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Trujillos (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000), 5, 19, 21–22.

31 Mina Roces, «Kinship Politics in Post-War Philippines: The Lopez Family, 1945–1989,» Modern Asian Studies 34, no. 1 (2000): 203.

32 Eliyahu Ashtor, «Levantine Sugar Industry in the Later Middle Ages: An Example of Technological Decline,» in Technology, Industry and Trade: The Levant versus Europe, 1250–1500, ed. Eliyahu Ashtor and B.Z.K.edar (Hampshire, England: Ashgate, 1992), 240, 242.

33 Vincent A.Mahler, «Britain, the European Community, and the Developing Commonwealth: Dependence, Interdependence, and the Political Economy of Sugar,» International Organization 353 (1981): 477.

34 Clem Seecharan, Sweetening ‘Bitter Sugar’: Jock Campbell, the Booker Reformer in British Guiana, 1934–1966 (Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle, 2005), 265.

35 Mahler, «Britain, the European Community,» 480.

36 J.E.Meade, «Mauritius: A Case Study in Malthusian Economics,» Economic Journal 71, no. 283 (1961): 525.

37 Richard L.Bernal, «The Great Depression, Colonial Policy and Industrialization in Jamaica,» Social and Economic Studies 37, nos. 1–2 (1988): 44.

38 Philippe Chalmin, The Making of a Sugar Giant: Tate and Lyle: 1859–1959 (Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic, 1990), 354–355; George L.Backford, «The Economics of Agricultural Resource Use and Development in Plantation Economies,» Social and Economic Studies 18, no. 4 (1969): 329, 331.

39 George L.Beckford and Cherita Girvan, «The Dynamics of Growth and the Nature of Metropolitan Plantation Enterprise,» Social and Economic Studies 19, no. 4 (1970): 458–459. Фраза представителей Всемирного банка приводится в источнике: Chalmin, The Making of a Sugar Giant, 375.

40 Al Imfeld, Zucker (Zurich: Unionsverlag, 1986), 72.

41 Michael Moynagh, Brown or White?: A History of the Fiji Sugar Industry, 1873–1973 (Canberra: Australian National University, 1981), 124; David Merrett, «Sugar and Copper: Postcolonial Experiences of Australian Multinationals,» Business History Review 81, no. 2 (2007): 218–223.

42 A.M.O’Connor, «Sugar in Tropical Africa,» Geography 60, no. 1 (1975): 25.

43 См.: Jerry Gosnell, Gallic Thunderbolt: The Story of René Leclézio and Lonrho Sugar Corporation (Durban: Pinetown, 2004).

44 Samuel E.Chambua, «Choice of Technique and Underdevelopment in Tanzania: The Case of Sugar Development Corporation,» Canadian Journal of African Studies 24, no. 1 (1990): 27–28, 30–31; Barbara Dinham and Colin Hines, Agribusiness in Africa (Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 1984), 172–173.

45 Abbott, Sugar, 104; Imfeld, Zucker, 60–63.

46 Tijo Salverda, «Sugar, Sea and Power: How Franco-Mauritians Balance Continuity and Creeping Decline of Their Elite Position» (PhD diss., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2010), 126.

47 «The Recovery of Taiwan Sugar Industry,» Taiwan Today, March 1, 1952, https://taiwantoday.tw/news.php?unit=29,45&post=36816.

48 Tom Barry, Beth Wood, and Deb Preusch, The Other Side of Paradise: Foreign Control in the Caribbean (New York: Grove Press, 1984), 55–74 (слова Вичини приводятся на с. 74).

49 Roces, «Kinship Politics,» 190, 194, 195.

50 Salverda, «Sugar, Sea and Power,» 119.

51 Grant H.Cornwell and Eve W. Stoddard, «Reading Sugar Mill Ruins: ‘The Island Nobody Spoiled’ and Other Fantasies of Colonial Desire,» South Atlantic Review 66, no. 2 (2001): 137.

52 Jorge F.Perez-Lopez, «Cuban-Soviet Sugar Trade: Price and Subsidy Issues,» Bulletin of Latin American Research 7, no. 1 (1988): 143; Gail M.Hollander, Raising Cane in the ’Glades: The Global Sugar Trade and the Transformation of Florida (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009), 166.

53 Chalmin, The Making of a Sugar Giant, 474; Ben Richardson, Sugar (Cambridge: Polity, 2015), 76–77.

54 Thomas J.DiLorenzo, Vincent M.Sementilli, and Lawrence Southwick, «The Lomé Sugar Protocol: Increased Dependency for Fiji and Other ACP States,» Review of Social Economy 41, no. 1 (1983): 37–38.

55 Pohl, Die Geschichte, 295–300, 313.

56 Pohl, Die Geschichte, 301.

57 D.Gale Johnson, The Sugar Program: Large Costs and Small Benefits (Washington, DC: American Enterprise for Public Policy, 1974), 9.

58 Harold A.Wolf, «Sugar: Excise Taxes, Tariffs, Quotas, and Program Payments,» Southern Economic Journal 25, no. 4 (1959): 421.

59 David J.Gerber, «The United States Sugar Quota Program: A Study in the Direct Congressional Control of Imports,» Journal of Law&Economics 19, no. 1 (1976): 113, 116.

6 °Cм.: Thomas J.Heston, «Cuba, the United States, and the Sugar Act of 1948: The Failure of Economic Coercion,» Diplomatic History 6, no. 1 (1982): 1–21.

61 Alan Dye and Richard Sicotte, «U.S.-Cuban Trade Cooperation and Its Unraveling,» Business and Economic History 28, no. 2 (1999): 28. См. также: Willard W.Radell, Cuban-Soviet Sugar Trade of Large Cuban Sugar Factories in the 1984 ‘Zafra,’ Cuban Studies 17 (1987): 141–155.

62 Thomas A.Becnel, «Fulbright of Arkansas v. Ellender of Louisiana: The Politics of Sugar and Rice, 1937–1974,» Arkansas Historical Quarterly 43, no. 4 (1984): 301.

63 Thomas H.Bates, «The Long-Run Efficiency of United States Sugar Policy,» American Journal of Agricultural Economics 50, no. 3 (1968): 525; Daniel M.Berman and Robert Heineman, «Lobbying by Foreign Governments on the Sugar Act Amendments of 1962,» Law and Contemporary Problems 28, no. 2 (1963): 417.

64 Berman and Heineman, «Lobbying,» 423–425.

65 Johnson, The Sugar Program, 58, 76.

66 Michael S.Billig, Barons, Brokers, and Buyers: The Institutions and Cultures of Philippine Sugar (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003), 91.

67 Raul Fernandez, «Bitter Labour in Sugar Cane Fields,» Labour, Capital and Society 19, no. 2 (1986): 245; Edward A.Evans and Carlton G.Davis, «US Sugar and Sweeteners Markets: Implications for CARICOM Tariff-Rate Quota Holders,» Social and Economic Studies 49, no. 4 (2000): 16; Won W.Koo, «Alternative U.S. and EU Sugar Trade Liberalization Policies and Their Implications,» Review of Agricultural Economics 24, no. 2 (2002): 350.

68 Brent Borrell and Ronald C.Duncan, «A Survey of the Costs of World Sugar Policies,» World Bank Research Observer 7, no. 2 (1992): 172.

69 Scott B.MacDonald and F.Joseph Demetrius, «The Caribbean Sugar Crisis: Consequences and Challenges,» Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs. 28, no. 1 (1986): 44; Julie Lynn Coronado and Raymond Robertson, «Inter-American Development and the NAFTA: Implications of Liberalized Trade for the Caribbean Sugar Industry,» Caribbean Studies 29, no. 1 (1996): 128–129.

70 Billig, Barons, 68.

71 Serge Cherniguin, «The Sugar Workers of Negros, Philippines,» Community Development Journal 23, no. 3 (1988): 194.

72 Borrell and Duncan, «A Survey of the Costs,» 176–178; MacDonald and Demetrius, «The Caribbean Sugar Crisis,» 41–42.

73 Pamela Richardson-Ngwenya, «Situated Knowledge and the EU Sugar

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