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Tarot Magic - Petr Krylov

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the PM, those who can’t help throwing the poo of their righteous opinions at the world will get what they deserve, and that’ll keep them quiet for a while. Playing through the PM means you either evaluate things positively or don’t evaluate them at all. Even in the dark, you can find a ray of light to focus on. The sun also has its spots, right? Judge not, lest ye be judged. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

9. “I make a living out of hoodwinking the whole world.” Some stalkers think they’re the neobreakers of the matrix code, living their lives with a smart-ass look on their sneering faces. “I should know how to make the world bow to me, but what do you care?” That attitude is quite risky as it distorts the matrix. The matrix responds with draconian measures, which would be hard to describe here. To avoid that, be humble and understand what position you occupy in the food chain of the evolution of Spirit.

10. Some nasty people may attempt to use the PM to do harm, whether serious or not. But rest assured that they will have their work cut out for them. One reason is that everyone is enclosed in their mental soap bubble: any attempt to control someone else’s bubble will at least cause a severe backlash. After all, Newton’s third law is still in force.


Many think that they think, but few think that they think him.

And in their delusion, they’re mistaken that they think.

For only those think who think others.


The PM is an extensive subject, and much remains to be said of it. I hope this book explained things in a way that is easy to understand, without too many big words.

Before we part, I want to remind you how the mother cat teaches her kittens how to catch mice.At first, the mother cat brings the kittens mice that are half alive.Then, she starts bringing live mice and releases them for the kittens to practice on. As the lessons progress, the kittens develop their skills and come to be true hunters.

You might have noticed a few mistakes and contradictions in this book.Those could be half alive as well.After you practice on them, you, the Hunter of Intention, will be able to assemble your own true PM.

I am Aarn, brother

P.S.My PM apps are available online athttp://arturgafurov.com/.

The Android version of SivkaBurka is available in the “Apps” section of Google Play (type AssurrussA or Карты Таро Пасьянс Медичи).

I work together closely with the author of arturgafurov.com on developing PM programs.The website has legacy versions of our PM app.

Since I keep working on PM algorithms and manuals, they may differ from those described here.

As noted earlier, the PM algorithm described in this book is called SivkaBurka.

I may revise this book in due course.

A note from the author: how this book was written

Dear reader:

Before I talk about the topic addressed here, I want to shed some light on how this book came to be.

I first heard of the Patience of Medici when the Runet — the Russian online community — was taking its baby steps.

It was back in those days when, to access internet, you had to buy a Comtell card (if I remember the name correctly) from a newsstall.

Back then, people used 33 kbit dial-up modems, and whenever mine got me connected, I would mostly go right to some esoteric forum to dig out something bordering on utter absurdity and read, read voraciously the drivel spouted by people who were as insane as I was. That felt like going into outer space or getting down in the water wearing a diving suit.

Hero hadn’t been invented yet, esoteric books were rare and pricey, and coming by information on esoteric and spiritual practices was as hard as finding a virgin in a brothel.

That situation seemed like one of those karate and kung fu myths: everybody knew you were supposed to yell “Kiaiiii!” with a ferocious expression, flailing your limbs, but most people only had a vague idea of the art, let alone had any experience with it.

By then I was an experienced self-taught dream-seer, and I had spent thousands of flight hours in conscious dreams, visited dozens of worlds, peeked into hundreds of lives and histories, died dozens of times, been to paradise and hell, and seen angels and demons more than once or even twice.

That’s why I knew well that behind all that forum drivel lurked something miraculous and wonderful. Like the Vysotsky song goes, “The miraculous is right here, but it’s a no-no.”

Like a visiting alien, I lived my ordinary life, getting by as those Tsoi songs teach you to: “But if your pocket holds a pack of cigarettes, that means nothing is that bad at least as far as today. If you have an air-ticket to a silver-winged jet which leaves nothing but a trace as it flies away.” Whenever I could afford it, I was a totally night person, following an absolutely unhealthy lifestyle.

Thanks to the idiosyncrasies of my body, I didn’t become an alcoholic or drug addict (hope not to jinx it!), and I’m still totally indifferent to alcohol and drugs, so I can give you a little confidence that many pages of this book won’t have green homunculi on them.

That said, back then I was convinced I was insane and concealed my abilities from others, even from my close friends and family.

Any new information about yoga, esotericism, and other spiritual practices attracted me like catnip does cats, and I absorbed them like a sponge.

I was torn between hypnosis, chiromancy, Papus, alchemical treatises, and spellcraft, taking up all kinds of new things.

Sometimes I even did well, and that made me confident I wasn’t as crazy as I’d thought.

Occasionally, my experiments broke through to the outer world in the formof various “tricks,” earning me a reputation of being a quiet madman, making people say that even though I did “weird stuff,” I “had something.”

So generally they just let

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