Тайны языческих богов. От бога-медведя до Золотой Богини - Эдвин Джеймс
386. J.R.A.I., pi. x, 23.
387. Cf. chap, iii, pp. 70f.
388. Zammit, Prehistoric Malta, pp. 13, 15, 84, 96.
389. Siret, Revue prehistorique, 1908, pp. 10, 21.
390. Correia, Comision de investigaciones paleontologicas у prehistoricas, Madrid, 1921, pp. 27, 63ff., figs. 50, 56, 58.
391. Cf. chap, iii, pp. 76f.
392. Correia, op. cit., p. 75.
393. Junta superior para excavaciones archeologicas, Madrid, 1930, Merns., p. 112.
394. Z. le Rouzic, Carnac, Menhirs-Statues avec signes figuratifs et Amulettes ou I doles des Dolmens du Morbihan, Nantes, 1931, pp. 13ff.
395. Kendrick, The Archaeology of the Channel Islands, vol. i, 1928, p. 32.
396. Op. cit., pp. 2Iff.; Antiq. Journal, vol. v, 1925, pp. 429f.
397. Et Michon, Res. des mem. Sac. de Antiq. de France, Centenaire, 1904, p. 299.
398. Е. MacCulIoch, Proc. Soc. Antiq., vol. viii, 1881, p. 32.
399. A. de Mortillet, Bull. Soc. d’Anthrop., Paris, 1893, p. 664.
400. Association Framaise pour I'avancement des Sciences, Paris, 1890, p. 629.
401. Bull. Soc. prihistorique fraraaise, vol. viii, Paris, 1911, p. 669.
402. V. С. C. Collum, The Tresse Iron-Age Megalithic Monument, Oxford, 1935.
403. Piggott, The Neolithic Cultures of the British Isles, 1954, p. 42; Childe, Prehistoric Communities of the British Isles, 1949, 3rd ed., p. 40.
404. Piggott, op. cit., p. 88, figs. 14, I—4, 10.
405. Piggott, P.P.S., N.S. vol. ii, 1936, p. 87.
406. C. Fox, The Early Cultures of North-west Europe, Cambridge, 1950, pp. 59f.
407. Philippe, "Cinq Ann£es de Fouilles au Fort-Harrouard, 1921—5", Societe normande d’etudes prehistoriques, vol. xxv, bis Rouen, 1927.
408. Manuel d’archeologie prehistorique, Paris, 1908, p. 603.
409. Spencer and Gillen, Native Tribes of Central Australia, 1938, pp. I67ff.
410. Cf. chap, iv, p. 148.
411. Breuil, Quatre cents siucles d’art parietal, Montignac, 1954, pp. 166, 176ff.
412. Antiquity, vol. iii, no. 9, 1929, p. 17.
413. Science, Religion and Reality, 1926, p. 44.
414. Begouen, C. r. Ac. Inscrip., 1923, p. 14; Breuil, op. cit., pp. 236ff.
415. A. Lemozi, La Grotte-Temple du Pech-Merle, Paris, 1929; Breuil, op cit., pp. 266ff.
416. F. Windels, The Lascaux Cave Paintings, 1949, pp. 27ff.; A. H. Brodrick, Lascaux: A Commentary, 1948, pp. 8Iff.
417. Breuil, op. cit., pp. 131, 134f.
418. Windels, op. cit., p. 63; Levy, The Gate of Horn, 1948, p. 21.
419. Spencer and Gillen, op. cit., pp. 171ff.
420. Op. cit., pp. 614fF.
421. Spencer and Gillen, Northern Tribes of Central Australia, pp. 436fF.
422. La Caverne d’Altamira, Monaco, 1909, p. 139.
423. Cf. chap, ix, pp. 23If.
424. Cf. Marett, The Threshold of Religion, 1914, pp. 40fF.; J.E. Harrison, Ancient Art Ritual1913, p. 26.
425. Driston, L ’Egypte, Paris, 1938, p. 597.
426. Cf. chap, viii, pp. 21 Of.
427. Frazer, Golden Bough, part iv (Adonis II), p. 219.
428. Pyr. Texts, 466b, Sethe, Urgeschichte und alteste Religion der Aegypter, Leipzig, 1930, p. 99.
429. Frankfort, Kingship and the Gods, Chicago, 1947, pp. 150ff.; The Birth of Civilization in the Near East, 1951, p. 54.
430. Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt, 1914, pp. 8f.
431. Cf. Frankfort, Kingship and the Gods, pp. 123ff.
432. Blackmail, Studia Aegyptiaca, "Analecta Orientalia", vol. xvii, 1938, p. 2.
433. Wainwright, The Sky-Religion in Egypt, Cambridge, 1938, pp. Ilf.
434. Blackman, Luxor and its Temples, 1923, pp. I79ff.
435. A. Erman and A.M. Blackman, The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians, 1927, p. 137.
436.J.E.A., vol. ii, 1915, p. 125.
437. Brugsch, Zeitschriftfu.s aegypt. Sprache und Altertumskunde, vol. xix, 1881, pp. 71—111; Loret, Recueil de travaux relatifs a la Philologie et a I'archeol Egyptiennes et Assyriennes, vol. iii, 1882, pp. 43 ff.; vol. iv, 1883, pp. 2Iff.; vol. v, 1884, pp. 85ff.
438. Brugsch, Religion und Mythologie der alien Aegypter, Leipzig, 1885—8, p. 621.
439. Gardiner, op. cit., p. 123; Brugsch, Zeitschrift, pp. 84, 94; Ret und Myth., p. 618.
440. S. N. Kramer, Sumerian Mythology, Philadelphia, 1944, pp. 83 ff.
441. Langdon, The Babylonian Epic of Creation, Oxford, 1923, p. 37, line 14.
442. Falk-lore, 1939, p. 140.
443. Cf. T. Jacobsen, The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man, Chicago, 1946, pp. 126ff.; Frankfort, Ancient Egyptian Religion, Chicago, 1948, pp. 54ff.
444. Ezek. viii. 14.
445. Pallis, The Babylonian Akitu Festival, Copenhagen, 1926, pp. 193 ff, 252ff; Langdon, The Babylonian Epic of Creation, Oxford, 1923, pp. 34ff.
446. S. Smith, J.R.A.S., 1928, pp. 849ff.; Pallis, op. cit., p. 109; Tallquist, Sumerisch-akkadische Namen der Totenwelt, Helsingfors, 1934, pp. I69ff.
447. A. J. Wensinck, Acta Orientalia, vol. i, pp. 169ff.
448. Jacobsen, The Sumerian King List, Chicago, 1939; Assyr. Studies, no. 11, p. 58.
449. Admon., 12, 1; Cairo, 34501.
450. E. Chiera, Sumerian Ritual Texts, vol. xxxi, Upland Pa., 1924, 24, i, 22—5.
451. Frazer, Golden Bough, part iv, pp. 9ff.; B. Z. and C.G. Seligman, The Pagan Tribes of the Nilotic Sudan, 1932, pp. 90ff.; Egypt and Negro Africa. 1934. 28fF. Meek, The Northern Tribes of Nigeria, vol. i, 1925, pp. 255ff.; vol. ii, pp. 58ff.; Evans-Pritchard, The Divine Kingship of the Shilluk of the Nilotic Sudan, Cambridge, 1948, pp. 18f., 21, 36f.
452. Morel, Du caracture religieux de la royaute Pharaonique, Paris, 1902, pp. 256ff.; Breasted, Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt, p. 39; Murray, Ancient Egypt, vol. ii, 1926, pp. 33ff.; Seligman, Egypt and Negro Africa, p. 2; Frankfort, Kingship and the Gods, 1948, pp. 79fT.
453. J.E.A., vol. ii, 1915. p. 134.
454. J.E.A., vol. xxviii, 1942, p. 71; Kingship and the Gods, p. 79.
455. Sethe, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Altertumskunde aegyptens, vol. iii, 1905, pp. 134ff.
456. Т. Н. Gaster, Thespis, New York, 1950, pp. 578f.; R. de Langhe, Les textes de Ras Shamra-Ugarit, Paris, 1945.
457. Cf. С. H, Gordon, Ugaritic Literature, Rome, 1949, pp. 3ff.
458. Baal- 'Anat Cycle, p. 67; vol. ii, pp. 5–6.
459. Palace of Minos, vol. ii, p. 842; vol. iii, p. 142; cf. Nilsson, Minoan-Mycenaean Religion, pp. 296f.
460. A. W. Persson, The Religion of Greece in Prehistoric Times, California, 1942, p. 34.
461. Evans, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 161 f.
462. Op. cit., vol. ii, pp. 838ff.
463. Nilsson, op. cit., p. 230, pi. i, 4.
464. Cf. Evans, Archaeologia, vol. xv, 1914, pp. 10f., fig. 16; Persson, op. cit., p. 49.
465. Evans, op. cit., vol. i, p. 432, fig. 310a; vol. iii, pp. 220, 225, figs. 154, 158.
466. Cf. Persson, op. cit., pp. 9Iff.; Malten, Archa..ologisches Jahrbuch, 1928, pp. 90ff.
467. Cf. Deedes, The Labyrinth, 1935, pp. 27ff.
468. Chap. viii, pp. 22Iff.
469. The Golden Bough, part 11, p. 140.
470. Nilsson, Greek Popular Religion, New York, 1940, pp. 5Iff.
471. Refutatio omnium haeresium, vol. v, p. 8; cf. Famell, Cult of the Greek States, vol. iii, pp. 177, 183.
472. Artemidorus, vol. i, p. 8.
473. Proclus ad Plato, Timaeus, p. 293 (Lobeck).
474. Famell, op. cit., vol. iii, p. 184.
475. Euripides, Bacchae, pp. 20ff.; Famell, op. cit., vol. v, pp. 86ff.; Rhode, Psyche, 1925, pp. 250ff.
476. Эти примеры приводятся автором по записям, сделанным во время путешествия в музей в Элевсине.
477. Famell, op. cit., vol. iii, pi. xxib, p. 256.
478. Minoan-Mycenaean Religion, p. 490.
479. Op. cit., pp. 153f.. figs, 28, 29.
480. Op. cit., p. 155.
481. Tacitus, Germania, 40.
482. Lucretius, vol. ii, pp. 600—43.
483. Cf. Crawford, Antiquity, 1954, pp. 25ff; R. J. C. Atkinson, P.P.S., vol. xviii, part 11, 1952, p. 236; Stonehenge, 1956, pp. 33f., 84f., 163f.
484. Stonehenge, p. 165.
485. Hawkes, PP.S., 1948, pp. 196fF.; Navarro, The Early Cultures of North-west Europe, Cambridge, 1950, pp. 77ff.; Atkinson, op. cit., pp. 162ff.
486. Cf. Childe, Prehistoric Communities of the British Isles, p. 122, n. 14.
487. Piggott, P.P.S., 1938, pp. 58ff.
488. Primitive Culture, 4th ed., vol. i, 1903, pp. 426ff.
489. Op. cit., vol. ii, pp. 113f., 247fT., 31 If.
490. Principles of Sociology, vol. i, 1885, p. 411.
491. Frazer, The Worship of Nature. 1926, pp. 9f.
492. The Making of Religion, 1898, pp. 160ff.; cf. Howitt, Native Tribes of South-east Australia, 1904, pp. 488ff.
493. Cf. Schmidt, Der Ursprung der Gottesidee, Munster, 1912— 54.
494. Spencer and Gillen, Native Tribes of Central Australia, 1938, p. 246, n. 1.
495. Nuer Religion, Oxford, 1956, pp. 2ff., 118, 124,200ff.
496. Op. cit, p. 316.
497. Bulletin Societe prehistorique framaise, vol. iv, 1907, p. 215.
498. A. B. Cook, L’Anthrop., vol. xiv, 1903, pp. 34fF.
499. Cf. A. C. Haddon, The Study of Man, 1898, pp. 277fF.; Marett, The Threshold of Religion, 1914, pp. I7f., 145f; Howitt, op. cit., pp. 578f.; Spencer and Gillen, Native Tribes of Central Australia, pp. 246n., 634.
500. Cf. Wainwright, The Sky Religion in Egypt, Cambridge, 1938.
501. Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt, 1914, p. 9.
502. Pyr Texts, p. 1105.
503. Budge, Tutankhamon, Amenism, Atonism and Egyptian Monotheism, 1923, p. 79.
504. Frankfort. Kingship and the Gods, 1948, p. 38.
505. Cf. Davies, J.E.A., vol. ix, 1923, pp. 133ff.; Journal of the Society of Oriental Research, vol. x, Chicago, 1926, pp. 25ff.
506. Langdon, Babyloniaca, vol. xii, Paris, 1931, p. 11, lines 11–12.
507. Gadd, The Idea of Divine Rule in the Ancient East, Oxford, 1948, p. 34.
508. Cf. F. Notscher, Ellil in Sumer und Akkad, pp. 56, 66.
509. Cf. Frankfort, op. cit., p. 228; F. Thureau-Dangin, Sumerische und Akkadische Ko.. nigschriften, Leipzig, 1907, pp. 156f.
510. Heidel, The Babylonian Genesis, Chicago, 1950, pp. 20ff; vol. ii, pp. 60ff.
511 .Op. cit., p. 47; vol. ii, pp. 31ff.
512. Heidel, The Gilgamesh Epic, Chicago, 1951, p. 229.
513. Cf. Cook, Zeus, vol. i, pp. 577Ш, 635; Garstang, The Hittite Empire, 1929, pp. 204f.
514. S. Mercer, The Tell El Amarna Tablets, vol. ii, Toronto, 1939, pp. 483 (13f.).
515. Konow, The AryanGods of the Mitanni People, Kristiana, 1921, pp. If.
516. Rig-veda, vi, 27, 8; x, 33,2; Atharvaveda, v, 22,5, 7,9.
517. Санскритская форма авестийского слова "Ахура", которым Заратустра стал обозначать Премудрого владыку, Ахура Мазду, — верховного бога в зороастрийском монотеизме, чья власть ограничивалась лишь духом зла Анхрамайнью (Друдж).
518. Cf. Keith, Indian Culture, vol. iii, p. 421.
519. Satapatha Brahmana, v, 1, 1,2; iii, 2,2, 4.
520. Chandogya-Upanishad, vi, 8, 7f.; Brihadaranyaka, i, 4, 10; 1st Upanishad, Iff.
521. Yasna, 34,44,45,48.
522. Yasna, 30.
523. Five Stages of Greek Religion, Oxford, 1925, p. 65.