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Хюгге от коал. Жизнь среди деревьев - Даниэль Клод

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PP. 351–356.

Semmler E. Central Queensland photographer turns koalas into talk of the town // ABC Capricornia, ABC News, 2021. https://www.abc. net.au/news/2021-11-17/koala-sightings-central-qld-emerald-good-news/100624968.

Wahlquist C. Woman attacked by wombat thought she was going to die // The Guardian, 22 August, 2016. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/aug/22/woman-attacked-by-wombat-thought-she-was-going-to-die.

Waser P., Jones W. Natal philopatry among solitary mammals // The Quarterly Review of Biolog, 58(3). 1983. PP. 355–390.

Watchorn D. J., Whisson D. A. Quantifying the interactions between koalas in a high-density population during the breeding period // Australian Mammalog, 42(1). 2020. PP. 28–37.

12. Когда медленный – значит умный

Видеозапись спасения застрявшей коалы можно найти по ссылке: Inside Edition, «Stranded koala rescued by students in canoe», 31 August 2017. https://youtube/R-j3bMCEoJ4.

Примеры статей в блогах о том, что коалы не очень умны и у них маленький мозг:



Видео с коалой в машине можно найти по ссылке: USA Today (2019). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pmFSn9H0Rc.

Clode D. Killers in Eden. Melbourne: Museum Victoria Publishing. 2011.

Cunningham M. Koala takes canoe trip to safety after found stranded in the Murray River // The Age, 28 August, 2017. https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/koala-takes-canoe-trip-to-safety-after-found-stranded-in-murrayriver-20170828-gy618a.html.

De Miguel C., Henneberg, M. Encephalization of the koala, Phascolarctos cinereus // Australian Mammalog, 20. 1997. PP. 315–320.

Grand T. I., Barboza F. S. Anatomy and development of the koala, Phascolarctos cinereus: an evolutionary perspective on the superfamily Vombatoidea // Anatomy and Embryolog, 203. 2001. PP. 211–223.

Herzing D. L. Profling nonhuman intelligence: an exercise in developing unbiased tools for describing other ‘types’ of intelligence on earth // Acta Astronautica, 94(2). 2014. PP. 676–680.

Taylor J., Brown G., De Miguel C., Henneberg M., Rühli F. J. MR imaging of brain morphology, vascularisation and encephalization in the koala // Australian Mammalog, 28. 2006. PP. 243–247.

Weisbecker V., Blomberg S., Goldizen A. W., Brown M., Fisher D. The evolution of relative brain size in marsupials is energetically constrained but not driven by behavioral complexity // Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 85. 2015. PP. 125–135.

Weisbecker V., Rowe T., Wroe S., Macrini T. E., Garland K. L S., Travouillon K. J. et al. Global elongation and high shape flexibility as an evolutionary hypothesis of accommodating mammalian brains into skulls // Evolution, 75. 2021. PP. 625–640.

13. Сенсорная перегрузка

Amador G. J., Mao W., Demercurio P., Montero C., Clewis J., Alexeev A., Hu D. L. Eyelashes divert airflow to protect the eye // Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12(105). 2015. 20141294.

Arrese C. A., Hart N. S., Thomas N., Beazley L. D., Shand J. Trichromacy in Australian marsupials // Current Biolog, 12. 2002. PP. 657–680.

Arrese C. A., Oddy A. Y., Runham P. B., Hart N. S., Shand J., Hunt D. M., Beazley L. D. Cone topography and spectral sensitivity in two potentially trichromatic marsupials, the quokka (Setonix brachyurus) and quenda (Isoodon obesulus) // Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 272. 2005. PP. 791–796.

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Charlton B. D. Discrimination of sex and reproductive state in koalas, Phascolarctos cinereus, using chemical cues in urine // Animal Behaviour, 91. 2014. PP. 119–125.

Charlton B. D. Chemosensory discrimination of identity and familiarity in koalas // Behavioural Processes, 119. 2015. PP. 38–43.

Grant R. A., Goss V. G. A. What can whiskers tell us about mammalian evolution, behaviour, and ecology? // Mammal Review, 52(1). 2021. PP. 148–163.

Harlow H. F. The nature of love // American Psychologist, 13(12). 1958. PP. 673–685.

Hemsley S., Palmer H., Canfeld R. B., Stewart M. E. B., Krockenberger M. B., Malik R. Computed tomographic anatomy of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and tympanic cavity of the koala // Australian Veterinary Journal, 91(9). 2013. PP. 353–364.

Johnson R. N., O’Meally D., Chen Z., Etherington G. J., Ho S. Y. W., Nash W. J. et al. Adaptation and conservation insights from the koala genome // Nature Genetics, 50(8). 2018. PP. 1102–1111.

Lee A. K., Carrick F. N. Phascolarctidae. Fauna of Australia 1b: Mammalia, Volume 31. Canberra: Australian Government Printing Service. 1989.

Mason M. J. Structure and function of the mammalian middle ear. I: Large middle ears in small desert mammals // Journal of Anatomy, 228(2). 2016. PP. 284–299.

Schmid L. M., Schmid K. L., Brown B. Behavioral determination of visual function in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) // Wildlife Research, 18(3). 1991. PP. 367–374.

Smith M. Behavior of the koala, Phascolarctos cinereus (Goldfuss), in captivity 4. Scent-marking //Australian Wildlife Research, 7(1). 1980. PP. 35–40.

Taylor J., Brown G., De Miguel C., Henneberg M., Rühli F. J. MR imaging of brain morphology, vascularisation and encephalization in the koala // Australian Mammalog, 28(2). 2006. PP. 243–247.

Toyota M., Spencer D., Sawai-Toyota S., Jiaqi W., Zhang T., Koo A. J., Howe G. A., Gilroy S. Glutamate triggers long-distance, calcium-based plant defense signaling // Science, 361(6407). 2018. PP. 1112–1515.

Troughton E. Furred Animals of Australia. Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 1947. PP. 135–136.


Текст реконструкции основан на записанных и изданных рассказах представителей коренных народов восточного побережья Австралии. Он используется с целью переосмысления исторической перспективы, которую игнорировали, исказили и даже стерли из исторических записей. Конкретные ссылки, использованные для этого, включают календарь народа дхаравал для района Порт-Джексон http://www.bom.gov.au/iwk/calendars/dharawal. shtml#marraigang, историю культуры народа иллаварра https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/resources/cultureheritage/illawarra AboriginalHistoryPoster.pdf и публикацию Page A., Bana Yirriji Artist group. The Message: The Story from the Shore. 2020, которую можно найти по ссылке: https://www.nma.gov.au/exhibitions/endeavour-voyage.

Дополнительные ссылки на этот подход к истории коренных народов и рассказы о первых контактах в районе залива Туфолд можно найти в рассказе Spirit Brother в книге The First Wave: Exploring Early Coastal Contact History in Australia / Ed. G. Dooley, D. Clode. Adelaide: Wakefeld Press. 2019.

14. Коалы везде и всюду

Briscoe N. J., Krockenberger A., Handasyde K. A., Kearney M. R. Bergmann meets Scholander: geographical variation in body size and insulation in the koala is related to climate // Journal of Biogeography, 42(4). 2015. PP. 791–802.

Cristescu R. H., Foley E., Markula A., Jackson G., Jones D., Frere C. Accuracy and efficiency of detection dogs: a powerful new tool for koala conservation and management // Scientifc Reports, 5. 2015. PP. 8349.

Eyre J. E. Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia. London: T. and W. Boone.1845.

Fuller K. Could there be as few as 50 koalas left in the Pillaga? // ABC Local, 15 December, 2013. https://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2014/12/15/4148934. htm.

Johnson R. N., O’Meally D., Chen Z., Etherington G. J., Ho S. Y. W., Nash W. J. et al. Adaptation and conservation insights from the koala genome // Nature Genetics, 50(8).

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