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Tarot Magic - Petr Krylov

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the same deep flutter as my hands assembled the several remnants into a dinosaur whose ancient age, size, and ability were paramount to any experience I could hope to gain in my life.

I felt like a pygmy who had crafted a cross between Galatea and Tyrannosaurus.

It turned out — at least I believed so — that the PM went back to Tarot and Hermeticism and had been forgotten ancient knowledge as early as the pyramid era. By my most modest estimate, the PM is more than 25,000 years old.

It most likely belongs to the protocivilization of Atlantis, appearing to be a multipurpose tool of that era — something like Newton’s third law of that time, used in a practical game involving space and time structures.

The picture that appeared to me took my breath away, making me feel deeply sad and terribly ashamed.

How much we had and how much we lost!

Today, in the times of the sly Bandar-logs, we run around the ruins of the Heritage and Splendor we have found no use for, leaving them unnoticed under our busy tails.

During the span I was in a state of shock-induced euphoria from the picture that had revealed itself to me, bombarding the web with my articles, posts, and new versions of PM apps, I met Boris44 on the Islands in the Stream.

He happened (?!) to hit on and show a keen interest in the PM.

Before we met, I had held a few hours-long online conferences for an audience of under one hundred. But then my Skype contact list had grown on its own to include a few hundred people.

Thanks to Boris, my eagerness to share the Knowledge I’d discovered was overflowing, and I kept talking away on Skype for hours on end, sowing the pure, the good, the eternal, wanting to share the Heritage I’d found lying open under my feet.

To do some attendees justice, it was then that I first heard people thank me repeatedly for what I was doing.

But most of the Bandar-logs responded as usual — that is, they soon forgot the PM, switching instead to the chatter in the next thread.

Work on the PM required diligence, willingness to look into things and figure them out, and time. Despite the purely practical prospects it offered, people in the busy modern world saw what I told them about as the obvious and therefore useless, like Chinese hieroglyphics beyond their comprehension or information overload coming from a nutty esoterist.

Although Boris was interested and evaluated the topic highly, the others’ interest dwindled quietly and fairly quickly, and once again I was left alone with the PM.

Just about that time, I metAmir Gafurov, a programmer whose talent saw me through testing a few PM algorithms and apps.

I sold, and distributed for free, several thousand copies of different app versions. At that time, I came up on top in search results for the PM. My articles on PM stalking found their way piecemeal into numerous websites for dream hackers and co., and today the articles serve as a certain basis for that topic. To some extent, this outcome is my achievement, though from the standpoint of the big picture it’s rather paltry.

In the years that followed, I never was a PM zealot; I just lived my life, using the PM for the occasional purely practical purpose. Getting a job, catching a woman’s interest, attracting an investor for my wild projects; these were the things I did time and time again, with varying success.

Suffice it to say that I got more than one easy yet well-paying job, more than one woman insisted we settle into a happy marriage to be fruitful and multiply, and more than one thousand dollars (not to jinx it at all) was successfully wasted — and I was none the worse for the experience.

Amir has long since taken over the sale of PM apps — I’m just too lazy to bother.

My PM articles, written in channeling mode, have faded into the web, with a minuscule percentage of the content washed ashore on dozens of websites, without attribution.

And everything goes on and on, year after year.

I haven’t met with acclaim or interest of any significance; and as a modest person, I keep quiet when no one asks for my opinion.

Perhaps the only outcome that matters to me is that I’ve become an avid hermetist, though I’m still a consistent Christian.

When my financial position permits and I have the time, I consistently take e-courses at an esoteric Hermetic school, becoming less and less of a Bandar-log and more and more of a hermetist.

One day, amazed by the glory of the PM, I asked my tutor, B. M. Monosov, for permission to disseminate PM knowledge, and he gave me a free hand.

With time, PM app users found themselves bogged down in questions due to the many app versions and conflicting help files.

Amir couldn’t answer those questions since he wasn’t too much in the know. He asked me repeatedly to write new manuals for the apps. But I knew a brief manual wouldn’t be any help; and as I wasn’t interested at all in manual writing, I turned a deaf ear to his requests.

Not long ago, however, seer-acquaintances took to giving me ultimatums hinting at having to impart the knowledge to others. As a true Siberian, I knew, though, that they couldn’t exile me any farther than Siberia (as I was there already), so my responses to them were fairly cold.

But then the Power itself gave me clear hints that I was to write this book, and that was something I couldn’t leave unheeded.

What decided me was that Boris44 once again highly evaluated the topic publicly in the Skype clique and marshaled his arguments why the book was in order, showing a genuine interest in what was yet to be written.

Thanks to his promise to vet this book as a literature professional so that it didn’t read like a sorry sham by a hack suffering from verbal diarrhea, to his pretty good command of the subject, and to his oath to have the book translated for online publication

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