Тайны языческих богов. От бога-медведя до Золотой Богини - Эдвин Джеймс
524. Nilsson, History of Greek Religion, Oxford, 1925, p. 31.
525. Cf. Rose, Handbook of Greek Mythology, 1933, pp. 49f.
526. Cf. Aeschylus, Danaids, Tragg Graec., Fr. ed., Nauck, p. 44; Euripides, Fr. 898, pp. 7ff.; Cook, Zeus, vol. iii, pp. 456ff.; Famell, Cult of the Greek States, vol. i, pp. 244ff.
527. Chap, vii, p. 197.
528. Rose, op. cit., pp. 102ff.
529. Frazer, The Golden Bough, part 11, p. 140.
530. The Aryans, 1926, p. 81.
531. Shetelig and Falk, Scandinavian Archaeology, Oxford, 1937, pp. 156f.
532. The Golden Bough, part x, pp. 160ff.
533. Chap, vii, p. 203.
534. Cf. Atkinson, Stonehenge, 1956, p. 172.
535. Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, 1913, p. 206.
536. A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, A.A., 1935, pp. 394ff.; J.R.A.I., vol. lxxv, 1945. p. 33.
537. Op cit., pp. 47, 206.
538. Cf. chaps, v, vi.
539. Les fonctions dans les Societes Inferieures, Paris, 1915; La Mentaliteprimitive, Paris, 1921; L'Experience mystique et les symboles chez les primitifs, Paris, 1938.
540. Evans-Pritchard, Nuer Religion, Oxford, 1956, pp. 77, 82, I32f., I40f.
541. Chap. vii, p. 180.
542. Newberry, Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, vol. v, Liverpool, 1913, p. 136.
543. Baumgartel, The Cultures of Prehistoric Egypt, Oxford, 1955, p. 31.
544. Homblower, J.E.A., vol. xv, 1929, p. 39.
545. Levy, The Gate of Horn, 1948, p. 116.
546. Op. cit., pp. 38, 43.
547. Winckler, Rock-Drawings of Southern Upper Egypt, 1938, p. 22.
548. Gadd, in Hall and Woolley, Ur Excavations, vol. i; Al 'Ubaid, Oxford, 1927, pp. 142f.
549. Op. cit, p. 143.
550. Cf. chap, vi, p. 159.
551. Chap, vi, p. 158.
552. Capitan, Les Combarelles aux Eyzies, 1924, pi. vi; Picard, Revue de Philologie, 1933, pp. 344ff.
553. Cf. Malton, Archa..ologisches Jahrbuch, 1928, pp. 90fT.
554. Capitan and Peyrony, Revue anthropologique, vol. xxxi, 1921, pp. 92ff.
555. Chap, vii, p. 178.
556. L’Anthrop. vol, xxiv, 1913, pp. 627ff.
557. Cf. chap, vi, p. 146.
558. A. Makowski, Mittheilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 1892, p. 73; Obermaier, Der Mensch der Vorzeit, p. 298; Breuil, L’Antrop., 1924, pp. 549ff.
559. Buckland, Reliquiae Diluvianae, 1823, pp. 82ff.
560. Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt, p. 61.
561. Frankfort, Kingship and the Gods, p. 178.
562. Tablet XI.
563. Cf. Heidel, The Gilgamesh Epic and the Old Testament Parallels, Chicago, 1949, pp. 207 ff.
564. F. Thureau-Dangin, Hilprecht Anniversary Volume, Leipzig, 1909, p. 161.
565. Chap. ii, p. 43.
566. Chap. ii, p. 53.
567. Chap. ii, pp. 48f. Также, Woolley, Ur Excavations, The Royal Cemeteries, vol. ii, 1934, pp. 135ff.; Mackay, Report on the Excavations of the "А" Cemetery at Kish, vol. i, Chicago, 1925, pp. 13f.
568. Vats, Excavations at Harappa, vol. i, 1940, pp. 207ff.
569. Rig-veda, x, 18.
570. Rig-veda, x, i, 4, 16.
571. Evans, Palace of Minos, vol. ii. p. 279,
572. Chap. vi, p. 164.
573. Monumenti Antichi, vol. xix, pp. 5—86, pis. i — iii.
574. Palace of Minos, vol. i, pp. 439, 447.
575. Harrison, Themis, 1912, p. 178; Petersen, Arch. Jahrbuch, vol. xxiv, 1909, p. 162.
576. Minoan-Mycenaean Religion, pp. 378ff.
577. Evans, J.H.S., vol. xiv, 1925, pp. 68ff.
578. Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult, 1901, pp. 98fF.
579. Chap. iv, p. 108.
580. Cf. Crawford, The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, 1925, p. 14.
581. P.P.S., N.S. i, vol. ii, 1935, p. 108.
582. C. A. Nordman, Tbe Megalithic Culture in Northern Europe, Helsinki, 193 5, p. 28; Crawford, op. cit., p. 13.
583. Op. c/7., p. 127.
584. Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, 1950, p. 110.
585. Nordman, op. cit, p. 29.
586. P.P.S., N.S. iv, 1938, p. 128.
587. Chap. v, p. 133.
588. Chap. viii, p. 224.
589. Yasht,x, 13.
A.A. American Anthropologist l'Anthrop. L’Anthropologie B.A.E. Bureau of American Ethnology. B.S.A. British School of Athens, Annual of. E.R.E. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics. J.E.A. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. J.H.S. Journal of Hellenic Studies. J.N.E.S. Journal of Near Eastern Studies. J.R.A.l, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. J.R.A.S. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. P.P.S. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society.БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ
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