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Киноразговорник английского языка на основе эпизодов из фильмов. Часть 1. Знакомства. Встречи. Общение - Анатолий Верчинский

Читать онлайн Киноразговорник английского языка на основе эпизодов из фильмов. Часть 1. Знакомства. Встречи. Общение - Анатолий Верчинский






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– I’ve seen you, man! Book slave17 there for, like, five years now. Jesus! Is it five years?

– Ah. I would have thought I would’ve remembered you.

– It might be the hair.

– What might?

– It changes a lot. The color. That’s why you might not recognize18 me. It’s called Blue Ruin19, the color.

– Right. Yeah.

– Snappy20 name, huh?

– I like it.

– Yeah. Anyway, this company makes a whole line of colors with equally snappy names. Red… Red Menace21, Yellow Fever22, Green Revolution. That’d be a job, coming up23 with those names.

– You think there could possibly be a job like that? I mean, how many hair colors could there be? Fifty, maybe.

– Someone’s got that job. Agent Orange! I came up with that one. I apply my personality24 in a paste25.

– Oh, I doubt26 that very much.

– Well, you don’t know me, so… you don’t know, do you?

– Sorry. I was just… I’m trying to be nice.

– Yeah. I got it. My name’s Clementine27, by the way.

– I’m Joel28.

– Hi, Joel.

– Hey.

– No jokes about my name. Oh, no, you wouldn’t do that. You’re trying to be nice.

– I don’t know any jokes about your name.

– Huckleberry29 Hound30.

– I don’t know what that means.

– Huckleberry Hound? What are you, nuts?

– It’s been suggested.

– No?

– I’m sorry. Just… It’s a pretty name, though. It really is nice. It’s, uh… It means «merciful31». Right? Clemency?

– Although it hardly32 fits33. I’m a vindictive34 little bitch, truth be told.

– Gee, I—I wouldn’t think that about you.

– Why wouldn’t you think that about me?

– I don’t know. I just… I don’t know. I just, uh… You seem nice, so…

– Oh, now I’m nice? Oh, God. Don’t you know any other adjectives35? I don’t need «nice». I don’t need myself to be it, and I don’t need anybody else to be it at me.

– Okay.

– Joel? It’s Joel, right?

– Yes.

– I’m sorry I yelled36 at you. I’m a little out of sorts37 today. My embarrassing38 admission39 is, I really like that you’re nice right now. I mean, I can’t tell from one moment to the next what I’m gonna like, but right now… I’m glad you are.

– I have so much stuff40 that, uh, I probably should, uh…

– Oh! I’m sorry. Okay.

– I—I’m writing, and… No, no. I just…

– Sure. No. That’s okay.

– I just have… You know, this is… Okay.

– Ohh! Hey! Take care, then.

– Jesus41!

Excuse me, are you Leon?

Знакомство двух мужчин

Знакомство происходит во время Второй мировой войны в концлагере, где содержалось много евреев.

«Escape from Sobibor» (1987) Jack Gold

– Excuse me. Excuse me, are you Leon42?

– Yes.

– I thought so. Samuel43 said I should see you. I am Itzhak Lichtman.

– Oh yes, he told me about you.

– You’re from Zolkiewka?

– Yes.

– I have been there many times44.

Good to meet you, Len

Знакомство двух школьников в школьном автобусе

Новичок едет в первый раз в школу на школьном автобусе и знакомится с одним из школьников.

«Charlie Bartlett» (2007) Jon Poll

– I think you got the wrong bus.

– Western45 Summit46 High School, right?

– Okay.

– Hi, I’m Charlie47.

– Hi, Charlie. I’m Len48.

– Good to meet you, Len.

– It’s good to meet you, Charlie.

– Thank you.

Hi, I’m Roz Focker, you must be Jack, and you must be Dina

Знакомство хозяйки дома с гостями

Муж с женой приезжают к родителям мужа, и мать мужа знакомится с невесткой и её родственниками.

«Meet the Fockers» (2004) Jay Roach

– Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you, baby girl?

– Good, Roz.

– Oh, my God! Look at you, you’re glowing49!

– Oh, thank you.

– Hi, I’m Roz Focker, you must be Jack, and you must be Dina.

– Hi.

– I just can’t believe it’s taken us this long to meet, huh. And who’s this little hairball50?

– They brought their grandson Baby Jack along.

– He’s so adorable51. I could eat him up52. Bern, did you show them where they’re sleeping?

l’m Ellen Parker, the principal

Знакомство тёти ученицы с учительницей в новой школе

«No Reservations» (2007) Scott Hicks

– l guess this is where you go in, right?

– l don’t know.

– Right. Come on. lt’s gonna be fine.

– Ms. Armstrong? l’m Ellen53 Parker, the principal54.

– Kate55.

– You must be Zoe56. Very nice to meet you. Hello.

– l’ll take you to the classroom and we’ll meet your teacher. There has to be someone better suited57 for this.

I’m enchanted

В середине 1930-х гг. путешественники по Индии попадают во дворец магараджи

«Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom» (1984) Steven Spielberg

– Hello.

– I should say you look rather58 lost. But then59 I cannot imagine60 where in the world the three of you would look at home.

– We’re not lost. We’re on our way to Delhi61. This is Miss Scott. This is Mr. Round.

– Short Round.

– My name is Indiana Jones.

– Dr. Jones, the eminent62 archeologist?

– Hard63 to believe, isn’t it?

– I remember first hearing your name when I was up64 at Oxford65. I’m Chattar Lal, Prime66 Minister to His Highness67, the Maharajah68 of Pankot. I’m enchanted69.

– Enchanted. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

– Welcome to Pankot Palace70!

– Enchanted, huh?

l’m just the janitor

Полицейский знакомится с уборщиком в аэропорту

«Die Hard 2» (1990) Renny Harlin

– Who are you?

– l’m Marvin71. Marvin. I’m Marvin. l thought you was trying to steal72 my records73. l’m just the janitor74.

I’m looking for Mousa Chanin

Знакомство мужчины с владельцем лавки

Действие происходит на азиатском рынке.

«Rambo III» (1988) Peter MacDonald

– You want to buy? Many guns here!

– No. I’m looking for75 Mousa Chanin.

– What’s your name?

– John76 Rambo.

– Wait here.

I’m with the F.A.A.

Знакомство представителя Федерального управления гражданской авиации (англ. Federal Aviation Administration; сокр. англ. FAA, рус. ФАА) с семьёй, пострадавшей от падения самолёта

Эпизод относится также к разделу «Как просят».

«Donnie Darko» (2001) Richard Kelly

– Ms. Darko, I’m Bob Garland. I’m with the F.A.A.

– The what?!

– I’m with the F.A.A.

– If you don’t mind, we’d like to speak to you and your husband privately.

– In private?

– Please.

– All right.

I could, uh, give you a ride, if you need

Продолжение предыдущего знакомства в машине

«Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind» (2004) Michel Gondry

– Hi. I could, uh, give you a ride77, if you need. It’s cold.

– Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

– Yeah?

– It is frosty78.

– You’re not a stalker79 or anything, right?

– I’m not a stalker. You’re the one that talked to me. Remember?

– That is the oldest trick80 in the stalker book.

– Really? There’s a stalker book?

– Mm-hmm.

– Okay. I gotta read that one.

– Look, I’m sorry if I came off81 sorta82 nutso83. I’m not, really.

– Oh, it’s okay. I didn’t think you were.

– Did you wanna have a drink? I have lots of drinks, and I could, um…

– Um…

– Never mind. Sorry. That was stupid. I’m embarrassed84 now.

– No, no, no, no.

– Good night, Joel.

I knew it was you

Знакомство двух мужчин с женщиной

«Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade» (1984) Steven Spielberg

– Ah, Venice85…

– Yes. How will we recognize86 this Dr. Schneider when we see him?

– I don’t know. Maybe he’ll know us.

– Dr. Jones?

– Yes?

– I knew it was you. You have your father’s eyes.

– And my mother’s ears, but the rest87 belongs to you.

– Looks like the best parts have already been spoken for88. Marcus89 Brody?

– That’s right.

– Dr. Elsa90 Schneider.

– How do you do?

I should introduce myself

Знакомство волшебника с гномом

«The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug» (2013) Peter Jackson

– Mind91 if I join you? I’ll have the same92.

– I should introduce myself. My name is Gandalf. Gandalf the Grey.

– I know who you are.

– Well, now. This is a fine chance. What brings Thorin Oakenshield to Bree?

I trust your trip down was comfortable, Dr. Jones

Знакомство двух мужчин

«Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade» (1984) Steven Spielberg

– I trust93 your trip down94 was comfortable, Dr. Jones. My men didn’t alarm95 you, I hope. My name is Donovan. Walter Donovan.

– I know who you are, Mr. Donovan. Your contributions96 to the museum over97 the years have been extremely98 generous99. Some of the pieces100 in your collection here are very impressive101.

– Well, like102 yourself, Dr. Jones, I have a passion103 for antiquities104. Have a look105 over here. This might interest you.

Nice to meet you

Знакомство с обслуживающим персоналом

Гость дома после ужина решил познакомиться с теми, кто его приготовил. (Эпизод относится также к разделу «Как знакомятся». )

«Meet Joe Black» (1998) Martin Brest

– Yes, sir?

– Hello. I’m Joe106 Black. Nice to meet you.

– Yes sir, Mr. Black, a pleasure107.

Nice to meet you

Знакомство женщины с работником, обслуживающим автомат Coca-Cola

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