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Кето-диета. Ваш 30-дневный план потери веса, баланса гормонов, улучшения работы мозга и победы над болезнями - Джош Акс

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of Aging Research 11 (July 2012).

22. H. Arem, S. C. Moore, A. Patel, et al., «Leisure Time Physical Activity and Mortality: A Detailed Pooled Analysis of the Dose-Response Relationship», JAMA Internal Medicine 175 (June 2015): 959–967.


Кето-перестроение метаболизма

1. A. Paoli, A. Rubini, J. S. Volek, and K. A. Grimaldi, «Beyond Weight Loss: A Review of the Therapeutic Uses of Very-Low-Carbohydrate (Ketogenic) Diets», European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 67 (2013): 789–796.

2. Jennifer Abbasi, «Interest in the Ketogenic Diet Grows for Weight Loss and Type 2 Diabetes», Journal of the American Medical Association 319 (January 16, 2018): 215–217.

3. N. B. Bueno, I. S. Vieira de Melo, S. Lima de Oliveira, and T. da Rocha Ataide, «Very Low Carbohydrate Ketogenic Diet v Low-Fat Diet for Long-Term Weight Loss: A Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials», British Journal of Nutrition 110 (October 2013): 1178–1187.

4. Madeline K. Gibas and Kelly J. Gibas, «Induced and Controlled Dietary Ketosis as a Regulator of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome Pathologies», Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome (November 2017).

5. Amy Miskimon Goss, Barbara A Gower, Taraneh Soleymani, Mariah Stewart, and Kevin Fontaine, «Effects of an Egg-Based, Carbohydrate-Restricted Diet on Body Composition, Fat Distribution, and Metabolic Health in Older Adults with Obesity: Preliminary Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial», FASEB Journal (April 2017).

6. Sarah J. Hallberg, A. L. McKenzie, P. T. Williams, et al., «Effectiveness and Safety of a Novel Care Model for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes at 1 Year: An Open-Label, Non-Randomized, Controlled Study», Diabetes Therapy 9 (April 2018): 583–612.

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9. Antonio Paoli, G. Bosco, E. M. Camporesi, and D. Mangar, «Ketosis, Ketogenic Diet and Food Intake Control: A Complex Relationship», Frontiers in Psychology 6 (Febru– ary 2015).

10. Priya Sumithran, Luke A. Prendergast, Elizabeth Delbridge, «Long-Term Persistence of Hormonal Adaptations to Weight Loss», New England Journal of Medicine 365 (Octo– ber 2011): 1597–1604.

11. Liu Lin Thio, «Hypothalamic Hormones and Metabolism», Epilepsy Research 100 (July 2012): 245–251.

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14. Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis, Jean M. Lawrence, Dana Dabelea, et al., «Incidence Trends of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes among Youths, 2002–2012», New England Journal of Medicine 376 (April 2017): 1419–1429.

15. I. Partsalaki, A. Karvela, and B. Spiliotis, «Metabolic Impact of a Ketogenic Diet Compared to a Hypocaloric Diet in Obese Children and Adolescents», Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 25 (2012): 697–704.

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18. Alison B. Evert, Jackie L. Boucher, Marjorie Cypress, et al., «Nutrition Therapy Recommendations for the Management of Adults with Diabetes», Diabetes Care 36 (November 2013).

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20. M. P. St-Onge and P. J. Jones, «Greater Rise in Fat Oxidation with Medium-Chain Tri-glyceride Consumption Relative to Long-Chain Triglyceride Is Associated with Lower Initial Body Weight and Greater Loss of Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue», International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 27 (December 2003): 1565–1571.

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23. Nafiseh Khandouzi, F. Shidfar, A. Rajab, T. Rahideh, P. Hosseini, and M. Mir Taheri, «The Effects of Ginger on Fasting Blood Sugar, Hemoglobin A1c, Apolipoprotein B, Apolipoprotein A-I and Malondialdehyde in Type 2 Diabetic Patients», Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 14 (Winter 2015): 131–140.

24. L. Nogara, N. Naber, E. Pate, M. Canton, C. Reggiani, and R. Cooke, «Piperine’s Mitigation of Obesity and Diabetes Can Be Explained by Its Up-Regulation of the Metabolic Rate of Resting Muscle», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (November 2016): 13009–13014.


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1. Maciej Gasior, Michael A. Rogawski, and Adam L. Hartman, «Neuroprotective and Disease-Modifying Effects of the Ketogenic Diet», Behavioral Pharmacology 17 (Sep– tember 2006): 431–439.

2. Alzheimer’s Association, «2018 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures», https: / / www.alz.org / media / Documents / alzheimers-facts-and-figures-infographic.pdf.

3. Ibid.

4. World Health Organization, «Dementia: Key Facts», http: / / www.who.int / news-room / fact-sheets / detail / dementia.

5. Fanfan Zheng, L. Yan, Z. Yang, B. Zhong, W. Xie, «HbA1c, Diabetes and Cognitive Decline: The English Longitudinal Study of Aging», Diabetologia 61 (April 2018): 839–848.

6. Yang An, V. R. Varma, S. Varma, et al., «Evidence for Brain Glucose Dysregulation in Alzheimer’s Disease», Alzheimer’s & Dementia 14 (March 2018): 318–329.

7. Ingrid Van der Auwera, Stefaan Wera, Fred Van Leuven, and Samuel T. Henderson, «A Ketogenic Diet Reduces Amyloid

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