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Tarot Magic - Petr Krylov

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of Hearts stands for the portal of feelings. The motto of the day is “Overflowing with joy.”

31. The Eight of Diamonds stands for the stability (form) of matter. The motto of the day is “Brick to brick.”

32. The Queen of Clubs is the personality of circumstances. The motto of the day is “The world spins around a scrap of paper.”

33. The Five of Spades stands for the portal of thoughts. The motto of the day is “The birth of a thought.”

34. The Two of Hearts stands for the interaction of feelings. The motto of the day is “I respect you; you respect me.”

35. The Queen of Diamonds stands for the personality of matter. The motto of the day is “The quartermaster is the man when you’re in the army.”

36. The Eight of Clubs stands for the stability (form) of circumstances. The motto of the day is “Everything is all right.”

37. The King of Spades stands for the lawmaker of thought. The motto of the day is“ The word determines everything.”

38. The Queen of Hearts stands for the personality of feelings. The motto of the day is “The life and soul of the party.”

39. The Three of Diamonds stands for the system of matter. The motto of the day is “Everything is interconnected.”

40. The Knave of Clubs is the herald of circumstances. The motto of the day is “Unusual news.”

41. The Rider of Spades is the horseman of thought. The motto of the day is “Inspiration.”

42. The Eight of Hearts stands for the stability of feelings. The motto of the day is “Good friendship.”

43. The Three of Hearts stands for a system of feelings. The motto of the day is “Joy is there for a reason.”

44. The King of Diamonds is the lawmaker of matter. The motto of the day is “Money is the power.”

45. The Two of Clubs stands for the interaction of circumstances. The motto of the day is “Settling down.”

46. The Nine of Spades stands for the perfection of thought. The motto of the day is“ The complete thought.”

47. The Six of Hearts stands for shared feelings. The motto of the day is, “You respect me; I respect you — we’re two respected people.”

48. The Nine of Diamonds stands for the perfection of matter. The motto of the day is“ Beauty.”

49. The Seven of Clubs stands for the harmony of circumstances. The motto of the day is “Things are working out fine.”

50. The Two of Spades stands for the interaction of thoughts. The motto of the day is“ Talk.”

51. The Seven of Hearts stands for harmony of feelings. The motto of the day is “Feeling good.”

52. The five of Diamonds stands for the portal of matter. The motto of the day is “The tap is open.”

53. The Four of Clubs stands for the naturalness of circumstances. The motto of the day is “The way it should be.”

54. The Knave of Spades is the herald of thought. The motto of the day is“ News.”

55. The Rider of Hearts is the horseman of feelings. The motto of the day is“ Let there be wings.”

56. The Ten of Diamonds stands for the transformation of matter. The motto of the day is “Get a step higher.”

The mottoes proposed here may vary a little.

Try to play the part of the day throughout the day, but don’t go over the top.

During the day, try to assess the things you’re doing and your thinking to see whether they live up to the motto of the day, and adjust your behavior accordingly.

Chapter 20. PM tutorials take-home message

Tutorial 1

The PM, a variety of Tarot Patience, is based on and adheres to the standard principles of Tarot and Hermeticism. The principles are as follows:

1. The Third Mirror principle, “As above, so below; as below, so above.” The stalker plays the part of both the median and dual mirror, reflecting the world both inward and outward.

2. The symbolism principle, “As in the large, so in the little; as in the little, so in the large.” The PM differs from traditional Tarot Patience in that the PM goes “from the little to the large” while for Tarot Patience the reverse is true.

3. The cause & effect law, the PM being the cause under the first two laws. Castaneda calls it the Eagle’s law.

4. The law of balance, or conservation of energy. Its static view in four-dimensional space is nothing less than a PM spread. It is the layout algorithm of the PM that makes it valid in real life.

5. The mirror law, something that the stalker becomes in playing the part of each card. Consistent with principle 1, the stalker plays the part of the median mirror.

The interpretation of specific cards is subject to the principles of Tarot and Kabbalah and is similar to them.At the same time, the meanings of cards, in each case, depend on the goal pursued by the spread.For instance, the Ace of Clubs can be aimed at, say, childbirth or a global revolution.

That’s why you can’t make a table to show correspondences between the cards and entities.There are, however, tables that show correspondences between the cards and their meanings.

The meaning of a card as a hermetic symbol can have countless specific correspondences in real life. Just as the electric diagram of the radio can correspond to millions of actual radios.

Tutorial 2

The general principles for interpreting PM cards are as follows:


Diamonds — the Earth element — are Pentacles in Tarot, and they stand for all tangible things. In the broader sense, they signify wellbeing. The Earth element absorbs and forms structures.

Hearts — the Water element — are Cups in Tarot, indicating everything to do with emotions and feelings (in the broader sense, love). The Water element records and stores information.

Spades — the Fire element — are swords in Tarot, and they represent everything to do with thoughts (in the broader sense, ideas).

The Fire element restructures and changes things.

Clubs — the Air element — are Wands in Tarot, and they indicate everything to do with probabilities and structures. The Air element deals with structures in the time domain. A specific case of the

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