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Манга и философия - С. Титова

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by Roger T. Ames with Wimal Dissanayake and Thomas P. Kasulis.

―. Shinto: The Way Home.

Kawashima, Terry. Seeing Faces, Making Races: Challenging Visual Tropes of Racial Difference. Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 3:1.

Kelts, Roland. Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture Has Invaded the US.

Kershaw, Sarah. The Terrorist Mind: An Update. New York Times (January 9th), <www.nytimes.com/2010/01/10/weekinreview/10kershaw.html?pagewanted=all>.

Kidd, Chip,  d. Bat-Mangal: The Secret History of Batman in Japan.

Kieran, Matthew and Dominic Mclver Lopes, eds. Imagination, Philosophy, and the Arts.

Kinsella, Sharon. Japanese Subculture in the 1990s: Otaku and the Amateur Manga Movement. Journal of Japanese Studies 24:2.

―. Adult Manga: Culture and Power.

Kochman, Thomas. Black and White Styles in Conflict.

Kors, Alan. The Birth of the Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of 17th & 18th Centuries. Video lecture series. Chantilly VA, the Teaching Company.

Kracauer, Siegfried. The Mass Ornament: Weimar Essays.

Kroopnick, Steve. Comic Book Superheroes Unmasked (DVD). Time Machine, A&E Home Video.

Lacan, Jacques. The Seminar ⅩⅠ: The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis.

―. Jacques Lacan from ‘The Mirror Stage’ (1949). In A Critical and Cultural Theory Reader, edited by Anthony Easthope and Kate McGowan.

Larsen, David. South Park’s Solar Anus, or, Rabelais Returns: Cultures of Consumption and the Contemporary Aesthetics of Obscenity. Theory, Culture, and Society 18.

Leader, Darian, and Judy Groves. Introducing Lacan.

Leavitt, G.C. Sociobiological Explanations of Incest Avoidance: A Critical Claim of Evidential Claims. American Anthropologist 92.

Leder, Jane Mersky. Adult Sibling Rivalry: Sibling Rivalry Often Lingers through Adulthood. Psychology Today (January–February), <www.psychologytoday.com/articles/199301/adult-sibling-rivalry>.

Lewis, C.S. An Experiment in Criticism.

Lewis, Hywel D. The Elusive Self.

Liu, Alan. The Laws of Cool: Knowledge Work and the Culture of Information.

Lloyd, Fran, ed. Consuming Bodies: Sex and Contemporary Japanese Art.

Loti, Pierre. Madame Chrysanthume.

Lovelock, James. The Revenge of Gaia.

Lu, Amy Shirong. What Race Do They Represent and Does Mine Have Anything to Do with It? Perceived Racial Categories of Anime Characters. Animation 4:2.

Lui, Meizhu, and United for a Fair Economy. The Color of Wealth: The Story Behind the US Racial Wealth Divide.

Lynn, Cheryl. Sambo, I Am? In Digital Femme, <www.digitalfemme.com/journal/index.php?itemid=222>.

MacDonald, Heidi. More from Tokyopop’s Jeremy Ross on OEL Manga and Contracts. Publishers Weekly (October 18th), <www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA6275188.html>.

Machery, Edouard, and Luc Faucher. Social Construction and the Concept of Race. Philosophy of Science 72.

Mallon, Ron. A Field Guide to Social Construction. Philosophy Compass 2:1.

―. ‘Race’: Normative, Not Metaphysical or Semantic. Ethics 116:3.

Manes, Kimiko. US Culture: Lessons from the Classroom. The Daily Yomiuri (April 26th).

Marks, Elizabeth. Reading Right to Left: Anime, Manga, and the Japanese and American Cultural Exchange.

Matsui Midori. Little Girls Were Little Boys: Displaced Femininity in the Representation of Homosexuality in Japanese Girls’ Comics. In Feminism and the Politics of Difference, edited by Sneja Gunew and Anna Yeatman.

May, William F. The Ethical Foundations of Health Care Reform. The Christian Century (June 1st–8th).

McCarthy, Helen. The Art of Osamu Tezuka.

McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art.

―. Making Comics: Story telling Secrets of Comics, Manga, and Graphic Novels.

McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man.

McVeigh, Brian. Wearing Ideology: State, Schooling and Self-Presentation in Japan.

McWilliams, Mark W., ed. Japanese Visual Culture: Explorations in the World of Manga and Anime.

Mengzi. Mengzi.

Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism.

Miller, Laura. You Are Doing Burikko! Censoring / Scrutinizing Artificers of Cute Femininity in Japanese. In Japanese Language, Gender, and Ideology: Cultural Models and Real People, edited by S. Okamoto and J.S. Shibamoto Smith.

Mills, Charles W. Blackness Visible: Essays on Philosophy and Race.

Miyazaki Hayao. Starting Point: 1979–1996, translated by Beth Gary and Frederik L. Schodt.

Mizunashi Akari. Every Incest Manga, Ever. In Baka-Updates Manga (January 13th), <www.mangaupdates.com/showtopic.php?tid=16039&page=l#post348888>.

Morreall, John, and Jessica Loy. Kitsch and Aesthetic Education. Journal of Aesthetic Education 23:4.

Mukhopadhyay, Carol Chapnick, Rosemary C. Henze, and Yolanda T. Moses. How Real Is Race?: A Sourcebook on Race, Culture, and Biology?

Nabokov, Vladimir. Lolita.

Nagel, Thomas. What Is It Like to Be a Bat? The Philosophical Review 83:4.

Nakar, Eldad. Nosing Around: Visual Representation of the Other in Japanese Society. Anthropological Forum 13:1.

Napier, Susan J. Anime from Akira to Howl’s Moving Castle.

―. From Impressionism to Anime: Japan as Fantasy and Fan Cult in the Mind of the West.

―. Vampires, Psychic Girls, Plying Women and Sailor Scouts: Four Faces of the Young Female in Japanese Popular Culture. In The Worlds of Popular Culture, edited by D.P. Martinez.

Napoleoni, Loretta. The Intricate Economics of Terrorism, TED Talk, <www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/loretta_napoleoni_the_intricate_economics_of_terrorism.html>

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Beyond Good and Evil.

Nishitani Keiji. Religion and Nothingness.

Nozick, Robert. Anarchy, State, and Utopia.

Odin, Steve. The Japanese Concept of Nature in Relation to the Environmental Ethics and Conservation Aesthetics of Aldo Leopold. In Buddhism and Ecology, edited by Mary Evelyn Tucker and Duncan Williams.

Ōe Kenzaburō. Japan, the Ambiguous, and Myself.

Okafor, Fidelis U. In Defense of Afro-Japanese Ethnophilosophy. Philosophy East and West 43:3.

Outlaw, Lucius T. Toward a Critical Theory of ‘Race’. In Anatomy of Racism, edited by David Theo Goldberg.

Palmer, Ada. Rock Holmes: Transformation (Parts 1–4). In Tezuka in English, <www.tezukainenglish.com>.

―. Film Is Alive: The Manga Roots of Osamu Tezuka’s Animation Obsession. Smithsonian Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, <http://www.asia. si.edu/film/tezuka>

Patten, Fred. Watching Anime, Reading Manga.

Plato. Phaedrus.

Power, Natsu Onoda. God of Comics: Osamu Tezuka and the Creation of Post World War Ⅱ Manga.

Prough, Jennifer. Mediating Ningen Kankei: Gender, Intimacy, and Consumption in the Production of Shōjo Manga. Dissertation, Duke University <www.proquest.com. proxy.uchicago.edu>. Pugliese, Joseph. “Race as category crisis: whiteness and the topical assignation of race.” Social Semiotics 12, no. 2: 149–168.

Rau, Petra. Bildungsroman. In The Literary Encyclopedia (November 13th), <www.litencyc.com/php/stopics. php?rec=true&UID=119>.

Rawls, John. A Theory of Justice.

―. Political Liberalism.

Raz, Aviad E. Riding the Black Ship: Japan and Tokyo Disneyland.

Russell, John. Race and Reflexivity: The Black Other in Contemporary Japanese Mass Culture. Cultural Anthropology 6:1.

Ryle, Gilbert. The Concept of Mind.

Satō Kenji. More Animated than Life: A Critical Overview of Japanese Animated Films. Japan Echo 24:5.

Schodt, Frederik L. Manga! Manga! The World of Japanese Comics.

―. Dreamland Japan: Writings on Modern Manga.

―. The Astro Boy Essays: Osamu Tezuka, Mighty Atom, and the Manga/Anime Revolution.

Seneca. On Anger.

Singer, Peter. Animal Liberation.

Skov, Lise. Fashion Trends, Japonisme and Postmodernism, or ‘What Is So Japanese about Comme Des Garcons.’ In Contemporary Japan and Popular Culture, edited by J. Whittier Treat.

Solomon, William David. Double Effect. The Encyclopedia of Ethics, edited by Lawrence C. Becker <www.saintmarys.edu/~incandel/doubleeffect.html>.

Sontag, Susan. Regarding the Pain of Others.

Southgate, Nick. Coolhunting, Account Planning, and the Ancient Cool of Aristotle. In Marketing Intelligence and Planning 21:7.

Springer, Claudia. Playing It Cool in the Matrix. In The Matrix Trilogy: Cyberpunk Reloaded, edited by S. Gillis.

Stromberg, Fredrik. Black Images in the Comics: A Visual History.

Sundstrom, Ronald R. Race as a Human Kind. Philosophy and Social Criticism 28:1.

Takemitsu Makoto. Nihonjin Nara Shitte Okitai Shinto.

Takeuchi Osamu, et al. The Encyclopedia of Contemporary Manga / Gendai Manga Hakubutsukan 1945–2006.

Tezuka Osamu Monogatari. Tezuka Productions.

Thompson, Jason. Manga: The Complete Guide.

Thompson, Robert Farris. An Aesthetic of the Cool: West African Dance. In The Theatre of Black Americans, edited by Erroll Hill.

―. 1983. Flash of the Spirit.

Thorn, Matt. Shojo Manga: Something For the Girls. The Japan Quarterly 48:3), <http://matt-thorn.com/shoujo_manga/japan_quarterly/index.php>.

―. The Face of the Other, matt-thom.com <www.mattthorn.com/mangagaku/faceoftheother.html>.

Tolkien, J.R.R. On Fairy-Stories. In The Tolkien Reader.

Toku, Masami. Shōjo Manga! Girls’ Comics! A Mirror of Girls’ Dreams. Mechademia 2.

Volaire. Zadig.

―. Story of a Good Brahmin.

―. Candide.

―. Poem on the Lisbon Earthquake.

Watson, Gerard. Phantasia in Classical Thought.

Watsuji Tetsurô. Watsuji Tetsurô’s Rinrigaku: Ethics in Japan.

Weick, Karl E. Making Sense of the Organization.


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