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Tarot Magic - Petr Krylov

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overhead whilein the astral plane)

So, now we’ll take a look at what the flag cards do. In the PM, they’re in column 12, the column of Knaves.

The flag cards in the PM serve as indicators signaling that a given suit is fully charged with energy. Playing through the flag cards is similar to playing through regular cardswith the difference that the flag cards’ roles are quite set.

In Tarot, the Knave is a herald, someone who carries news.The card symbolizes specific types of herald:

• The Herald of Diamonds (e.g., a pizza delivery guy)

• The Herald of Hearts (e.g., a friend telling you some good news)

• The Herald of Spades, say a mail carrier (a herald of thought, impersonal information, or ideas as such)

• The Herald of Clubs (a messenger for some routine, law-required process such as delivering utility bills)

Playing the Knave means the stalker plays the card’s part in real life.For instance, being a herald of matter means acting in the associated role all day long:

1. Bringing people some little things as gifts (the Herald of Diamonds)

2. Giving small pieces of information with a focus on emotions, say jokes (the Herald of Hearts)

3. Communicating ideas, thoughts, or aphorisms (the Herald of Spades)

4. Telling people of outstanding, incredible events or happenings (the Herald of Clubs)

Playing the part of a herald, the stalker searches for their counterparts among those around, trying to understand their essence as a herald and absorb and imitate that essence.

Mirroring the world at the frequency of the herald of the suit being played, the stalker enters, at a certain moment, into resonance with the world and meets a herald of the suit in question sent to them.

For example, playing the Herald of Spades part all day long and looking around for a counterpart with their consciousness, the stalker gets to know that the stalker’s résumé has been reviewed and that someone wants to get in touch for a more detailed discussion.

In doing so, the stalker should:

1. try to understand the meaning and essence of the card being played; and

2. try to do their best throughout the time they play the part (normally, one day) while being careful to not go over the top (you won’t last long if you do). The role will try to slip off all the time, so be sure to straighten the mask when necessary.

3. Keep looking around for equivalent heralds, trying to understand — and trying on — their essence.

4. When the stalker meets a herald sent personally to the stalker, the stalker should keep the part they’re playing in the key needed to play that part. For example, when the stalker playing the Knave of Clubs part hears the news they’ve been waiting for, they should keep playing the part; say, tell the knave, casually and without showing any emotions, an amazing story that happened to them. That is, the stalker should keep their mask on.

5. When the playing is good, the stalker gets to meet several, usually two to three, personal heralds. But don’t get too comfortable — keep right on playing once you see the first signs that it works. If, for example, you get that call from the job agency, don’t tear off the mask all at once. Keeping the mask on, you might well get two or three more calls. Multiple personal heralds are a hallmark of good playing.

Here’s a list of heralds with some possible options.

Diamonds — the Earth element — all things tangible (known as coins in Tarot); in the broader sense, wellbeing. The Earth element absorbs and forms structures.

Hearts — the Water element — everything to do with feelings and emotions (known as cups in Tarot); in the broader sense, love. The Water element records and stores information.

Spades — the Fire element — everything to do with thoughts and will (known as swords in Tarot); in the broader sense, ideas. The Fire element restructures and changes things.

Clubs — the Air (Tree) element — everything to do with probabilities and structures (known as wands in Tarot). The Air element deals with structures in the time domain. A specific case of the Air element is the Routine.

Knave of Diamonds — the herald of matter

1. Pizza delivery guy

2. Help with passingsomething tangible on

3. Bringing something somewhere

Knave of Hearts — the herald of joy

1. Good news

2. Sharing joy

3. Telling good news

Knave of Spades — the herald of thoughts, ideas, and will

1. Piece of news as an idea

2. Expressing someone else’s words, thoughts, or ideas; e.g., aphorisms by great thinkers

3. Suggesting an idea

Knave of Clubs — the herald of circumstances

1. Weather forecast

2. Help with organizing something, on the level of circumstances rather than will pressure

3. Organizing or structuring something

Chapter 18. Duty calls — it’s time to go

Our hearts call for change

Our eyes call for change

In our laugh and in our tears

And in the pulse of our veins

Change, we’re waiting for change


So, it’s time to discuss the Tarot Horseman, one of the key PM cards. What can be said of it?

The card is a gate to the world behind the mirror, the dream world, the world of reality.

It’s a portal that channels the otherworldly energy of the PM into the mundane world. Think of it as a guide leading PM magic into our worldor a stream of energy amassed while playing through the PM to eventually break free. The better you play the other cards’ parts and the more skillful your acting is, the more uncontainable the stream.

You need to feel that stream and its arrival and harness it the way a surfer harnesses the wave, the way a Jigit jumps into the saddle, the way a bride falls into her husband’s arms on the wedding night, the way an eagle soars in the air, or the way a Forex trader bids when they feel the trend is good.

It’s like getting on a train. You pack up, go to the station, anxiouslywait for the

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