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and Bas Van Leeuwen (London: Routledge, 2019), 152–154.

79 J.van Gelderen, The Recent Development of Economic Foreign Policy in the Netherlands East Indies (London: Longmans, Green, 1939), 84.

80 William Arthur Lewis, Labour in the West Indies: the Birth of a Workers’ Movement (London: New Beacon Books, 1977), 16.

81 William Arthur Lewis, «Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour,» Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies 22, no. 2 (1954): 183.

82 Norman Girvan, «W.A.Lewis, the Plantation School and Dependency: An Interpretation,» Social and Economic Studies 54, no. 3 (2005): 215, 218; W. Arthur Lewis, Growth and Fluctuations 1870–1913 (London: George Allen, 1978), 161, 200.

83 W.Arthur Lewis, The Theory of Economic Growth (London: Allen and Unwin, 1955), 410.

84 Слова Льюиса цитируются по источнику: Girvan, «W. A. Lewis,» 205–206.

85 Seekings, «British Colonial Policy,» 165.

86 Guerra, Azúcar y población, 117, 23.

87 Gilberto Freyre, The Mansions and the Shanties (Sobrados e Mucambos): The Making of Modern Brazil (New York: A.A.Knopf, 1968), 135–136, 407.

88 Josué de Castro, Geography of Hunger: With a Foreword by Lord Boyd Orr (London: Victor Gollancz, 1952), 113.

89 Castro, Geography of Hunger, 117.

9 °Castro, Geography of Hunger, 198; John Boyd Orr, Food Health and Income: Report on a Survey of Adequacy of Diet in Relation to Income (London: Macmillan, 1937), 11.

91 Celso Furtado, The Economic Growth of Brazil: A Survey from Colonial to Modern Times (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1968), 109.

92 Manuel Correia de Andrade, The Land and People of Northeast Brazil (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1980), 193–206.

12. Проваленная деколонизация

1 Walter Edward Guinness Moyne, Royal Commission on West India Report (London: Colonial Office, Great Britain, 1945), 422–423. О Французских Антильских островах, см.: Charles Robequain, «Le sucre dans l’Union française,» Annales de Géographie 57, no. 308 (1948): 340.

2 John Wesley Coulter, «The Oahu Sugar Cane Plantation, Waipahu,» Economic Geography 9, no. 1 (1933): 64, 66; James A.Geschwender and Rhonda F.Levine, «Rationalization of Sugar Production in Hawaii, 1946–1960: A Dimension of the Class Struggle,» Social Problems Social Problems 30, no. 3 (1983): 358.

3 Charles Edquist, Capitalism, Socialism and Technology: A Comparative Study of Cuba and Jamaica (London: Zed, 1989), 38–42, 45.

4 Robequain, «Le sucre dans l’Union française,» 333; Joseph T.Butler Jr., «Prisoner of War Labor in the Sugar Cane Fields of Lafourche Parish, Louisiana: 1943–1944,» Louisiana History, 14, no. 3 (1973): 284.

5 James E.Rowan, «Mechanization of the Sugar Beet Industry of Scottsbluff County, Nebraska,» Economic Geography 24, no. 3 (1948): 176, 179; Jim Norris, «Bargaining for Beets: Migrants and Growers in the Red River Valley,» Minnesota History 58, no. 4 (2002): 200, 202, 207.

6 J.A.Mollett, «Capital and Labor in the Hawaiian Sugar Industry since 1870: A Study of Economic Development,» Journal of Farm Economics 44, no. 2 (1962): 386.

7 Edquist, Capitalism, Socialism and Technology, 32–33; Oscar Zanetti, «The Workers’ Movement and Labor Regulation in the Cuban Sugar Industry,» Cuban Studies, no. 25 (1995): 198, 202–203; John Paul Rathbone, The Sugar King of Havana: The Rise and Fall of Julio Lobo, Cuba’s Last Tycoon (New York: Penguin, 2010), 185–186.

8 Alec Wilkinson, Big Sugar: Seasons in the Cane Fields of Florida (New York: Vintage, 1990), 72; George C.Abbott, Sugar (London: Routledge, 1990), 89.

9 David S.Simonett, «Sugar Production in North Queensland,» Economic Geography 30, no. 3 (1954): 231.

10 Deborah Jean Warner, Sweet Stuff: An American History of Sweeteners from Sugar to Sucralose (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press/Rowman and Littlefield, 2011), 78; Wilkinson, Big Sugar, 14–15; John A.Heitmann, «The Beginnings of Big Sugar in Florida, 1920–1945,» Florida Historical Quarterly 77, no. 1 (1998): 61.

11 Albert Viton, The International Sugar Agreements: Promise and Reality (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2004), 31, 34.

12 Viton, The International Sugar Agreements, 84–96.

13 G.Johnson Harry, «Sugar Protectionism and the Export Earnings of Less Developed Countries: Variations on a Theme by R.H.Snape,» Economica 33, no. 129 (1966): 34, 37. См. также: R.H.Snape, «Some Effects of Protection in the World Sugar Industry,» Economica 30, no. 117 (1963): 63–73.

14 Michael Fakhri, Sugar and the Making of International Trade Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 199; Abbott, Sugar, 204–206.

15 Pope John XXIII, Mater et magistra, encyclical letter, The Holy See, May 15, 1961, vatican.va/content/john-xxiii/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_j-xxiii_enc_15051961_mater.html (sec. 143).

16 См.: Matthew O.Edel, «Land Reform in Puerto Rico, 1940–1959,» Caribbean Studies 2, no. 3 (1962): 26–60.

17 Abbott, Sugar, 87.

18 Martijn Bakker, Ondernemerschap en Vernieuwing: De Nederlandse Bietsuikerindustrie, 1858–1919 (Amsterdam: NEHA, 1989), 89.

19 См.: Bert Smit and Krijn Poppe, «The Position, Role and Future of Cooperative Sugar Refineries in the EU,» in Proceedings of the 74th International Institute of Sugar Beet Research Congress, Dresden, July 1–3, 2014 (Brussels: International Institute of Sugar Beet Research, 2014).

20 Manfred Pohl, Die Geschichte der Südzucker AG 1926–2001 (Munich: Piper, 2001), 293–294.

21 См.: William R.Sharman, «Louisiana Sugar Co-Ops Help Raise Prosperity,» News for Farmer Cooperatives, March 19, 1965.

22 «The Sugarbeet Growers Association Story,» Red River Valley Sugarbeet Growers Association, дата обращения: 01.02.2022, https://rrvsga.com/our-story/.

23 Ulbe Bosma, The Sugar Plantation in India and Indonesia: Industrial Production, 1770–2010 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 149–150. 24. Bosma, The Sugar Plantation, 207–208, 234, 241.

24 Bosma, The Sugar Plantation, 207–208, 234, 241.

25 См., например: Peter Singelmann, «The Sugar Industry in Post-Revolutionary Mexico: State Intervention and Private Capital,» Latin American Research Review 28, no. 1 (1993): 61–88; Jack. F.Williams, «Sugar: The Sweetener in Taiwan’s Development,» in China’s Island Frontier Studies in the Historical Geography of Taiwan, ed. Ronald G.Knapp (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1980), 228–229, 238.

26 James S.Kus, «The Sugar Cane Industry of the Chicama Valley, Peru,» Revista Geográfica, no. 109 (1989): 61–66.

27 Bosma, The Sugar Plantation, 229.

28 Слова Мэнли приводятся по источнику: Carl H.Feuer, Jamaica and the Sugar Worker Cooperatives the Politics of Reform (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1984), 177.

29 Bosma, The Sugar Plantation, 239–248, 255, 256.

30 Michael R.Hall, Sugar and Power in the Dominican Republic: Eisenhower, Kennedy, and the

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