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Tarot Magic - Petr Krylov

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train, and here it comes — your train. You get on it, and you ride, ride, ride the railroad of Fate.

Perhaps waiting for miraculous changes is the most wonderful feeling in life. You wait for a new fate, and the ineffable feeling of leaving for a new life comes over you.

Before you get on your train, wait for it.Before you get into the Horseman’s saddle, pack up your things.Sum things up for the suit you’re playing and get ready for the ride.And with a fair wind at your back, submit to it without resistance.

Should you leave your keys, cell, brains, honor, or conscience at home, don’t go back for them. Go with the flow.Trust the world. But be sure to play the Horseman part for others during the day, too.

Life seems like a chain of accidental circumstances, but it’s not what it seems.Those who put themselves in the hands of the Divine Providence get to reach the other world. But those who stand pat stay where they are, with their problems unsolved.Rob ‘em is an implication the word problem carries.

Below is a list showing correspondences between the cards and their meanings.

Diamonds — the Earth element — all things tangible (known as coins in Tarot); in the broader sense, wellbeing. The Earth element absorbs and forms structures.

Hearts — the Water element — everything to do with feelings and emotions (known as cups in Tarot); in the broader sense, love. The Water element records and stores information.

Spades — the Fire element — everything to do with thoughts and will (known as swords in Tarot); in the broader sense, ideas. The Fire element restructures and changes things.

Clubs — the Air (Tree) element — everything to do with probabilities and structures (known as wands in Tarot). The Air element deals with structures in the time domain. A specific case of the Air element is the Routine.

Horseman of Clubs — the horseman of circumstances

A wave of green light running through circumstances

Accidental encounters, lucky circumstances

Don’t forget to take others. If someone asks you for a lift to the other end of the city when you’re driving to the airport, take them there, and to hell with the airport! Or just call a taxi for them if you’re such a chicken.

But don’t go beyond the Clubs. Show no emotions and be positive.

Be a horse for the circumstances and you’ll become their horseman.

Be like the Yes Man from the Jim Carrey movie, saying yes to everything.

Horseman of Spades — the horseman of thought

Put your stereotypes and patterns aside for the day.

The world will tell you a thought it has.

The matrix will bend down, and you will read, in masks that may or may not appear strange, the world’s thought that will strike you like a lightning.

Don’t shake your head to dispel a delusion. Remember: when someone talks to God, they pray; when God talks to someone, they’re a schizophrenic. That’s why a thought intended for you can be “accidentally” dropped by a “stranger.“But the thought is for you.Realize and embrace it.And try to make it your own at least for one day.Remember that the software — not hardware — inside a computer is what makes the computer function.Similarly, it’s your thought, not your body, that decides whether the word human is uppercase or lowercase.

The rest is a highfalutin hodgepodge that claims, more often than not groundlessly, to be Human.

Horseman of Hearts — the horseman of joy

To become the horseman of joy (and more positive things besides), become the horse of joy for the day. Carry someone else’s joy and you’ll straddle it.

Horseman of Diamonds — the horseman of matter

This card calls for you to be a horse — quite literally. You’ll have to carry stuff on your back.Carry it — and you’ll carry it through.

When you play the Horseman part in real life, be sure to understand the essence of this card the way you did with the other cards. Let your consciousness search for the card you want, and mirror it as best you can.

Don’t limit yourself to positive patterns, and avoid negative ones neutrally.

To understand this technique as a reflex action, as opposed to highbrow theory, your best bet would be to become good at sports such as surfing, gliding, kiting, hang gliding, aikido, Forex trading (manual), or horseback riding.

Even sled dog racing can, to an extent, give you an idea of the technique.

Chapter 19. Instructions for using Sivka Burka

This chapter will look at how to use SivkaBurka.

I’ll illustrate it through the example of a common problem many people face: getting a job.The example assumes that the potential candidate has already posted their CV on an employment website.

The purpose is to get an easy good job.

Before we lay out a patience, let’s try to identify the target cards.

Step 1

Identify suitable cards by number:

5 Portal or gate

6 Exchange

7 Harmony

8 Stability

9 Mastery

10 Transition to a new level

The Queen is an important personality.

The King is too strong and is hard to play, and the card is not worth bothering with.

The Ace stands for force majeure.

Step 2

Which of these can be used?

The Ten signifies a transition to a new level and agrees well with diamonds, symbolizing a new financial status.That’s why the last card is 10 diamonds (denarii).

There are still three cards to identify.

Using the Queen — that is, stepping into the shoes of a big shot — is quite easy, but that’s not enough: once you lift a heavy weight, you need to hold it and, what’s more, big shots aren’t that easy to communicate with.

But, come to think of it, there’s no need to: in some financial companies, office cleaners earn more than engineers. So we’ll leave the Queen out.

What do we have left?

5 Portal or gate

6 Interaction

7 Harmony

8 Stability

9 Mastery

The suits are

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