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Tarot Magic - Petr Krylov

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Air element is the Routine.

The PM is the Metal Element because of its multidimensional matrix structure. The Metal element erases and reflects information. Numbers:

2 Controversy, interaction

3 System

4 Naturalness, nature

5 Portal or gate

6 Interaction between systems (exchange)

7 Harmony

8 Stability, form

9 Completeness, mastery

10 Transition to a new level, transformation

The Knave is a guide and a herald.

The Queen is a personality.

The King is a lawmaker. The Ace is a law.

Tutorial 3

Working with the PM

1. Set a goal.

2. Identify the target cards consistent with your goal.

3. Then start the generation of a patience, and the app will make a suitable arrangement with the target card you selected. The generation may restart several times for the same target card.

4. Once generated, the PM spread will be saved to a printable file.

5. After printing the file, decide how long each step is going to be. As a long-time user, I recommend completing one step a day. This is especially important for beginners because any deliberate action longer than forty days qualifies as a magic operation. What’s more, to gain speed, you should first get the hang of going really slow.

6. The next step is tuning in on the card. This means actually playing a given card for one day.

To do this, you should:

a. Translate the card’s meaning into essence, using the hermetic and cabbalistic keys or the correspondence table presented here, and try to understand the core meaning and the essence of the card.

b. During the day, try to don the card’s part, its essential meaning, like a piece of clothing. You’ll notice that the part will be running off all the time like bad makeup from a sweaty face. Watch out for that, and adjust your behavior, image, and daily routine to make them match the card as close as possible. The better you do the part, the better the outcomes. If you don’t do that, the PM just won’t work out on its own. It’s like a horoscope or a city map that tells you day after day what to do to get from one part of the city to another.

c. Throughout the day, search forentities and processes that correspond to the card you’re playing. That way, you’ll find reflections of yourself in the form of the card. This will result in the accumulation of the power described by Castaneda. The power can be thought of as a force of inertia: the more attention you catch in playing the card and the more things you find that match the card, the heavier the train that will take you down a new track in your destiny.

d. You may discover that in ordinary life, you play the part of the same Tarot suit or even card almost all the time. That’s what prevents you from attaining your goal. A car that invariably drives straight or turns right will get nowhere. When using the PM, keep an eye on yourself and go beyond the pattern of your regular part, playing the parts of PM cards in all kinds of possible and impossible ways.

e. But the most important thing, I think, is to think about the essence of the card as you play it and observe it in real life. Quite often, this gives you dozens of microinsights that come little by little to pull your outlook from its sticking point. Failing that, the truths you’ve learned in your life may stick with you for good with no change in sight.

f. When you go a step a day, you tune in on the goal you’re pursuing the way you would in Zeland’s technique, but with more flexibility. But if a step takes longer than one day, the novice stalker will have time to recognize what kind of real-life event they face.

7. As you play the card’s part, the PM gains power and inertia; and if you do everything right, you’ll feel you’ve reached a fixed path, something like a rail track — the predetermination and inevitability of events. If your behavior at that moment is not typical of you but matches the card you’re playing, you get a feeling of being a puppet. That’s normal in the PM, so don’t be afraid or upset. We are all actors and puppets in the theater of life. It’s just that some feel the strings leading up to the puppeteer while others are unaware of them. The more of a puppet the stalker feels, the more freedom they will have when they most need it. Paradoxical, but true. And those who don’t understand that they’re free to choose their puppeteer would be well-advised to mentally address the one they want.

Yelling things like “Out of the depths I have cried to thee, o S — , Lord, hear my voice” while laughing your head off is something I strongly discourage you from doing. First, someone is sure to hear you. Second, they might even respond. In that case, to tell them you were just kidding wouldn’t work.

To quote a smart man, “If there is no god, what use is it to reproach him; and if there is a god, why spoil the relationship?”

That’s why I recommend simply saluting some abstract power as you proceed with laying out the cards. Something on the lines of, “One-two, one-two, here I come to find you. Dark and light, dark and light, joining you is my delight.“Or any old way you want.

You see, choosing the puppeteer is the puppet’s only right that is sacred and inviolable.

8. Once you get close to the Knaves, remember that they’re indicating cards. So your next step is to tune in, the way you did before, on the meaning of the Knave card — play its part and search the world around you for events that match the card. If you do everything correctly, you’ll meet a Knave who will tell you personally the news that you’re getting closer to your goal.

9. Then move on to the Tarot Horseman. In playing the Horsman’s part, you get to feel a fair wind behind you,

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