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Tarot Magic - Petr Krylov

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Clubs, Spades, and Hearts.

Accordingly, a call from the job agency is well described by the Five of Clubs.

This yields the yet-incomplete chain: the Five of Clubs, …, …, the Ten of Diamonds

What do we have left?

6 Interaction

7 Harmony

8 Stability

9 Mastery

The suits are Spades and Hearts.

When you get to negotiations (Spades), mutual understanding is crucial, hence the Seven of Spades.

The incomplete chain is now the Five of Clubs, the Seven of Spades, …, and the Ten of Diamonds.

What remains?

6 Interaction

8 Stability

9 Mastery


From these, I’ll select the Eight of Hearts, signifying stable emotions or a smooth relationship.

This yields the complete chain of the target cards:

Five of Clubs (Wands) — the portal of circumstances — the call

7 Spades (Swords) — a harmonious discussion (of job terms)

8 Hearts (Cups) — stable emotions (those relating to friendship)

Ten of Diamonds — basically, the key target card, signifying a transition to a new standard of living (salary, wealth, etc.)

Step 3

Open the Patience of Medici app, select the SivkaBurka algorithm, and set the chain of target cards identified in the previous steps

The app will produce a spread of fifty-six cards.

Let’s look at how to play through it. First of all, note that for newbies, one card corresponds to one PM step, and the associated part is normally played in real life for one day. There are exceptions, which I’ll discuss below. So:

1. The first card, the Two of Diamonds, stands for interaction of matter (here and elsewhere below). The stalker spends the day searching around, with their consciousness, for Twos of Diamonds, trying to understand their essence and trying them on. The supermotto of the day — the mask of the day — is “Every carcass interacts.” I strongly recommend using only positive tuning forks for mirroring. Negative tuning forks will not result in anything good, whether now or later.

2. The second card, the Six of Clubs, stands for the interaction between systems of circumstances. Here, systems and their interaction come into play, replacing individual persons. The motto of the day is “Cogs rotate cogs.”

3. The third card, the Three of Spades, stands for a system of thought. The motto of the day is “Smart thoughts come in a bunch.”

4. The Ten of Hearts stands for the transformation of feelings. The motto of the day is“ Joy changes everything.”

5. The Ace of Diamonds is “the force majeure of matter.” As the card is complicated, try to stay on the positive side. The motto of the day is “Tanks aren’t afraid of mud.”

6. The Three of Clubs stands for a system of circumstances. The motto of the day is “Get this tricky stuff right.”

7. The Ten of Spades stands for the transformation of thought. The motto of the day is“ Thought changes everything.”

8. The Nine of Hearts stands for the perfection of feelings. The motto of the day is“ Joy is perfect.”

9. The Four of Diamonds stands for the naturalness of matter. The motto of the day is“ Nature is natural.”

10. The Ace of Clubs stands for positive force majeure. The motto of the day “Get those cogs spinning.”

11. The Six of Spades stands for the exchange of thoughts. No comment.

12. The Knave of Hearts is the herald of joy. The motto of the day is“ Bring joy into every home.”

13. The horseman of matter. The motto of the day is “That’s a funny thing to ask — why did they give me this task?”

14. The first target card, the Five of Clubs, stands for the portal of circumstances. The motto of the day is “The door of circumstances.” The card’s part is played one to three days in a row until the job agency’s call email, or text message comes. If that doesn’t happen, the reason could be that your life’s director said, “That’s not true enough,” or that you haven’t broken through the wall of circumstances. In that case, you should play cards 1 through 14 all over again, one card a day, until you get through. This might take three to four rounds. If that fails as well, take a break for a couple of weeks and think whether you should try again. But if you do get the call, answer it and move on to the next card. If the call comes when you’re halfway into the sequence (say, replaying the fifth card), answer it and go to the fifteenth card.

15. The Nine of Clubs stands for the perfection of circumstances. The motto of the day is “I’m doing just fine.”

16. The Ace of Spades stands for the force majeure of thought. The motto of the day is“ A thought is power. A great thought is a great power.”

17. The Four of Hearts stands for the naturalness of thought. The motto of the day is“ Thoughts are everywhere.”

18. The Seven of Diamonds stands for the harmony of matter. The motto of the day is “Beauty lasts forever.”

19. The King of Clubs stands for the law of circumstances. The motto of the day is “By the book.”

20. The four of Spades stands for the naturalness of thought. The motto of the day is“ To think is normal.”

21. The Ace of Hearts stands for the force majeure of feelings. The motto of the day is“ Love is a powerful thing.”

22. The Six of Diamonds stands for financial exchange. The motto of the day is “The cash cycle.”

23. The Ten of Clubs stands for the transformation of circumstances. The motto of the day is “Things have changed.”

24. The Eight of Spades stands for the form of thought. The motto of the day is “I think, therefore I am.”

25. The King of Hearts stands for the law of feelings. The motto of the day is “Love makes the world go around.”

26. The Knave of Diamonds is the herald of matter. The motto of the day is“ Cheap delivery service.”

27. The Rider of Clubs is the horseman of circumstances. The motto of the day is “Fair wind.”

28. The Seven of Spades stands for the harmony of thoughts. The motto of the day is “Smart people can always come to an agreement.”

29. The Queen of Spades is the personality of thought. The motto of the day is “A big thought through inspiration.”

30. The Five

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