Тайные культы древних. Религии мистерий - С. Энгус
Harpocration. Lexicon (Dindorf, 2 vols. Oxf., ’53).
Heibig W. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens (Leip., ’68).
Heliolatry , v.s. Sun-worship.
Heracliti Ephesii Reliquiae / Ed. I. Bywater. Oxf., ’77; and in: Diels. Fragmente d. Vorsokratiker, v.s. Macchioro.
Hermias. Irrisio gentilium philosophorum, v.s. Otto.
Hermippus, sive De Astrologia Dialogus (Anonymi Christiani / Ed. W. Kroll and P. Viereck. Leip., ’95).
Herodotus. Histories (esp. I. 34–45; II. 42, 48, 50–60, 81, 144–146, 156; IV. 79—108; VII. 6; VIII. 65). (Eng. tr. by G.C. Macaulay. Lond., ’90, 2 vols.)
Hierocles. Commentary on the Golden Verses of Pythagoras / Mullach. Fragmenta, I. P. 480 ff., Eng. tr. by N. Rowe. Lond., ’06.
Hippolytus. Philosophoumena, sive Omnium Haeresium Refutatio / Ed. P.M. Cruice. Paris, ’60, with Lat. tr. Best ed. by P. Wendland in Griech. christ. Kirchenväter, 3 vols. Vol. I. Berlin, ’16. Eng. tr. by MacMahon / Ante-Nicene Library. Edin., ’68; best tr. by F. Legge, 2 vols. Lond., ’21.
Historiae Augustae Scriptores, v.s. Scriptores Hist. Aug. Homer. Odyssey. XI (cf. v. Wilamowitz-Möllendorf U. Hom. Untersuchungen. P. 199 ff.). Homeric Hymns, esp. II (To Demeter), VII (To Dionysos), VIII (To Ares), XIV (To the Mother of the Gods). Best ed. by T.W. Allen,
E.E. Sikes. Lond., ’04; Eng. tr. by J. Edgar. Edin., ’91; A. Lang. Lond., ’99; Evelyn-White H.G. / Loeb. Library, ’14.
Hopfner Th. Fontes Historiae Religionis Aegypticae (3 parts. Bonn, ’22 f., v.s. Fontes, etc.).
Horace. Carmen Saeculare (cf.: Zosimus, II. 5, 6).
Iamblichus. De Vita Pythagorica / Ed. T. Kiessling. Leip. 1815; Nauck A. St. Petersburg, ’84; Eng. tr. by T. Taylor. Lond. 1818. De Mysteriis / Ed. G. Parthey. Berlin, ’57; T. Gale, with Lat. tr. Oxf. 1678; Eng. tr. by T. Taylor. Lond., 1821. Protrepticus, Exhortatio ad Philosophiam / Ed. H. Pistelli. Leip., ’88.
Inscriptions : Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum (Boeckh A. and others. Berlin, 1828–1877). Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (by Mommsen and others, 1863 ff.). Inscriptiones Graecae (in course of publication by the Prussian Academy. Berlin, since 1873) in following main parts: Corpus Inscriptionum Atticarum (Berlin, ’73–97). Corpus Inscriptionum Graeciae Septentrionalis / Ed. W. Dittenberger. Ber., ’92. Inscriptiones Graecae Siciliae et Italiae (Kaibel G. Ber., ’90). Inscriptiones Graecae Insularum Maris Aegaei (Gaertringen H. v., Paton W.R. Ber., ’95 f.). Inscriptiones Argolidis. Inscriptiones Megaridis et Boeotiae. Inscriptiones Oris Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini (Minns E.H. Camb., ’13). Inscriptionum Latinarum amplissima selectarum Collectio (Orelli J.C., Henzen W. 3 vols. Turin, 1828–1856). Leges Graecorum sacrae e titulis collectae (Prott J. v., Ziehen L. Leip., ’96–06). Inscrizione greche e latine (by E. Breccia in: Antiquités égypt. du Musée d’Alexandrie). Recueil des Inscriptions grecqueschrétiennes d’Egypte (Lefebure G. Cairo, ’07). Sammelbuch Griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten (Preisigke F. I. Strassburg, ’15 f. Contains also papyri). Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum / Ed. E.L. Hicks. Oxf., ’74 ff. Defi xionum Ta bellae (Audollent A. Paris, ’04). Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes (Cagnat R. 3 vols. Paris, ’11–14). Orientis Graecae Inscriptiones Selectae (Ditterberger W. 2 vols. Leip., ’03–05). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum (Dittenberger W. 2nd ed. 2 vols, and index. Leip., ’88–91; 3rd ed. 4 vols. Leip., ’15–20). Recueil d’Inscriptions grecques, also: Supplement (Michel Ch. Paris, ’00–12). Recueil desInscriptions grecques et latines de l’Égypte (Letronne M. 2 vols. Paris, ’42–48). Inscriptiones antiquae Orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini Graecae et Latinae (Latyschev B. St. Petersburg, ’85). Epigrammata Graeca (Kaibel G. Berlin, ’78). Fouilles d’Epidaure (Cavvadias P. Athens, ’91). Inscriptions grecques et latines recueillies en Grèce et en Asie Mineure (Le Bas P., Waddington W.H. Paris, ’70). Antike Fluchtafeln (Wünsch R. Bonn, ’07). Selection in: Foucart. Des Associations religieuses. P. 187–243.
Invocation of Isis, early second cent. Greek text, tr. and comm. / Oxyrhynchus Papyri. XI, no. 1380. P. 190–220. Liturgical text of Isis cult in second or third cent. inscr. from Ios, Dittenberger. Sylloge. 3rd
ed. 1267, or: Weil R. Ath. Mitth. II. ’77. P. 81 ff.; I.G. XII, V, 1, no. 14; cf.: Diodorus. Bib. I. 27. The Burden of Isis: being the Laments of Isis and Nephthys (tr. by J.T. Dennis. Lond., ’10).
Iobacchoi, Regulations of a Thiasos of, in Greek inscription published by S. Wide / Athenische Mitteilungen, ’94, XIX. P. 248 ff.; No.
46. P. 132–147 of Prott-Ziehen, Leges Graec. Sacrae; Dittenberger. Sylloge, 2nd ed. no. 737, 3rd ed. no. 1109; Maas. Orpheus. P. 18–32.
Irenaeus. Adversus Haereses / Ed. W.W. Harvey, 2 vols. Camb., ’57; Eng. tr. by A. Roberts and W.H. Rambant / Clark. Ante-Nicene Library, 2 vols. Edin., ’68–69; also by F.R.M. Hitchcock in: S.P.C.K. 2 vols. Lond., ’16.
Isis, Praises of, found on a tomb of Osiris and Isis, Diodorus Siculus, I. 27. Poetic dedication to Isis, I.G. XII, pt. V. 1. P. 213 f. Prose dedication to, ib. P. 217.
Isocrates. Panegyric / Ed. J.E. Sandys. Lond., ’97.
Isyllos , Paean of, from Epidaurus, late fourth cent. B.C. Eph. Arch., ’85. P. 65; v. Wilamowitz-Möllendorf. Isyllos v. Epidaurus, ’86 / Philolog. Unters.
Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews (e.g. XVIII. 3, 4).
Julian the ’Apostate’: Orationes, esp. IV (Hymn to the Sovereign Sun), V (Hymn to the Mother of the Gods), VI (To the uneducated Cynics), VII (To the Cynic Heraclius). Letter to Th emistius (frag.). Against the Christians (frag.). Two complete French trs. by R. Tourlet, 3 vols. Paris, 1821, and by E. Talbot. Paris, ’63; Eng. tr. of: Hymn to the Sovereign Sun and To the Mother of the Gods, by T. Taylor. Lond., 1793; and of Against the Christians by same. Lond., 1803; Greek text and Eng. tr. by W.C. Wright / Loeb. Library, 3 vols., ’13.
Justin Martyr. Apologies I and II; Dialogue with Trypho; Oratio ad Graecos; Cohortatio ad Graecos / Ed. J.C.T. Otto, 3 vols, with Lat. tr. Leip., ’76–81; Eng. tr. by Marcus Dods in: Clark. Ante-Nicene Library. Edin., ’67.
Kouretes, Hymn of the, Greek text and tr. in: Harrison J. Th emis. P. 6–8.
Lactantius. Institutiones Divinae / Ed. S. Brandt, G. Laubmann in: Corp. Script. eccles. Lat.; Eng. tr. by W. Fletcher in: Clark. Ante-Nicene Library. Edin., ’71.
Lampridius. Aelius / Scriptores Hist. Aug.
Libanius. Orationes / Ed. R. Foerster, 4 vols. Leip., ’03–08.
Livy. Ab urbe condita libri (esp. X, 47; XXIX, 11–14; XXXIV, 54; XXXVI, 36; XXXIX, 8—18; XL, 29).
Lucian , esp. Alexander; Bacchus; De Astrologia; De Dea Syria; De Morte Peregrini; De Saltatione; Philopseudes; Saturnalia / Ed. J. Sommerbrodt, 3 vols. Leip., ’86–99; or E.
Nilen, Leip. Eng. tr. by H.W. and F.G. Fowler. Lond., ’05.
Lucretius. De Natura Rerum. Cf. II. 608 ff.
Lycosura , mystery inscr. Dittenberger. Syl. 2nd ed. 939, 3rd ed. 999; Prott-Ziehen, II. 63; I.G. V. 2, 514.
Macarius Magnes. Apocritica (Greek text by Blondel and Foucart. Paris, ’76; Eng. tr. by T.W. Crafer / S.P.C.K. Lond., ’19).
Macrobius, Ambrosius Th eodosius. Commentarium in Somnium Scipionis and Saturnalia / Ed. F. Eyssenhardt. Leip., ’93; Fr. tr. in: Nisard. Auteurs latins. Paris, ’45.
Magi , Hymn of the: Dio Chrysostom, Or. XXXVI, 39–54 (de Arnim, II. P. 11–15; Cumont, T. et M. II. P. 60–64; part in: Clemen. Fontes hist. rel. pers. P. 44 ff.).
Magic : Out of a vast literature cf. esp. the following: Magic Papyrus of A.D. 395 in Museum of Leyden, published by C. Leemans in Papyri Graeci Musei antiq. pub. Lugduni Batavorum, 2 vols., ’83–85, vol. II. P. 77—198. Also by Dieterich in: Jahrb. f. d. klas. Philol. Suppl. XVI. P. 749–830, and in his Abraxas. P. 167–205. Berlin Magical Papyri / Ed. G. Parthey in: Abhandl. der Akad. zu Berlin, Pap. I. in ’65. P. 109–180. Wessely. Ephesia Grammata (Vienna, ’86, in XII Jahresb. über d. kgl.-kais. Franz-Joseph Gymnasium). Griechische Zauberpapyri von Paris u. London (Vienna, ’88 in: Denkschriften d. kais. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien, Phil.-hist. XXXVI). Neue Griechische Zauberpapyri (Vienna, ’93, ib. XLII). F. Kenyon. Greek Papyri in the British Museum, II. Wilcken U. Archiv f. Papyrusforschung, I. P. 427 ff. Heim R. Incantamenta Magica Graeca Latina / Jahrb. f. klas. Phil. Suppl. XIX. ’93. P. 463–576. Griffi th. The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden (Lond., ’04). Apuleius. Metamorphoses and Apologia, sive De Magia / Ed.
R. Helm. Leip., ’05. Cato. De Re Rustica / Scriptores rei rusticae veteres Latini ed. I.M. Gesner. Leip. 1773. Pliny the Elder. Historia Naturalis. Democritus. De Sympathiis et Antipathiis / Fabricius. Bibliotheca Graeca, IV. Pt. 2. P. 333–338). Wünsch R. Antike Fluchtafeln (Bonn, ’07); Defixionum Tabellae Atticae (Berl., ’97). Audollent A. Defixionum Tabellae (Paris, ’04). Macdonald L. Inscriptions relating to Sorcery in Cyprus (Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch., ’91. P. 160–190). Cf. review of material in: Hubert. art. Magia / Daremberg-Saglio. Dictionnaire; and Wünsch R. Antikes Zaubergerät aus Pergamon / Jahrb. d. Arch. Inst. VI. 19.
Manetho. Apotelesmaticorum lib. VI / Ed. A. Koechly. Liep., ’58.
Manilius. Astronomica / Ed. J. v. Wagenigen. Leip., ’15; Postgate J.P. Lond., ’94–05. Good ed. with Eng. tr. of Bk. II by Garrod/ Lond.
Marcus Aurelius. Meditations / Ed. J. Stich. Leip., ’82; Leopold J.H. Oxf. Eng. tr. with introd. by G.H. Rendall, 2nd ed. Lond., ’01; also by Haines C.R. in: Loeb. Library. Lond., ’16.
Maternus, Julius Firmicus. De Errore profanarum religionum / Ed.
K. Ziegler, Leip., ’07. Matheseos Libri VIII / Ed. W. Kroll, F. Skutsch. Leip. Maximus of Tyre / Ed. F. Dubner. Paris, ’40; Hobein H. Leip., ’10. Eng. tr. by T. Taylor, 2 vols. Lond., 1804. Mendel. Catalogue des sculptures grecques, romaines, byzantines
(Musée Impérial ottoman, 3 vols., 12 ff.). Minucius Felix. Octavius / Ed. H. Bonig. Leip., ’03. Eng. tr. by
R.E. Wallis in: Clark. Ante-Nicene Library, Edin.; by J.H. Freese in:
S.P.C.K. Lond. n.d. Mithra, Liturgy of (so-called), v. Dieterich. Eine Mithrasliturgie. Naassene Psalm, v.s. Gnosticism. Nechepsonis et Petosiridis Fragmenta magica / Ed. E. Riess, Philo
logus. ’91, Supp. VI. P. 327–388.
Nemesius. De Natura Hominis (Greek text with Lat. tr. in: Migne. Patrologia Graeca).
Nonnus Panopolites. Dionysiaca / Ed. A. Koechly, 2 vols. Leip., ’72–73. French tr. by Comte de Marcellus / Didot. Bibliotheca Graeca. Paris, ’56.
Origen. Contra Celsum / C. and V. de la Rue’s ed. Paris, 1733–1759, reprinted in Migne; Eng. tr. by F. Crombie and W.H. Cairns / Clark. Ante-Nicene Library. Edin., ’72.
Orphism : Argonautica; Lithica; Hymni. All three in: A.C. Eschenbach’s ed. Trajecti-ad-Rhenum, 1689; Tauchnitz ed. of the Orphica. Leip. 1829; Hermann G. Orphica. Leip. 1805. Fragments in Orphica / Ed. E. Abel (Leip. – Prague, ’85). Nova Fragmenta Orphica, by Vari in: Wiener Studien, XII. P. 222 ff. Orphicorum Fragmenta / Ed.
O. Kern (Berlin, ’22). Orphic Tablets / Ed. A. Olivieri, Lamellae aureae orphicae. Bonn, ’15; Diels. Fragmente d. Vorsokratiker, 3rd ed.
II. P. 163 ff.; Harrison J. Prolegomena by G. Murray, text and Eng. tr. P. 660–674. (Eng. tr. of Hymns by T. Taylor. Lond., 1787, reprint 1896.)
Otto J.C.T. Hermiae philosophi Irrisio gentilium philosophorum. Apologetarum Quadrati Aristidis Aristonis Miltiadis Melitonis Apollinaris Reliquiae (Jena, ’72).
Overbeck J.A. Gesch. d. griech. Plastik (Leip., ’93–94); Griech. Kunstmythologie (3 vols. Leip., ’71–89).
Ovid , e.g.: Pont. I. 1, 37–51; Amatores, II. 13, 7 ff.; Fasti, XX, iv, 223 ff., 305–330; Met. XV. 61—478, 622 ff.
Paean to Dionysus, from Delphi (338 B.C.): reconstruction of Greek text by H. Weil in: Bull. de Corr. Hell. XIX. ’95. P. 400 ff.; Eng. tr. in: Harrison J. Proleg. P. 439, 542.
Palaephatus : περὶ ἀπίσων / Ed. N. Festa, Leip., ’02; Mythographi Graeci, III. 2.
Panaetii et Hecatonis Fragmenta (H.N. Fowler. Lond., ’85).
Papyri : The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, vols. I–XVI. Lond., ’98–24. The Flinders Petrie Papyri, 3 parts. Dublin, ’91–94. Th e Tebtunis Papyri, 2 vols. Lond., ’02–07. The Amherst Papyri, 2 vols. Lond.,’00–01. Fayum Towns and their Papyri. Lond., ’00. Ägyptische Urkunden aus den kgl. Museen zu Berlin: Griechische, 5 vols. Berlin,’95–19. Griechische Urkunden des Ägyptischen Museum zu Kairo (Preisig ke F. Strassbourg, ’11—). Selections from the Greek Papyri, 2nd ed. G. Milligan. Camb., ’12. Papyri Ercolanesi / Ed. D. Comparetti. Turin, ’75. Papyrus ptolémaïques du Musée d’Alexandrie (Botti G. Alexand ria, ’99). Greek Papyri in the British Museum, ed. F.G. Kenyon, 3 vols. Lond., ’93—’07. Greek Papyri from the Cairo Museum (Good speed E.J. Chicago, ’06). Les Papyrus de Genève (Nicole J. Geneva, ’96–00). Papiri Grechi et Latini, 5 parts, Florence, ’12–17. Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung / Ed. A. Deissmann. Heidelberg, ’05. Pa pyri Fiorentini (3 vols. ed. G. Vitelli and D. Comparetti. Milan, ’06–15). Corpus Papyrorum Raineri / Ed. K. Wessely. Vienna, ’95. Papyrus grecs de Lille / Ed. P. Jouget, 2 parts. Paris, ’07–08. See also under Magic.
Pausanias. Description of Greece / Ed. F. Spiro, 3 vols. Leip., ’03; Eng. tr. and commentary by J.G. Frazer, 6 vols. Lon., ’98.
Peter, Apocalypse of. Greek text in: Robinson, James. Th e Gospel according to Peter. Lond. P. 89–96; cf.: Dieterich A. Nekyia, 2nd ed. Leip., ’13.
Petosiris. Vol. VII. P. 130 ff. of Catalogus Astrologorum Graecorum, ed. Fr. Boll. Cf. under Nechepso.
Philo Judaeus. Opera, ed. T. Mangey, 6 vols. Lond. 1742; Tauchnitz, ed. 8 vols. Leip., ’51–80; Cohn-Wendland, ed. 6 vols. Berl., ’96–15; Fragments, by J.R. Harris. Camb., ’86; Eng. tr. by C.D. Yonge, 4 vols. Lond., ’51–55.