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Мотивация и личность - Абрахам Харольд Маслоу

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Association Press, 1952.

48. Personality. (With D. MacKinnon.) In H. Helson (Ed.), Theoretical foundations of psychology, New York: Van Nostrand.

49. Higher needs and personality. Dialectica (Univ. of Liege) 5, 257–265. (Included in No. 57.)

50. Resistance to acculturation. Journal of Social Issues, 7, 26–29. (Included in No. 57.)

51. Principles of abnormal psychology (rev. ed.). (With Bela Mittelmann), Harper & Bros. Recorded as Talking Book for the Blind. Chapter 16 reprinted in C. Thompson et al. (Eds.), An outline of psychoanalysis, Modern Library, 1955.

52. Volunteer-error in the Kinsey study. (With J. Sakoda.) Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 47, 259–262. Reprinted in Sexual behavior in American society, J. Himelhock and S. Fava (Eds.), Norton, 1955.

53. The S-I Test (A measure of psychological security-insecurity), Consulting Psychologists Press. Spanish translation, 1961, Institute de Pedagogia, Universidad de Madrid. Polish translation, 1963.


54. Love in healthy people. In A. Montagu (Ed.), The meaning of love, Julian Press. (Included in No. 57.) Reprinted in M. DeMartino (Ed.), Sexual behavior and personality characteristics, Citadel Press, 1963.

55. College teaching ability, scholarly activity and personality. (With W. Zimmerman.) Journal of Educational Psychology, 47, 185–189. Reprinted in U. S. Dept. Health, Education & Welfare, Case book: Education beyond the high school, 1958.


56. The instinctoid nature of basic needs. Journal of Personality, 22, 326–347. (Included in No. 57.)

57. Motivation and personality, Harper & Bros. (Includes papers 23, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 54, 56, 59.) Spanish translation, 1963, Sagitario, Barcelona. Selections reprinted in W. Sahakian (Ed.), Psychology of personality: Readings in theory, Rand-McNally, 1965. Japanese translation, 1967, Sangyo Noritsu Tanki Daigaku.

58. Abnormal psychology. National Encyclopedia.

59. Normality, health and values. Main Currents, 10, 75–81. (Included in No. 57.)


60. Deficiency motivation and growth motivation. In M. R. Jones (Ed.), Nebraska symposium on motivation: 1955, University of Nebraska Press. (Included in No. 86.) Reprinted in General Semantics Bulletin, 1956, Nos. 18 and 19, 33–42; J. Coleman, Personality Dynamics and Effective Behavior, Scott, Foresman, 1960; J. A. Dyal (Ed.), Readings in psychology: Understanding human behavior, McGraw-Hill, 1962; R. C. Teevan and R. C. Birney (Eds.), Theories of motivation in personal and social psychology, Van Nostrand, 1964.

60a. Comments on Prof. McClelland’s paper. In M. R. Jones (Ed.), Nebraska symposium on motivation, 1955, University of Nebraska Press, pp. 65–69.

60b. Comments on Prof. Old’s paper. In M. R. Jones (Ed.), Nebraska symposium on motivation, 1955, University of Nebraska Press, pp. 143–147.


61. Effects of esthetic surroundings: I. Initial effects of three esthetic conditions upon perceiving «energy» and «well-being» in faces. (With N. Mintz.) Journal of Psychology, 41, 247–254. Reprinted in D. C. Barnlund (Ed.), Interpersonal communication, Houghton Mifflin, 1968.

62. Personality problems and personality growth. In C. Moustakas (Ed.), The self, Harpers. Reprinted in J. Coleman, F. Libaw, and W. Martinson, Success in college, Scott, Foresman, 1961; F. Matson (Ed.), Being, becoming and behavior, Braziller, 1967; D. Hamachek (Ed.), Human dynamics in psychology and education, Allyn & Bacon, 1968.

63. Defense and growth. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 3, 36–47. (Included in No. 86.) Reprinted in T. Millon (Ed.), Theories of psychopathology, Saunders, 1967.

64. A philosophy of psychology. Main Currents, 13, 27–32. Reprinted in Etc., 1957, 14, 10–22; J. Fairchild (Ed.), Personal problems and psychological frontiers, Sheridan Press, 1957; Manas, 1958, 11, 17 & 18; S. I. Hayakawa (Ed.), Our language and our world, Harpers, 1959; L. Hamalian and E. Volpe (Eds.), Essays of our times: II, McGraw-Hill, 1963; Human growth institute buzz sheet, 1964; F. T. Severin (Ed.), Humanistic viewpoints in psychology, McGraw-Hill, 1965; Forum for correspondence & contact, 1968, 1, 12–23. Translated into Urdu in Fikr-O-Nazar, Muslim University of Alibarh, India, 1968.


65. Power relationships and patterns of personal development. In A. Kornhauser (Ed.), Problems of power in American democracy, Wayne University Press.

66. Security of judges as a factor in impressions of warmth in others. (With J. Bossom.) Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55, 147–148.

67. Two kinds of cognition and their integration. General Semantics Bulletin, 20 & 21, 17–22. Reprinted in New Era in Home and School, 1958, 39, 202–205.


68. Emotional blocks to creativity. Journal of Individual Psychology, 14, 51–56. Reprinted in Electro-Mechanical Design, 1958, 2, 66–72; The Humanist, 1958, 18, 325–332; Best Articles and Stories, 1959, 5, 23–35; S. Parnes and H. Harding (Eds.), A source book for creative thinking, Scribners, 1962; Humanitas, 1966, 3, 289–294.


69. Psychological data and human values. In A. H. Maslow (Ed.), New knowledge in human values, Harpers. (Included in No. 86.) Reprinted in B. J. Ard, Jr. (Ed.), Counseling and psychotherapy: Classics on theories and issues, Science & Behavior Books, 1966.

70. Editor, New knowledge in human values, Harpers. Hebrew translation, Daga Books, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1968. Paperback edition, Regnery, 1970.

71. Creativity in self-actualizing people. In H. H. Anderson (Ed.), Creativity and its cultivation, Harpers. (Included in No. 86.) Reprinted in Electro-Mechanical Design, 1959 (Jan. & Aug.); General Semantics Bulletin, 1959, 24 & 25, 45–50; L. Nelson and B. Psaltis (Eds.), Fostering creativity, S. A. R., 1967.

72. Cognition of being in the peak experiences. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 94, 43–66. (Included in No. 86.) Reprinted in International Journal of Parapsychology, 1960, 2, 23–54; B. Stoodley (Ed.), Society and self: A reader in social psychology, Free Press, 1962; W. Fullager, H. Lewis, and C. Cumbee (Eds.), Readings in educational psychology (2nd ed.), Crowell, 1964; D. E. Hamachek (Ed.), The self in growth, teaching, and learning, Prentice-Hall, 1965.

73. Mental health and religion. In Religion, science and mental health, Academy of Religion and Mental Health, New York University Press.

74. Critique of self-actualization. I. Some dangers of being-cognition. Journal of Individual Psychology, 15, 24–32. (Included in No. 86.)


75. Juvenile delinquency as a value disturbance. (With R. Diaz-Guerrero.) In J. Peatman and E. Hartley (Eds.), Festschrift for Gardner Murphy, Harpers.

76. Remarks on existentialism and psychology. Existentialist Inquiries, 1, 1–5. (Included in No. 86.) Reprinted in

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