Joseigaku: Dare ga Sodateru, Naze Teishaku shita? [Gender Studies in Ladies’ Comics: Who Raises (the children), and Why So?].

Faiola, Anthony. Japan’s Empire of Cool Country’s Culture Becomes Its Biggest Export. In Washington Post Foreign Service (December 27th).

Figal, Sara Eigen, and Mark J. Larrimore. The German Invention of Race.

Fujikawa, Takao. Whiteness Studies in Japan: Visible and Invisible Types of Whiteness. In Historicising Whiteness: Transnational Perspectives on the Construction of an Identity, edited by Leigh Boucher, Jane Carey, and Katherine Ellinghaus.

Galbraith, Patrick W. The Otaku Encyclopedia.

Gardner, Richard. Aum Shinrikyō and a Panic about Manga and Anime. In Japanese Visual Culture: Explorations in the World of Manga and Anime, edited by Mark MacWilliams.

Garelick, Rhonda K. Rising Star: Dandyism, Gender, and Performance in the Fin de Siucle.

Graf, Fritz. Magic in the Ancient World.

Gravett, Paul. Manga: Sixty Years of Japanese Comics.

Griffis, William Elliot. Introduction. In Inazo Nitobe, Bushido: The Soul of Japan.

Hadot, Pierre. What Is Ancient Philosophy?

Hall, Rashaun. Kanye, Pharrell, MosDef Celebrate A Designer With Sole. In MTV News Articles (January 12th) <www.mtv.com/news/articles/1495796/20050112/story.jhtml?headlines=true>.

Hankins, James, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy.

Hao, Xiaoming, and Leng Leng The. The Impact of Japanese Popular Culture on the Singaporian Youth. Keio Communication Review 26.

Haslanger, Sally. Gender and Race: (What) Are They? (What) Do We Want Them to Be?. Noûs 34:1.

―. You Mixed? Racial Identity without Racial Biology. In Adoption Matters: Philosophical and Feminist Essays, edited by Sally Haslanger and Charlotte Witt.

―. What Are We Talking About? The Semantics and Politics of Social Kinds. Hypatia 20:4.

―. A Social Constructionist Analysis of Race. In Revisiting Race in a Genomic Age, edited by Barbara Koenig, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, and Sarah Richardson.

Heal, Jane. Mind, Reason, and Imagination: Selected Essays in the Philosophy of Mind and Language.

Hegel, G.W.F. The Philosophy of History.

Hjorth, Larissa. Pop and Ma: The Landscape of Japanese Commodity Characters and Subjectivity. In Mobile Cultures: New Media in Queer Asia, edited by Chris Berry, Fran Martin and Audrey Yue.

Honderich, Ted. Punishment: The Supposed Justifications Revisited.

Honey, Maureen, and Jean Lee Cole, eds. John Luther Long’s Madame Butterfly and Onoto Watanna’s A Japanese Nightingale: Two Orientalist Texts.

Horgan, John. Walking Away from Terrorism: Accounts of Disengagement from Radical and Extremist Movements.

Hughes, Sherick A. The Convenient Scapegoating of Blacks in Postwar Japan: Shaping the Black Experience Abroad. Journal of Black Studies 33:3.

Hume, David. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. In The Empiricists.

―. A Treatise of Human Nature.

Hwang, David Henry. M. Butterfly.

Ienaga Saburo. The Pacific War.

Imanishi Kinji. A Japanese View of Nature.

Inouye, C.S. Evanescence and Form.

Inwood, Brad, ed. The Cambridge Companion to the Stoics.

Israel, Jonathan. Radical Enlightenment.

Ito, Kinko. The World of Japanese Ladies’ Comics: From Romantic Fantasy to Lustful Perversion. Journal of Popular Culture 36:1.

―. Japanese Ladies’ Comics as Agents of Socialization: The Lessons They Teach. International Journal of Comic Art 5:2.

Iwabuchi Koichi. Recentering Globalization: Popular Culture and Japanese Transnationalism.

Jakobson, Roman. On Language.

Jones, Gretchen. Ladies’ Comics’: Japan’s Not-So-Underground Market in Pornography for Women. US-Japan Women’s Journal 22.

―. Bad Girls Like to Watch: Reading and Writing Ladies’ Comics. In Bad Girls of Japan, edited by Laura Miller and Jan Bardsley.

Kai-Ming Cha. Viz Media and Manga in the U.S. Publishers Weekly (April 3rd), <http://www.publishersweekly. com/article/CA6430330.html>.

Kant, Immanuel. Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals.

―. Critique of Pure Reason.

―. The Philosophy of Law.

Kasulis, Thomas P. Intimacy: A General Orientation in Japanese Religious Values.

―. Japanese Philosophy. In Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by E. Craig, <www.rep.routledge.com/article/G100SECT3>.

―. Introduction to Part Four. In Self as Image in Asian Theory and Practice, edited

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