От дам-патронесс до женотделовок. История женского движения России - Ирина Владимировна Юкина
Stites R. Women and Russian Intelligentsia: Three Perspectives // Women in Russia / Ed. by D. Atkinson, A. Dallin, G. W. Lapidus. Stanford University Press, 1977. P. 39–62; Idem. Zhenotdel: Bolshevism and Russian Women: 1900–1930 // Russian History. 1976. Vol. 3. № 2. P. 174–193; Idem. The Women’s Liberation Movement in Russia. Feminism, Nihilism and Bolshevism, 1860–1930. Princeton, 1978.
Engel B. A. From Separatism to Socialism: Women in the Russian Revolutionary Movement of the 1870s’ / M. Boxer and J. Quataert, 1978; Idem. Mothers and Daughters: Women of the Intelligentsia in Nineteenth-Century Russia. Cambridge, 1983; Engel B. A., Rosenthal C. N. Five Sisters. Women against the Tsar. Boston, 1987; Энгел Б. Русские женщины и революционное наследие: отказ от личной жизни // Дайджест теоретических материалов информационного листка «Посиделки» 1996–1998. СПб., 1999. С. 9–11.
Noonan N. C. Marxism and Feminism in the USSR: Irreconcilable Differences? // Women and Politics. 1998. Vol. 8. Issue 1. P. 31–49; Idem. Two Solutions to the Zhenskij Vopros in Russia and the USSR – Kollontai and Krupskaja: A Comparison // Women and Politics. 1991. Vol. 11. № 3. P. 77–99; Idem. Armand Inessa (1875–1920); Kollontai A. M. (1872–1952); Krupskaia N. K. (1869–1939); Women in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1922–1991); Zetkin K. E. (1857–1933); Zhenotdel (Women’s Department of the Communist Party (1919–1930) // Encyclopedia of Russian Women’s Movement / Ed. by C. N. Noonan, C. Nechemias. Greenwood Press, 2001. P. 127–129; 142–144; 149–151; 182–185; 186–188; 188–190.
Whittaker C. The Women’s Movement During the Region of Alexander II: A Case Study in Russian Liberalism // Journal of Modern History. 1976. Vol. 48. № 2. P. 35–69.
Glickman R. L. The Russian Factory Women: Workplace and Society: 1889–1914 // Women in Russia. P. 63–83; Idem. The Russian Factory Women: Workplace and Society: 1889–1914. Berkley, 1984; Idem. Peasant Women as a Healer // Russian’s Women Accommodation, Resistance, Transformation / Ed. by B. E. Clements, B. A. Engel, C. D. Worobec. Berkley, Los Angeles, Oxford, 1991. P. 148–162.
Buckley M. Women and Ideology in the Soviet Union. New York, London, 1989; Idem. Glastnost and the Woman Question // Women and Society in Russia and the Soviet Union / Ed. by Edmondson. London, New York, 1993. P. 202–226; Бакли М. Политика большевиков и женотделы в 1920–1930‐х гг. // Гендерная реконструкция политических систем / Под ред. Н. М. Степановой и Е. В. Кочкиной. СПб., 2004. С. 355–380.
Bobroff A. Alexandra Kollontai: Feminism, Worker’s Democracy and Internationalism // Radical America. 1979. Vol. 13. P. 50–75; Idem. The Bolsheviks and Working Women: 1905–1920 // Soviet Studies, 1974. Vol. 26. № 4. P. 540–567.
Clements B. Bolshevik Feminist. The Life of Alexandra Kollontai. Bloomington, London, 1979; Idem. Alexandra Kollontai and the Russian Revolution // European Women on the Left. Westport, 1981. P. 101–123; Idem. Baba and Bolshevik: Russia Women and Revolutionary Change // Soviet Union. 1985. Vol. 2. Part 2. P. 175–184; Idem. Bolshevik Women. Cambridge, 1997; Idem. The Birth of the New Soviet Women // Bolshevik Culture. Experiment and Order in the Russian Revolution / Ed. by A. Gleason, P. Kenez, R. Stites. Bloomington, 1989. P. 220–237; Idem. The Utopianism of Zhenotdel // Slavic Review. 1992. Vol. 51. Issue 3. P. 485–496.
Lapidus G. W. The Female Industrial Labor Force // Industrial Labor in the USSR / Ed. by A. Kahan, B. Ruble. New York, 1978. P. 232–279; Idem. The Interaction of Women’s Work and Family Roles in the USSR // Women and Work: An Annual Review. Beverly Hills, 1988. P. 87–121.
Farnsworth B. Bolshevik Alternatives and the Soviet Family // Women in Russia. P. 139–165; Idem. Communist Feminism: Its Synthesis and Demise // Women, War and Revolution / Ed. by C. Berkin, C. Lovett. New York, 1980. P. 145–165.
Edmondson L. H. Feminism in Russia, 1900–1917. Stanford, 1984; Idem. Russian Feminists in the First All-Russian Congress of Women // Russian History. 1978. Vol. 3. № 2. P. 123–149; Idem. Women Emancipation and Theories of Sexual Difference in Russia: 1850–1917 // Gender Restricting in Russian Studies / Ed. by M. Liljestrom, E. Maentysaari, A. Rosenholm. Vol. 2. Tampere, 1993. P. 39–52.
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Стайтс Р. Женское освободительное движение в России: феминизм, нигилизм и большевизм. 1860–1930. М., 2004. С. 102.
Жеребкина И. Женское политическое бессознательное. Харьков, 1996. С. 16.
Успенская В. И. Суфражизм в истории феминизма // Женщины в социальной истории России. Тверь, 1997. С. 71.
Шнырова О. В. Феномен милитантства в истории суфражизма // Российские женщины и европейская культура: Материалы V конф., посв. теории и истории женского движения / Сост., ответ. ред. Г. А. Тишкин. СПб., 2001. С. 172.
Школьников И. А. Суфражизм и политические партии Великобритании: Автореф. дис. … канд. ист. н. Иваново, 2002. С. 15.
Клименкова Т. А. Феминизм // Словарь гендерных терминов. М., 2002. С. 221.