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Milne. Winnie-the-Pooh - Метод Франка

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idea [aI'dIq], biggest ['bIgIst], cork [kLk]

Then he had an idea, and I think that for a Bear of Very Little Brain, it was a good idea. He said to himself:

“If a bottle can float, then a jar can float, and if a jar floats, I can sit on the top of it, if it's a very big jar.”

So he took his biggest jar, and corked it up.

“All boats have to have a name,” he said (все корабли должны иметь название, — сказал он), “so I shall call mine The Floating Bear (поэтому я назову мой Плавучий Медведь).” And with these words he dropped his boat into the water and jumped in after it (и с этими словами он бросил свой корабль в воду и прыгнул в /воду/ вслед за ним).

For a little while Pooh and The Floating Bear were uncertain (некоторое время Пух и Плавучий Медведь сомневались) as to which of them was meant to be on the top (по поводу того, кто из них должен быть сверху), but after trying one or two different positions (но после опробования одной или двух разных позиций), they settled down with The Floating Bear underneath and Pooh triumphantly astride it (они порешили на том, что Плавучий Медведь будет внизу, а Пух победоносно верхом на нем), paddling vigorously with his feet (гребя энергично /своими/ ногами).

triumphantly [traI'AmfqntlI], astride [q'straId], vigorously ['vIgqrqslI]

“All boats have to have a name,” he said, “so I shall call mine The Floating Bear.” And with these words he dropped his boat into the water and jumped in after it.

For a little while Pooh and The Floating Bear were uncertain as to which of them was meant to be on the top, but after trying one or two different positions, they settled down with The Floating Bear underneath and Pooh triumphantly astride it, paddling vigorously with his feet.

Christopher Robin lived at the very top of the Forest (Кристофер Робин жил в самой верхней части Леса). It rained, and it rained, and it rained (дождь шел и шел, и шел), but the water couldn't come up to his house (но вода не могла подобраться к дому). It was rather jolly to look down into the valleys and see the water all round him (было довольно приятно смотреть /сверху вниз/ на долины и видеть воду повсюду вокруг него), but it rained so hard (но дождь шел так сильно) that he stayed indoors most of the time (что он оставался внутри = дома большую часть времени), and thought about things (и думал о вещах = разном). Every morning he went out with his umbrella (каждое утро он выходил наружу с зонтиком) and put a stick in the place where the water came up to (и втыкал палочку в то место, до которого дошла вода), and every next morning he went out and couldn't see his stick any more (и каждым следующим утром он выходил и не мог увидеть больше = больше не видел своей палочки), so he put another stick in the place where the water came up to (поэтому он втыкал следующую палочку в то место, до которого дошла вода), and then he walked home again (и потом он снова уходил домой), and each morning he had a shorter way to walk than he had had the morning before (и каждое утро он имел более короткий путь, чтобы пройти = он проходил более короткий путь, чем накануне утром). On the morning of the fifth day he saw the water all round him (утром пятого дня он увидел воду повсюду вокруг него), and he knew that for the first time in his life (и он узнал = понял, что впервые в своей жизни) he was on a real island (он оказался на настоящем острове[54]). Which is very exciting (что очень волнующе). It was on this morning that Owl came flying over the water to say “How do you do?” to his friend Christopher Robin (именно в это утро Филин прилетел через воду, чтобы сказать «Как поживаете?» = поприветствовать своего друга Кристофера Робина).

indoors ['In'dLz], most [mqust], umbrella [Am'brelq]

Christopher Robin lived at the very top of the Forest. It rained, and it rained, and it rained, but the water couldn't come up to his house. It was rather jolly to look down into the valleys and see the water all round him, but it rained so hard that he stayed indoors most of the time, and thought about things. Every morning he went out with his umbrella and put a stick in the place where the water came up to, and every next morning he went out and couldn't see his stick any more, so he put another stick in the place where the water came up to, and then he walked home again, and each morning he had a shorter way to walk than he had had the morning before. On the morning of the fifth day he saw the water all round him, and he knew that for the first time in his life he was on a real island. Which is very exciting. It was on this morning that Owl came flying over the water to say “How do you do?” to his friend Christopher Robin.

“I say, Owl,” said Christopher Robin (послушай, Филин, — сказал Кристофер Робин), “isn't this fun (разве это не забавно)? I'm on an island (я на острове)!”

“The atmospheric conditions have been very unfavourable lately,” said Owl (атмосферные условия были очень неблагоприятны в последнее время, — сказал Филин).

“The what (что)?”

“It has been raining,” explained Owl (шел дождь, — пояснил Филин).

“Yes,” said Christopher Robin (да, — сказал Кристофер Робин). “It has (шел /и продолжает идти/).”

“The flood-level has reached an unprecedented height (уровень паводка достиг беспрецедентной высоты).”

“The who (кто)?”

“There's a lot of water about,” explained Owl (много воды кругом, — пояснил Филин).

atmospheric ["xtmqs'ferIk], unfavourable ['An'feIvqrqbl], height [haIt]

“I say, Owl,” said Christopher Robin, “isn't this fun? I'm on an island!”

“The atmospheric conditions have been very unfavourable lately,” said Owl.

“The what?”

“It has been raining,” explained Owl.

“Yes,” said Christopher Robin. “It has.”

“The flood-level has reached an unprecedented height.”

“The who?”

“There's a lot of water about,” explained Owl.

“Yes,” said Christopher Robin, “there is (да, — сказал Кристофер Робин, — есть = много).”

“However, the prospects are rapidly becoming more favourable (однако, перспективы быстро становятся более благоприятными). At any moment— (в любой момент)”

“Have you seen Pooh (ты видел Пуха)?”

“No (нет). At any moment— (в любой момент)”

“I hope he's all right,” said Christopher Robin (я надеюсь, /что/ с ним все хорошо, — сказал Кристофер Робин). “I've been wondering about him (я интересовался = интересно узнать о нем). I expect Piglet's with him (/я/ надеюсь, Пятачок с ним). Do you think they're all right, Owl (ты думаешь, у них все в порядке, Филин)?”

“I expect so (надеюсь, что так). You see, at any moment— (видишь ли, в любой момент)”

prospect ['prOspekt], rapidly ['rxpIdlI], seen [sJn]

“Yes,” said Christopher Robin, “there is.”

“However, the prospects are rapidly becoming more favourable. At any moment—”

“Have you seen Pooh?”

“No. At any moment—”

“I hope he's all right,” said Christopher Robin. “I've been wondering about him. I expect Piglet's with him. Do you think they're all right, Owl?”

“I expect so. You see, at any moment—”

“Do go and see, Owl (все-таки пойди = слетай и выясни, Филин). Because Pooh hasn't got very much brain (потому что у Пуха не очень много ума), and he might do something silly (и он может совершить какую-нибудь глупость), and I do love him so, Owl (а я его так люблю, Филин). Do you see, Owl (ты понимаешь, Филин)?”

“That's all right,” said Owl (хорошо, — сказал Филин). “I'll go (я слетаю). Back directly (/и/ немедленно назад).” And he flew off (и он улетел; to fly off — отлетать, слетать).

In a little while he was back again (вскоре он снова вернулся). Pooh isn't there,” he said (Пуха нет там, — сказал он).

“Not there (нет там = где там)?”

“He's been there (он был там). He's been sitting on a branch of his tree outside his house with nine pots of honey (он сидел на ветке своего дерева снаружи /своего/ дома с девятью горшками меда). But he isn't there now (но сейчас его там нет).”

directly [dI'rektlI], flew [flH], silly ['sIlI]

“Do go and see, Owl. Because Pooh hasn't got very much brain, and he might do something silly, and I do love him so, Owl. Do you see, Owl?”

“That's all right,” said Owl. “I'll go. Back directly.” And he flew off.

In a little while he was back again. Pooh isn't there,” he said.

“Not there?”

“He's been there. He's been sitting on a branch of his tree outside his house with nine pots of honey. But he isn't there now.”

“Oh, Pooh!” cried Christopher Robin (ах, Пух! — воскликнул Кристофер Робин). “Where are you (где ты)?”

“Here I am,” said a growly voice behind him (я здесь, — сказал ворчливый голос позади него).

“Pooh (Пух)!”

They rushed into each other's arms (они бросились в объятия друг друга).

“How did you get here, Pooh (как ты сюда добрался)?” asked Christopher Robin (спросил Кристофер Робин), when he was ready to talk again (когда он был снова готов говорить).

“On my boat,” said Pooh proudly (на моем корабле, — сказал гордо Пух). “I had a Very Important Missage sent me in a bottle (мне прислали в бутылке Очень Важное Сообчение), and owing to having got some water in my eyes (а из-за того, что мне попала в /мои/ глаза вода), I couldn't read it (я не мог прочесть его), so I brought it to you (поэтому я привез его тебе; to bring). On my boat (на моем корабле).”

growly [graulI], rush [rAS], owing ['quIN]

“Oh, Pooh!” cried Christopher Robin. “Where are you?”

“Here I am,” said a growly voice behind him.


They rushed into each other's arms.

“How did you get here, Pooh?” asked Christopher Robin, when he was ready to talk again.

“On my boat,” said Pooh proudly. “I had a Very Important Missage sent me in a bottle, and owing to having got some water in my eyes, I couldn't read it, so I brought it to you. On my boat.”

With these proud words (с этими гордыми словами) he gave Christopher Robin the missage (он отдал Кристоферу Робину сообчение).

“But it's from Piglet (но оно от Пятачка)!” cried Christopher Robin (воскликнул Кристофер Робин) when he had read it (когда он прочел его).

“Isn't there anything about Pooh in it (разве в нем нет ничего о Пухе)?” asked Bear, looking over his shoulder (спросил Мишка, заглядывая через его плечо = ему через плечо).

Christopher Robin read the message aloud (Кристофер Робин прочитал сообчение вслух).

“Oh, are those 'P's' piglets (а, эти Пы пятачки)? I thought they were poohs (я думал, это пухи).”

shoulder ['Squldq], aloud [q'laud], piglet ['pIglqt]

With these proud words he gave Christopher Robin the missage.

“But it's from Piglet!” cried Christopher Robin when he had read it.

“Isn't there anything about Pooh in it?” asked Bear, looking over his shoulder.

Christopher Robin read the message aloud.

“Oh, are those 'P's' piglets? I thought they were poohs.”

“We must rescue him at once (мы должны его сейчас же спасти)! I thought he was with you, Pooh (я думал, он с тобой, Пух). Owl, could you rescue him on your back (Филин, ты мог бы спасти его на /своей/ спине)?”

“I don't think so (/я/ /так/ не думаю),” said Owl, after grave thought (сказал Филин после серьезного размышления). “It is doubtful if the necessary dorsal muscles— (сомнительно, чтобы необходимые дорсальные мускулы = необходимое усилие дорсальных мускулов; dorsal — спинной, дорсальный)”

“Then would you fly to him at once and say that Rescue is Coming (тогда не слетаешь ли ты к нему сейчас же, /чтобы/ сказать, что Помощь Идет)? And Pooh and I will think of a Rescue (а мы с Пухом придумаем Спасение = Как Спасти Его) and come as quick as ever we can (и прибудем /так/ быстро, как только /мы/ сможем). Oh, don't talk, Owl, go on quick (ах, не говори, Филин, лети же быстрее)!” And, still thinking of something to say (и все еще думая, что сказать), Owl flew off (Филин улетел).

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