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Архитектура и иконография. «Тело символа» в зеркале классической методологии - С. Ванеян

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262. McPhee, Sarah. Bernini and the Bell Towers: Architecture and Politics at the Vatican. New Hawen – London, 2002.

263. Müller, Claudia. Unendlichkeit und Transzendenz in der Sakralarchitektur Guarinis. Hildesheim – Zürich – New York, 1986.

264. Peter, John. Te Oral History of Modern Architecture. Interviews with the Greatest Architects of the Twentieth Century. New York, 1994.

265. Pollak, Martha. Te Education of the Architect: Historiography, Urbanism and the Growth of Architectural Knowledge. Cambridge (Mas.), 1997.

266. Raguin, Virginia C., Draper, Peter, Brush, Kathryn (Eds.). Artistic Integration in Gothic. Toronto, 1995.

267. Ricken, Herbert. Der Architekt. Geschichte eines Berufs. Berlin, 1977.

268. Sedlmayr, Hans. Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach [1956]. München, 1997.

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Архитектура, конструкция, типология

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297. Rykwert, Joseph. Dancing Column: On Order in Architecture. Cambridge (Mas.), 1996.

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Архитектурное пространство

305. Arin, E. Objekt und Raumzeichnen in der Architektur. Stuttgart, 1981.

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308. Bechman, Roland. Villard de Honnecourt. La pensée technique au XIIe siècle et sa communication. Paris, 1991.

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310. Bolnow, Otto Friedrich. Mensch und Raum. Stuttgart, 1963.

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314. Conti, Flavio. Architecture as Environment. Orlando (Fl.), 1980.

315. Critchlow, Keith. Order in Space. London, 1969.

316. Desportes, Marc. Paysages en mouvement: Transports et perception de l’espace XVIIIe-XXe siecle. Paris, 2005.

317. Doesinger, Stephan (Ed.). Space between People: How the Virtual Changes Physical Architecture. Munich, 2008.

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320. Ford, Larry R. Te Spaces between Buildings. Baltimore, 2000.

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Архитектура, геометрия и нумерология

345. Blackwell, William. Geometry in Architecture. Emeryville (Са), 1984.

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Градостроительство (топография)

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385. Глазычев, В.Л. Социально-экологическая интерпретация городской среды. М., 1984.

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