Тайные культы древних. Религии мистерий - С. Энгус
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Moulton J.H. Early Zoroastrianism (Lond., ’13); The Treasure of the Magi (Oxf., ’17).
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Nilsson M.P. Studia de Dionysiis Atticis (Linden, ’00); Griech. Feste (Leip., ’06).
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Ramsay W.M. Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia (2 parts. Oxf., ’96–97); Religion of Greece and Asia Minor / Hastings. D.B. ext. vol.
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Reisner G.A. The Egyptian Conception of Immortality (Lond., ’12).
Reitzenstein R. Poimandres (Leip., ’04); Die hellenist. Mysterienreligionen (2nd ed. ib., ’20); Hellenistische Wundererzählungen (ib., ’06);Hellenistische Theologie in Ägypten (N. Jahrb. f. d. klas. Alt. XIII. ’04.
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Rendtorff F.M. Die Taufe im Urchristentum (Leip., ’05). Renouf P. le P. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion
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