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Хюгге от коал. Жизнь среди деревьев - Даниэль Клод

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местом обитания. Потребовалось много лет, чтобы небольшая популяция коал-основателей адаптировалась к новой среде.

1. Коалы, которых мало, но в то же время много

Научные названия всех видов, упомянутых в тексте, включены в указатель.

Anon. Adelaide’s Koala Farm. 1937. News (Adelaide), 30 August, 10. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article130971725.

Department for Environment and Water, South Australia. 2022. Managing koala populations in South Australia, https://www. environment.sa.gov.au/topics/plants-and-animals/living-with-wildlife/Koalas/koalaconservation-and-management/managing-koala-populations-in-southaustralia.

Koala Summit: Managing Koalas in New South Wales / Ed. D. Lunney, C. A. Urquhart, P. Reed. Sydney: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. 1988.

Troughton E. L. G. Australian mammals: their past and future // Journal of Mammalog. 19(4). 1938. PP. 401–411.

Woinarski J. C. Z., Braby M. F., Burbidge A. A., Coates D., Garnett S., Fensham R. J. et al. Reading the black book: the number, timing, distribution and causes of listed extinctions in Australia. Biological Conservation, 239, 108261. 2019.


Реконструкция среды обитания на полуострове Йорк в плейстоцене/плиоцене описана на основе списка фауны в публикации Pledge N. S. The Curramulka local fauna: a new late Tertiary fossil assemblage from Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. Beagle: Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory, 9. 1992. PP. 115–142.

2. Загадочные падающие медведи в семье

Посмотреть описанный случай с «падающим медведем» можно по ссылке 7News, South Australia, 13 January 2020, https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=KCGUNpzjD6M. «Шотландскую журналистку разыграли и заставили надеть защитное снаряжение для встречи с “падающим медведем”».

Dick S. Wombats now protected all over Victoria after outrage over hunting lodge // The New Daily, 6 February, 2020. https://thenewdaily. com. au/news/national/2020/02/06/wombat-killing-laws-fxed.

Home E. An account of some peculiarities in the anatomical structure of the wombat, with observations on the female organs of generations // Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 98(XIX). 1808. PP. 304–312.

Hooper C. A wombat, a koala and a rabbit in a burrow. Pursuit. 2018. https://pursuit. unimelb. edu. au/articles/a-wombat-a-koala-and-a-rabbit-in-a-burrow.

Jackson S. Koala: Origins of an Icon. Sydney: Allen and Unwin. 2007.

Troughton E. L. G. Australian mammals: their past and future // Journal of Mammalog, 19(4). 1938. PP. 401–411.

3. Озерный край

Полный список видов ископаемых коал, упомянутых в этой главе, включает Madakoala devisi, Madakoala wellsi, Perikoala palankarinnica и Perikoala robustus.

Ambrose G. J., Callen R. A., Flint R. B., Lange R. T. Eucalyptus fruits in stratigraphic context in Australia // Nature, 280 (5721). 1979. PP. 387–389.

Black K. H., Price G. J., Archer M., Hand S. J. Bearing up well? Understanding the past, present and future of Australia’s koalas // Gondwana Research, 25(3). 2014. PP. 1186–1201.

Mather E. K., Lee M. S. Y., Camens A. B., Worthy T. H. An exceptional partial skeleton of a new basal raptor (Aves: Accipitridae) from the late Oligocene Namba formation, South Australia // Historical Biolog, DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2021.1966777. 2021.

Meredith R. W., Westerman M., Springer M. S. A phylogeny of Diprotodontia (Marsupialia) based on sequences for five nuclear genes // Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 51. 2009. PP. 554–571.

Rich T. H., Lawson P. F., Vickers-Rich P., Tedford R. H. R. A. Stirton: pioneer of Australian mammalian palaeontology // Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 143(2). 2019. PP. 244–282.

Simpson G. G. Mesozoic Mammalia, IV; the multituberculates as living animals // American Journal of Science, 5(63). 1926. PP. 228–250.

Worthy T., Camens A., Mather E. K., Blokland J. C., Lee M. Meet the prehistoric eagle that ruled Australian forests 25 million years ago. The Conversation, 28 September, 2021. https://theconversation. com/meet-the-prehistoric-eagle-that-ruled-australian-forests-25-million-years-ago-168249l.

4. От залива к морю

Полный список видов ископаемых коал, упомянутых в этой главе, включает Invictokoala monticola, Koobor notabilis, Koobor jimbarratti, Litokoala garyjohnstoni, Litokoala dicksmithii, Litokoala kutjamarpensis, Nimiokoala greystanesi, Phascolarctos stirtoni и Priscakoala lucyturnbulli.

Arman S. D., Prideaux G. J. Behaviour of the Pleistocene marsupial lion deduced from claw marks in a southwestern Australian cave // Scientifc Reports, 6(1). 2016. 21372.

Bartholomai A. A new fossil koala from Queensland and a reassessment of the taxonomic position of the problematical species Koalemus ingens De Vis // Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 15(2). 1968. PP. 65–72.

Black K. H., Camens A. B., Archer M., Hand S. J. Herds overhead: Nimbadon lavarackorum (Diprotodontidae), heavyweight marsupial herbivores in the Miocene forests of Australia // PLOS One, 7(11). 2012. e48213.

Black K. H., Price G. J., Archer M., Hand, S. J. Bearing up well? Understanding the past, present and future of Australia’s koalas // Gondwana Research, 25(3). 2014. PP. 1186–1201.

Louys J., Price G. J. The Chinchilla Local Fauna: an exceptionally rich and well-preserved Pliocene vertebrate assemblage from fluviatile deposits of south-eastern Queensland, Australia // Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 60(3). 2015. PP. 551–572.

Martin H. A. Cenozoic climatic change and the development of the arid vegetation in Australia // Journal of Arid Environments, 66. 2006. PP. 533–563.

McDowell M. C., Prideaux G. J., Walshe K., Bertuch F., Jacobsen G. E. Re-evaluating the Late Quaternary fossil mammal assemblage of Seton Rockshelter, Kangaroo Island, South Australia, including the evidence for late-surviving megafauna // Journal of Quaternary Science, 30. 2015. PP. 55–64.

Price G. J. Is the modern koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) a derived dwarf of a Pleistocene giant? Implications for testing megafauna extinction hypotheses // Quaternary Science Reviews, 27(27–28). 2008. PP. 2516–2521.

Price G. J., Hocknull S. A. Invictokoala monticola gen. et sp. Nov. (Phascolarctidae, Marsupialia), a Pleistocene plesiomorphic koala holdover from Oligocene ancestors // Journal of Systematic Palaeontolog, 9(2). 2011. PP. 327–335.

Price G. J., Zhao J. X., Feng Y. X., Hocknull S. A. New records of Plio-Pleistocene koalas from Australia: Palaeoecological and taxonomic implications // Records of the Australian Museum, 61(1). 2009. PP. 39–48.

Woodburne M. O., Tedford R. H., Archer M., Pledge N. S. Madakoala, a new genus and two species of Miocene koalas (Marsupialia: Phascolarctidae) from South Australia, and a new species of Perikoala // Possums and Opossums: Studies in Evolution, vol. 1 / Ed. M. Archer. Sydney: SurreyBeatty and Sons / Royal Zoological Board of NSW. 1983. PP. 293–317.

5. В начале были гиганты

Список видов ископаемых коал, упомянутых в этой главе, включает Phascolarctos yorkensis.

Archer M., Black K., Nettle K. Giant ringtail possums (Marsupialia, Pseudocheiridae) and giant koalas (Phascolarctidae) from the late Cainozoic of Australia // Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 117. 1997. PP. 3–16.

Grand T. I., Barboza F. S. Anatomy and development of the koala, Phascolarctos cinereus: an evolutionary perspective on the superfamily Vombatoidea // Anatomy and Embryolog, 203(3). 2001. PP. 211–223.

Phillips B. Koalas: The Little Australians We’d All Hate to Lose. Canberra: Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. 1990.

Pilkington G. Corra-Lynn 5Y1 9–10 March 1985

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