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Английский язык с Г. Уэллсом "Человек-невидимка" - H. Wells

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who [hH], axe [xks], sentence [`sentqns]

“Who?” said one of the policemen.

“Adye,” said Kemp.

“We came in the back way,” said the girl.

“What’s that smashing?” asked one of the policemen.

“He’s in the kitchen — or will be. He has found an axe — ”

Suddenly the house was full of the Invisible Man’s resounding blows on the kitchen door. The girl stared towards the kitchen, shuddered, and retreated into the dining-room. Kemp tried to explain in broken sentences. They heard the kitchen door give.

“This way (сюда),” said Kemp, starting into activity (сказал Кемп, начиная действовать), and bundled the policemen into the dining-room doorway (и втолкнул полисменов в столовую; to bundle — связыватьвузел; запихивать; спроваживать; bundle — узел).

“Poker (кочерга),” said Kemp, and rushed to the fender (крикнул он и бросился к каминной решетке). He handed the poker he had carried to the policeman and the dining-room one to the other (он отдал кочергу, которую принес, одному полисмену, а кочергу из столовой — другому). He suddenly flung himself backward (вдруг он отскочил назад).

“Whup!” said one policeman, ducked («Оп!», сказал один полисмен, пригибаясь), and caught the axe on his poker (и поймал топор кочергой). The pistol snapped its penultimate shot and ripped a valuable Sidney Cooper (револьвер выпустил предпоследний заряд и пробил ценное /полотно/ Сиднея Купера; to rip — рвать/ся/, распарывать/ся/; Sidney Cooper — СиднейКупер/1803 — 1902/, английскийхудожник). The second policeman brought his poker down on the little weapon (второй полисмен ударил своей кочергой по маленькому оружию; to bring down — свалить, сломать; сбить), as one might knock down a wasp (как бьют, чтобы убить осу = будтохотелприбитьосу; to knock — ударять/ся/, стучать/ся/; сбивать), and sent it rattling to the floor (и револьвер со стуком упал на пол: «и послал его стучащим на пол»; rattle — треск, грохот; дребезжание; стук).

penultimate [pq`nAltImqt], valuable [`vxljuqbl], weapon [`wepqn], knock [nOk]

“This way,” said Kemp, starting into activity, and bundled the policemen into the dining-room doorway.

“Poker,” said Kemp, and rushed to the fender. He handed the poker he had carried to the policeman and the dining-room one to the other. He suddenly flung himself backward.

“Whup!” said one policeman, ducked, and caught the axe on his poker. The pistol snapped its penultimate shot and ripped a valuable Sidney Cooper. The second policeman brought his poker down on the little weapon, as one might knock down a wasp, and sent it rattling to the floor.

At the first clash the girl screamed (при первом ударе служанка вскрикнула), stood screaming for a moment by the fireplace (постояла, крича, с минуту у камина), and then ran to open the shutters (а потом побежала открывать ставни) — possibly with an idea of escaping by the shattered window (возможно, думая спастись через разбитое окно).

The axe receded into the passage (топор отступил в коридор), and fell to a position about two feet from the ground (и занял положение = остановился примерно в двух футах от пола). They could hear the Invisible Man breathing (было слышно, как Невидимка дышит).

“Stand away, you two (вы двое, отойдите; to stand away — отступать, держаться сзади),” he said. “I want that man Kemp (мне нужен Кемп).”

“We want you (а нам нужны вы),” said the first policeman, making a quick step forward (сказал первый полисмен, делая быстрый шаг вперед) and wiping with his poker at the Voice (и ударяя с размаху в направлении Голоса). The Invisible Man must have started back (Невидимка, должно быть, отскочил назад), and he blundered into the umbrella stand (и полисмен попал в подставку для зонтов).

receded [rI`sJdId], breathing [`brJDIN], umbrella [Am`brelq]

At the first clash the girl screamed, stood screaming for a moment by the fireplace, and then ran to open the shutters — possibly with an idea of escaping by the shattered window.

The axe receded into the passage, and fell to a position about two feet from the ground. They could hear the Invisible Man breathing.

“Stand away, you two,” he said. “I want that man Kemp.”

“We want you,” said the first policeman, making a quick step forward and wiping with his poker at the Voice. The Invisible Man must have started back, and he blundered into the umbrella stand.

Then, as the policeman staggered with the swing of the blow he had aimed (затем, когда полисмен зашатался от замаха /кочергой/; to aim a blow — замахиваться), the Invisible Man countered with the axe (Невидимка нанес встречный удар топором), the helmet crumpled like paper (каска смялась, как бумага = словноонабылаизбумаги; helmet — шлем, каска), and the blow sent the man spinning to the floor at the head of the kitchen stairs (и от этого удара полисмен полетел кубарем по полу до кухонной лестницы; to spin — крутить/ся/, вертеть/ся/). But the second policeman, aiming behind the axe with his poker (но второй полисмен, ударив кочергой /по месту/ за топором), hit something soft that snapped (попал по чему-то мягкому; to hit — ударять, поражать, попадатьвцель). There was a sharp exclamation of pain (раздался резкий крик боли) and then the axe fell to the ground (и топор упал на пол). The policeman wiped again at vacancy and hit nothing (полисмен снова ударил в пустоту, но ни во что не попал); he put his foot on the axe, and struck again (он наступил на топор и ударил еще раз). Then he stood, poker clubbed (потом поднялся, держа кочергу /наготове/, как дубинку), listening intent for the slightest movement (и стал внимательно прислушиваться к малейшим движениям).

He heard the dining-room window open (он услышал, как открылось окно в столовой), and a quick rush of feet within (и быстрые шаги = кто-тобыстробросилсявнего; within — внутри). His companion rolled over and sat up (его товарищ перевернулся и сел), with the blood running down between his eye and ear (между глазом и ухом /по щеке/ у него текла кровь).

“Where is he (где он)?” asked the man on the floor (спросил полисмен, сидевший на полу).

exclamation ["eksklq`meIS(q)n], vacancy [`veIkqnsI], ear [Iq]

Then, as the policeman staggered with the swing of the blow he had aimed, the Invisible Man countered with the axe, the helmet crumpled like paper, and the blow sent the man spinning to the floor at the head of the kitchen stairs. But the second policeman, aiming behind the axe with his poker, hit something soft that snapped. There was a sharp exclamation of pain and then the axe fell to the ground. The policeman wiped again at vacancy and hit nothing; he put his foot on the axe, and struck again. Then he stood, poker clubbed, listening intent for the slightest movement.

He heard the dining-room window open, and a quick rush of feet within. His companion rolled over and sat up, with the blood running down between his eye and ear.

“Where is he?” asked the man on the floor.

“Don’t know (не знаю). I’ve hit him (я задел его: «ударил его»). He’s standing somewhere in the hall (он стоит где-нибудь в прихожей). Unless he’s slipped past you (если только он не проскользнул мимо тебя). Doctor Kemp — sir (доктор Кемп… сэр).”

Pause (тишина).

“Doctor Kemp,” cried the policeman again (снова крикнул полисмен).

The second policeman began struggling to his feet (второй полисмен с трудом стал подниматься на ноги). He stood up (/наконец/ он встал). Suddenly the faint pad of bare feet on the kitchen stairs could be heard (вдруг на кухонной лестнице послышалось тихое шлепанье босых ног).

“Yap!” cried the first policeman («Гоп!» — крикнул первый полисмен), and incontinently flung his poker (и тут же метнул кочергу). It smashed a little gas bracket (она сплющила небольшой газовый рожок).

pause [pLz], second [`sekqnd], incontinently [In`kOntInqntlI]

“Don’t know. I’ve hit him. He’s standing somewhere in the hall. Unless he’s slipped past you. Doctor Kemp — sir.”


“Doctor Kemp,” cried the policeman again.

The second policeman began struggling to his feet. He stood up. Suddenly the faint pad of bare feet on the kitchen stairs could be heard.

“Yap!” cried the first policeman, and incontinently flung his poker. It smashed a little gas bracket.

He made as if he would pursue the Invisible Man downstairs (он пустился было преследовать Невидимку). Then he thought better of it and stepped into the dining-room (потом передумал и вошел в столовую; to think better of — передумать; отказатьсяотнамерения/сделатьчто-либо/).

“Doctor Kemp — (доктор Кемп…)” he began, and stopped short (начал он и осекся; to stop short — закуситьязык, замяться, осечься).

“Doctor Kemp’s in here (вот тебе и доктор Кемп),” he said, as his companion looked over his shoulder (сказал он товарищу, заглянувшему через его плечо).

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